Out of your last 100 deaths, how many were from a Spitfire?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Movoza

    You seem to see only one thing:
    Killing potential (low)

    The turret is supposed to be a supporting mechanism in defences. See it like a concussion grenade. They don't have killing potential either. Have you ever been killed by one? Not directly. However, they can contribute a lot to the death of the enemy. To my feeling, the Spitfire does that well. Here's what I see:
    - Killing potential (low)
    - Damage potential (high)
    - Enemy detection potential (high)
    - Distraction potential (high)
    - Bullet sponge (higher than normal infantry)
    - Add extra unit to a front

    The above contributes to a reduction or even straight invalidation of some tactics if placed well, like flanking with LA, or using chaos to move straight through the enemy lines, killing left and right. The Spitfire cannot be confused by looping, smoke or walking in the thick of the enemy. It bleeps, it aims, it fires.

    Now if you want to deal with the Spitfire, it does several things. It will often slow your movement, allow detection from firing (The majority of players doesn't have silencers), can detect you via the warning sound, can damage you, depletes some of your magazine and generally ties you up for a moment. A successful flank will immediately be at risk by the placement of one Spitfire.
    Even if people can get close and avoid fire of the Spitfire, they are still tied up for all that time dealing with this one thing you placed.

    Now lets say you increase killing potential. Lets say we make it kill stationary people in 1 second and moving people in 2. What would happen? Sh*tloads of Spitfires would happen. Their TTK might be quite high in comparison to normal guns, but the Spitfire can take a bigger punch than normal infantry. Put 2 or more together and you'll create some killing fields.
    All that for 0 nanites and no danger to the engineer? To me that seems like maximum cheese. A concussion grenade costs 50 nanites for a short effect that might get you a kill and does very, very bad in comparison.

    So now you have a killing turret. But that is not all. You have the turret in addition to your normal killing potential. An engineer is a flightless LA with more gimmicks. He has unlimited bullets and the carbines can be quite powerful. Now you have effectively increased the power of the engineer by a sh*tton in any defence scenarios, as he can effectively be at 2 paces at once. The Spitfire might not be as effective as the engineer in killing potential, but it is certainly a too powerful tool in comparison with the normal turrets and all other support tools.

    The Spitfire already has a great many uses without a damage upgrade. In a game where a 0.1 lower TTK is considered OP if the weapons have comparable stats otherwise, The Spitfire does very well. The damage, time, detection and magazine reduction if fired upon are all highly valuable assets of the Spitfire.
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  2. Scr1nRusher

  3. Scr1nRusher

  4. Demigan

    Demigan: Annihilates OP
    Scrin: lets just try to pass it off as if they are crazy
  5. Movoza

    Your prowess in discussions are appreciated.

    Seems you where [TRIGGERED] by my response ;)
  6. Scr1nRusher

    You both couldn't answer a simple question.

    Instead you went ranting & raving.

    So [TRIGGERED] is appropriate.
  7. Demigan

    Your OP wasnt about the question. You tried to make a statement about how "bad" the spitfire is with your question. What MULTIPLE people did, not just me and Movoza, is point out that your motive for the question is wrong.

    Heres a nice question: how many people have been in a car accident?
    The motive would be to prove that cars are safe because not many, if any, players here have been in a car accident. But the question does not prove that cars are safe nor that spitfires are bad.
  8. Movoza

    Dude it's a recurring theme with you. You have been screaming for buffs of the Spitfire from day 1. You don't need a psychic to know where this is going. I merely skipped all that and went straight to the discussion. If I was wrong by thinking you would make a point about the low kills of Spitfires, you can just say so. I would apologise. But answering your question is a highly person oriented question, so better just grab raw stats to make your point instead of taking weak samples.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    All I want is the answer to the question.

    Out of your last 100 deaths, how many were from a Spitfire?
  10. Exitus Acta Probat

  11. Demigan

    About 3, not sure where I can see all 100 deaths with what killed me.

    But lets look at my deaths to AI turrets: probably zero. AV turrets, also maybe 3 to 5. ESAV rocketlaunchers, zero. G2A launcher, zero. Skyguard, around 1 or 2, etc.

    The last 100 deaths as a stat are meaningless to say something about the general status of a weapon. Oracle of death keeps track of dailybdeaths from thousandsvand even those numbers fluctuate massively
  12. Scr1nRusher

    Thats all I was asking! lol
  13. kr47er

    dont you guys get bored discussing such wothless things?
  14. Demigan

    Dont you get bored making snide comments?
    • Up x 1
  15. Humoreske

    None. but Spit's beep sound is useful.
    You wanna kill? Deploy on the roof end.