Orders and what happened with STAMPS (STPM)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Necrophage, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Necrophage

    We had no idea that there had been any planning, and we certainly were not asked politely to stop, not initially. Some reasonable people did show up and start talking, but the damage had been done by that point. I guess what I'm getting at is that prevention is better than cure.
  2. Necrophage

    I think suggesting the four of us were solely responsible for cutting the NC off and causing so much trouble the VS escaped, and the messages on orders saying we ruined the night for the TR seemed to accuse us of this, is a bit unfair. And if the effort and resources directed at us had been focused on the VS, or in messaging us to actually explain the situation this could have gone differently.

    I think that we were not the only ones attacking the NC, we were just the ones easily identified by a shared tag. The very nature of the game makes alliances between factions tenuous at best. Anyone joining in between orders or after orders have devolved into shouting and insults is not instinctively going to know what is agreed between other players on the same team, never mind the enemy. Then you have to factor in solo players or people who don't pay attention to the chat screen that often, there are a huge number of uncontrollable elements.
  3. GhostAvatar

    Then I would suggest you look into TRAM if you want better team play between the TR outfits.
  4. Dotz0r

    It's a game.

    Yes u were not the only ones, but your cap CUT the NC in half - cutting them off from their much needed resources which were needed to keep pressure on VS. People came to investigate to see if it was "Alt spies" and i think the general confusion of "teamkill" got mis-understood from the comments of "could be alt spies, can not tell unless they tk us... or us them".

    You know, it just came across as quite fishy... things going really well for red hexes starting to appear. It seemed like the majority of the TR were singing off the same song sheet in the EAST. (Also an outfit tag - which nobody had seen before. I know of a lot of NC/VS with alt chars on miller - god knows what people are doing.

    It is also wrong to account BRTD to "bully boy tactics" - as if the entire orders chat was filled with BRTD orders. The only orders from BRTD came from myself. That said - BRTD came under TRAM. The spamming of orders was from many outfit leaders who had invested so much time and effort to see it fall a part around them. It was not personal, its a game.. but i think stress and tempers hightend. Orders Such as :


    TR is made up of dozens of outfits, people who associate BRTD as the entire TR faction need to open their eyes. Always get the blame if anything goes wrong. Always gets cast as the "bully" of TR, always gets a mention - even if they are not even there.

    It's not like everyone else is angels. :)

    Also : Quartz was "attempted" by TR SEVERAL times - even before you guys. Tempers raised when having gone there, asked people to politely leave.. to then leave ourselves to find someone hacking it again. Idk it just seemed like people were trolling TR. Probably why the image of anger towards whoever was capping was made.
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  5. GSZenith

    oh this seems fun
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  6. GhostAvatar

    Wasn't it BRTD members on the grassy knoll? I think that say it all really.
  7. Necrophage

    Okay, so I've tried to avoid asking this by Googleing TRAM and Terran Republic Alliance Miller, but all I can find is videos, a few forum posts stating it exists and a website that doesn't appear to have been posted on since February, what specifically am I looking for? 'Cause a website or forum where we can see what is being planned is something everyone on STAMPS would be interested to see.

    While we are going to want to do our own thing at times, we don't want unnecessary tking and enjoy moving as part of a larger group too. The outfit leader even enjoys the meatgrinder stuff so we do that occasionally, though I prefer to avoid it.
  8. BattlefieldBro

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  9. Necrophage

    I hope you'll be disappointed. I don't want this to become a flame war or a troll fest. I'm hoping for a discussion and that we can avoid further inner faction hostility.
  10. Necrophage

    Thank you for the wikia link, and maybe I'm being blind, but I still don't see how to keep track of what the alliance is doing. Is that something you have to join to do, and if so, how do you go about this?
  11. Phazaar

    Happy to see that TRAM is having trouble with insolent outfits that can't understand the most basic of commands, nor use initiative for anything other than cert-hunting.

    Also finding it hilarious each time these guys try to say that an alliance had been formed. Though I've been away this last week, I'm fairly certain no such thing would have been agreed to by NCTO (I certainly hope not, lest the TK fest will begin). It's much simpler than that, and it goes back to our first point about initiative. You look at the map, a faction that isn't your own have the cap. There are now two objectives.

    1: Neutralise the continent
    2: Take the continent

    There are two ways to do this.

    A: Warpgate the side that do not have a stake in the battle (the side that do not have the cap). This will ensure few people will come here as the resource gain is low, and because you have a high pop here, you'll have a lower pop elsewhere where they can steamroll. Then attack the main opponent; once you neutralise them, you should have the continent.

    This is an all-or-nothing. If you don't succeed at any stage, you get nothing.

    B: Steam roll the side holding the cap back to their warpgate and take their territories to neutralise first. Then, with them no longer having a stake in the battle, and having used their resources in the failed defence, push the other side back to their warpgate to take the cap.

    This is an either or. If your first half succeeds, you've accomplished objective 1. If the second succeeds, objective 2.

    The difference between A and B? A works on Amerish. B is necessary to work on Indar, since no matter what you do, you will not drop the indar population of one faction (unless they have no stake, ops nights, caps on other continents, AND the SE warpgate). Thus, you simply have to meatgrind and neutralise first, then fight from scratch for the cap.

    So, if you're looking at your map and you see an opponent has the cap, and there are orders in chat NOT to attack the other opponent, and for everyone to pile onto the one with the cap... Use your brain. The opponent without the cap will (hopefully) be doing the same thing you are because they don't want anyone to hold the cap either. They may use this as an opportunity to betray you, of course, but you may also use the same opportunity. Defending against this possibility, however, does not warrant warpgating the opponent such that they have to divert forces from the front line with the enemy that you're also trying to beat.

    It's like. Beyond common sense. I can't even believe I managed to write that many words on it. I just really hate to see this kind of stupidity affecting good, tactical play.

    And as for 'let them play how they want.' Welcome to the death of MMO RvR strategy. Eugh.
  12. Necrophage

    I agree, it is a game and I don't mean to come across as though it's not. It's a game I really enjoy though, and I'm not usually one for multiplayer environments so it's nice to find one I enjoy, and I wanted to talk about what happened and try to make sure it doesn't happen again. I don't want to make a big deal about it, but just ignoring it didn't feel right to me.
  13. Necrophage

    Your points are well made, though I think the opening comments are an unpleasant and unnecessary way of talking down to people. However, who holds the cap on a continent is not something that bothers me, and I'm not alone in that, I log in to have fun and level up. I don't enjoy the meatgrinder so I generally avoid it, the outfit went to Indar because we hadn't been in a while and felt there was not a lot to do on the other continents at the time.

    While we do not want to spoil other peoples fun, we will have our own and honestly, we thought anything we did to the NC would be minimal or beneficial to taking the continent and did not know otherwise till the situation had escalated.
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  14. BattlefieldBro

    I think there is nothing like a news portal yet. I think the easiest way is to pay attention to the orders channel or simply ask one of their outfits. Or simply join them.
  15. Necrophage

    Scratch that, I spoke to someone in game and I gather it is just a case of looking for any Squads with TRAM in the name and asking what if anything is happening. I'll pass this info to my outfit and we'll keep an eye out for future operations.
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  16. GhostAvatar

    I honestly don't know. I would suggest contacting one the the leaders of a outfit already involved.
  17. zomg

    TRAM getting good rep I see.
  18. Dotz0r

    Not too sure what you mean by that?:confused: - that we were in the green part of indar? - if that is what you mean, then there could have been a possiblity of loners / squads heading there AFTER it fell apart. (We were all getting quite bored sat at alkali storage for about 2 hours with no actions.)

    EDIT: did have 2-3 people at ceres biotech to see who was trying to be heroes. But thats about it.

    Please explain :p
  19. Shinrah

    Well, at least this will be the last time TR can throw the NC+VS alliance argument around. Pretty obvious that yesterdays attacks were coordinated and not just a fortuitous accident.
  20. Dotz0r

    So can anyone who holds the indar lock... if the alliance comments were goals in a football match it would b TR 1 VS 2. (Basically vs have used that phrase more then TR) :)

    I would hardly say co-ordinated, more like a "let them do there half" and TR sometimes going for connery believing they could do a better job.

    If it was really orchestrated - then TR and NC would not be fighting each other just to fight the VS.