Decrease RoF to 652. Increase damage to 155. Make accuracy unlike that of any other gun in the game. By that, I mean everything is super-accurate. Decrease recoil significantly. Increase damage drop off to 80 at 70 meters. Increase reload speed. Decrease magazine size to 45. Take away the 0.75x ADS movement bonus. Replace it with either: -A 0.65x ADS movement bonus. -Even less recoil. Verdict: NC and TR will love me, the rest of my brainwashed brethren will hunt for me. Thoughts?
If your revamp happened then the VS would be without a close range LMG that could compete with the TR or NC options. IMO it would be better to just make a entirely new gun than revamp a gun the doesn't need it.
I think rpm should be 420 Damage should be 230 Mag size should be 40. Those vanu nut jobs are firing plasma at us... Why not let plasma do plasma damage. Also make canister shoot explosive bullets and give TR MBTs and harrassers a banshee. Double standards SOE. Otherwise I'll use up your game traffic bc of my love of the game but put all my money into archage. I bought silver founder pack but won't get past lvl 15 " dennisrodman lvl 15 aranzeb"... destiny 90 dollar purchase... Firefall 50 dollar purchase.... Why do I put so much money in other games I don't play nearly as much as planetside? Don't you think your other former costumers are doing the same? Is this a question of low urgency to you?
Well, consider it like this: The SAW really isn't too good at CQC, but the damage is its selling point. This new Orion will be the "balanced" gun in terms of fire power; higher RoF than the NC but lower than the TR, and higher damage than the TR but lower than the NC. However, it offers far more controllability, accuracy, and faster reloading speed. Also, there is always a LSW or SVA to purchase, so if anyone still doesn't like the Orion, they can always purchase those two.
Being sarcastic? Or being supportive? P.S. 420 rounds per minutes and 230 damage... Sounds NC to me, man:/
No, I want to make it an ALIEN carbine. Plus, no TR carbine has a damage model of 155, and no TR carbine has the magazine size of 45
NOPE. The devs have been nerfing for almost two years and people still are'nt happy. If anything they should be finding a way to thin out zergs or providing a good enough reason to capture facilities. As it stands the best players in the game play for kills and care less about defending/capturing bases. Also, although I hate to say it ('HATE') I would say that the Guass Saw has the worst recoil for default LMG's. Vertical and Horizontal recoil is basically...yuck. But then again they're the shotgun faction. As for the Orion, like I said...nope. But if they did nerf it to RoF 652 then the damage would have to be 165 in all fairness.
I like the orion the way it is. If you want to screw around with a gun for the VS change the Pulsar needs something to make it something.
This would essentially strip the VS of a CQC LMG (where the NC have the anchor and jackhammer, TR have MSWR) If you want a weapon to try something out on, look no further than the Pulsar LSW as it has no real role in the VS LMG lineup. Orion - CQC LMG SVA - All rounder / mid range Flare - Mid to long range Ursa - Long range Polaris - Suppression The Pulsar is pretty much an SVA without the 0.75 ADS (and therefore slightly more accurate) with a straight pull recoil rather than side to side.
So you're suggesting to completely change the role of the gun? I mean, at that point, I'd rather they just add a totally new gun.
While your suggestion is somewhat extreme, I kinda agree Orion needs some tweak. Having firepower, mobility, and tanking ability at the same time is a joke.
There is a reason the weapon categories in this game are 143, 167, 200. Because the Bullets to Kill are reduced with each level by 1. Giving the Orion a 155 damage tier would be pointless, because it would stiill need as many bullets to killl as a 143 tier. It's the same reason the ZOE damage buff is pointless.
I really like this idea, but I agree with the people who said that it would be much better to change the Pulsar LSW in this way.
People of the thread! You have suggested that a change be done to the Pulsar, while none is actually needed! The reason for this is because the Pulsar is very cheap, and offers a larger magazine than the Orion! This is why it is bought. As for the SVA and the LSW itself, people have their preferences; I prefer the LSW, since it feels more accurate than the SVA. Moving on, however, the Orion simply doesn't act, or feel, like a VS gun. That is, controllable, accurate, and alien. It feels like a TR weapon with a frozen fish model, and while many may not like my change, there is no need to feel breached. Considering this new Orion would have such a fast reload, amazing control, overwhelming accuracy, and just above-average damage, it'll be as good in CQC as any other gun. Take the SAW. Its CoF, its RoF, its long reload time... Why do people not complain about it? The damage, that is why. Just as damage is the SAW's trait, accuracy and recoil shall be the Orion's.
End result:- X number of people cancelled their subscriptions, and a couple of forum threads about it.
i dont get it. the gun is no better than any other gun. i prefer the SAW or msw-r to the orion any day. why do people make such a big deal out of it?
0.75 movement. Opinions on its effectiveness differ but its the only real defining aspect of the orion and vs lmgs that people complain about.