10 minutes ago there were 5 green sunderers, but the TR have pushed us back. Still, as you can see - there are a ton of backup sunderers ready to deploy if needed. So, no lack of spawn options for infantry. Someone have made walls. We held them pretty good with av-turrets and Phoenixes (they are a lot of fun). Harassers, ants and flashers are not driving through infantry near the sunderers, because there're tanks all around them. Tanks are not farming infantry, because there're other tanks to focus on. Skyguards! I saw Skyguards and they were actually helping to clear the sky! Esfs were more interested in fighting other air units rather then mow down infantry - because of the skyguards and annihilators being actually threatening in such numbers. In the last half an hour, spent on the battlefield from the screenshot, I died to snipers, heavies and orbital strikes, but not once to any lib, gal, esf, harasser or tank (not counting mandatory team-roadkills, of course). I see tanks relying on infantry to hold back enemy heavies. Infantry relying on tanks to cover their sunderers from being destroyed. Air-units fighting for air-superiority and not for the most amount of ez kills on a spawncamped base. Everybody use constructed bases! They are actually important for holding a point on a ground! Everybody are playing together, complementing each other. And we are constantly on the move! Not sitting in one base for an hour in the same rooms guarding door-chokepoints. We push them, they push us, everybody move, the fighting flows across the map. It is just so much fun! I know it's not for everyone. But for me - it's the best turn PS2 could take. It has a feeling of the old PS2, when there were no redeploy button, so infantry and armour had to travel together. I loved it. And I did miss the moments when you get into a sunderer with a company of randoms, and then had a couple of calm minutes, looking at the horizon, travelling to another fight. Oshur is not exactly that, but close. So thank you, devs! I personally really enjoy the new continent! p.s.: the water and the under-water gameplay does look like it has some room for expanding.
I think it's a big gamble. To me - taking away tactical options has turned this into a zerg-fest. It's now simply a numbers game - you have the strength of infantry and vehicles ? You're going to win and there is literally nothing the opposition can do about it (except match or exceed those numbers). Oshur is very pretty - water is an interesting proposition - yet very few of my 'usual' outfit is liking or even playing, it's just a mind-numbing grind. Picture this - you are at the end of a bridge, pummeling the enemy on the other side of the bridge at a (hopefully) greater rate of death and destruction than they are pummeling you. Sound familiar ? That's Oshur. Fun ? You decide. It's very early days though and maybe things will get better but right now, just wanted to give my initial thoughts.
i want to say thank you too! for the past few years i've been of the mindset that no matter what wrel does to PS2 i'm stuck here until another company has the balls to make an MMOFPS like SoE did back in 2012. since Oshur i'm literally finding it impossible to have fun in the game, so my sub has been cancelled and i'm finally considering quitting, even without an alternate MMOFPS to go to. i never thought i'd be able to leave PS2 after 8 long years, but it might finally be happening, so thanks wrel! thanks for tonight's primetime with less than 700 players online, were half of the players would rather be zerged and warpgated by VS on freaking HOSSIN of all maps, than play on the abomination that is Oshur.
I have to agree with CompletelyDeadCoyote on this one, great job on Oshur, I love it. The fights are moving, FPS is better for me on this continent than on any other. I was afraid after Hossin and the changes made to Indar and Esamir but you guys pulled it off. Please don't change anything expect locking the continent after the first couple of weeks. Sometimes it sucks getting nuked as infantry but it does help move the battle. Towie and Liewec123 are haters, thats fine I guess but Oshur feels fresh. I've always loved to push, taking a heavy and moving to the front of the line, rushing with a lightning, helping armor push with a rep sundy. I feel Oshur rewards all of it. CompletelyDeadCoyote is absolutely right when he says each type of unit has some part to play and so far none feels overpowered here, although that might just be because people haven't figured out the map completly yet. It has always been a numbers game. Oshur does not seem to have the spawm limitation other maps have, I believe this is a good thing, I hate not beeing able to join a good fight. I've never understood the negativity towards 'zerging' anyways. In my experience a well timed, well deployed rep sundy can slow down a rushing zerg force and give the home team a chance to retake the initiative, I've seen it happen tonight on Cobalt where a 80% VS pop almost cut off NC at their Oshur flotilla. It's a good thing that existing tactics don't work on a new map. Why else would you want a new map? Just to do more of the same? Anyway, great job devs! Thank you!
So I was thinking how to deter some air LOLing nearby trident pods and so I pulled AA harasser - since it has wheels it floats on the water this was so much fun. ANT or dual ranger sundy would be even deadlier. Or even a flash pulled by lock-on heavy and switching to backseat. The only thing I was scared about was a robot pulling his fighter - this thing can shoot from under the water! (Insert Jaws theme!)
It does have some good moments but I'm not a fan. Maybe more because the spawn changes have made it far more frustrating than it needed to be rather than Oshur itself. I just wish they would lock it again and also either do a publicity drive or merge servers. Its really bad on Cobalt at the moment.
I really enjoy Oshur too, actually I usually log off when it’s locked as I have a hard time going back to the older continents
After such a wonderful map the other maps feel dull. This is a horrible feeling, I only want Oshur now. All the other maps now feel outdated and old. I wish they would skin Koltyr and add the broad levels of elevation, base designs, rock formations and foliage and make it thick to make it more of a similar playstyle. The map also has potential if they skin it right.
^^^^^ 100% I feel this too. Every server, every continent, no matter the time of the day it's awful. For a couple days actually I was just camping the underwater campaign tunnel with my mana turret because the rest of the continent was just so bad to fight at, plus the like 20 minute respawn time smh... I've stopped playing, this is my second day where I'm planetside 2 free, despite normally playing everyday for minimum 8 hours - and having stuck with the game since beta. Might check up in future updates maybe but for now I'll stick to the forums a bit until I'm comfortable deleting everything. It's pretty much impossible for me to play another game, but I guess that's a good thing. Just took up some coding bootcamps it's pretty fun and probably a better investment, I'll link the instructor if you find a course you like: https://www.udemy.com/user/4b4368a3-b5c8-4529-aa65-2056ec31f37e/