Our new toy...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Lazaruz, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Lazaruz

    Courtesy of Vanu Labs (rumored to be T-Ray, but who knows...)

    Probably a very early draft of the new Infiltrator Recon Drone.
    No visible armament as far as I can see, was hoping for some small weapon system to be included. Only time will tell.
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  2. bebbly

    As cool as it is.. I still wonder what good is it really gonna do, unless it can permanently spot or earn huge exp for spotting.
  3. Mythicrose12

    Cheaper C-4 delivery system than a flash.
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  4. DocteurVK

    Oo, Looks very nice!

    Hope it will be cert-able like a vehicle (defensive/perfs/utility ...)
  5. Koldorn

    Oh you cheeky son of a #@#*(%...

    I love it.
  6. Deathcapt

    It'll be really good for finding sunderers. Or for making sure a point is clear before advancing, especially if you're trying to be sneaky.
  7. freeze

    let's hope I can roadkill with it
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  8. OldMaster80

    The name recon drone says it all: it will probably have no weapons (I hope so).
    I wonder which slot it's going to use. Probably the Tool slot.
  9. RomulusX

    Hopefully they have the permanent cloak in before this...no one wants to sit around waiting!
  10. Hotspoon

    Here's my hopes... that guy got on top of the mountain because he rode his drone up there. But seriously, how much "recon" do we need? We have darts (incredibly flexible tool), which are refillable from ammo packs, and if you can't figure out which direction the sunderer is by using darts I don't know what to tell you. Not to mention there is not that many varieties of spots people park anyway (whole separate issue). Also, we are supposed to be getting a "recon beacon", which serves a similar purpose, more applicable as a camping long-range sniper tool? (but seriously, camping sniper is a death wish, rule #1 is keep moving even if its just 10m). The differences are negligible between all of these recon abilities, but, overall, I think we the people have posted better ideas then what SOE has planned.
  11. Hotspoon

    Edit to above: I'll take everything negative I've said back if we can ride the drone like "The Green Goblin" from Spiderman lol. But we have to have pumpkin grenades, like the original lol
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  12. Mythicrose12

    Too late to edit my previous post. Just saw C-4 received a nerf against tanks. Wonder if the the new scout drone can hold AV mines...
  13. OldMaster80

    Recon Darts are imho the best Infiltrators tool at the moment. They are AMAZING and I can't play without them.
    But this drone is probably going to provide a different type of information. It will allow players to sneak a peak inside enemy bases before to step in: see how many of them are in the spawn room, looking for their sunderers without having to run around the hills spamming recon darts, search for enemy snipers without any risk. It will allow us the be the eyes of the team and do an Amazing job of intelligence.
    I believe the best of use of this will be with Stalker Camo Suite (no need to stay visible) and with a well-organized outfit. If you can share your findings with your mates that the drone is a waste of time.

    Good questions would be at this point:
    - What's the actual drone's dimension? Is it like a small aircraft or is it smaller, like remote controlled toy? The impression I get from the video is that it's a rather small device.
    - Is it silent or noisy like lawn mower?
  14. Cirevam

    Those crazy Vanu scientists and their flying machines...

    That is a surprisingly nice model. I like it. I wonder if we'll get unique ones for each faction.
  15. RealityWarrior

    I am thinking... 1 Inf with the recon drone with the incoming Fixed Placement Radar stuck to it from a different Infiltrator....
  16. Lazaruz

    There is a small possibility that it isn't a recon drone at all! But a new type of Vanu aircraft designed to be piloted by this thing:

    Oh the horror...
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