Orbital strikes........

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eternaloptimist, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. Eternaloptimist

    Being back after more than a year I have really enjoyed the bigger fights and faster gameplay.

    Getting killed occasionally by bad weather is a minor nuisance, although I don´t quite understand what function the weather anomaly serves-

    My real objection is the spamming of orbital strikes breaking up often big and enjoyable fights. This is not a moan about getting killed by them as my own side launching strikes also makes me and others have to break off and find cover.

    In my last battle but one there were six strikes, which I thought was excessive. But then in my last battle there were 14!

    Is it just me or do other people think an interesting addition to the game is being exploited from time to time?
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  2. RabidIBM

    I think a lot of this could be fixed by adding a cool down to the use of each outfit asset. If any one outfit could not fire the OS more often than every 10 minutes I think that would be reasonable. It would also force outfit leaders to reconsider the permissions of people use them to farm, meme or rage.
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  3. Caesar_REDMIST

    Orbital strikes should be removed from bases. Also they should cost more outfit resources. There is too much spam of these orbitals and majority of them is to farm kills.
  4. JustGotSuspended

    I don't find it interesting to add a point, click "BOOM" waypoint for outfit leaders to waste the hard earned resources the lower ranks grinded for.

    I also don't find it surprising that if you add cheesy methods to farm kills, people use they cheesy methods to farm kills.

    But that's just my opinion.
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  5. Havefun0815

    Just give me a random countdown that kills me, instead of weather, os, bastion deaths. What comes next? Meteors?

    weather -> change to a snowstorm which affects vehicle and forces people to play as infantry
    os -> remove outfit orbital strikes. base orbital strikes are already enough
    bastion ->nerf aa. bastions have their esf fighters for air defense, give those none esf veteran fighters at least a chance to damage the bastion
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  6. Anantidaephobia

    OS should have some limits for sure.
    But though I don't want to derail this thread, I must say that getting killed by weather would be a minor nuisance if it happened from time to time. Each time I roamed on foot in the opening during a storm I got insta-killed by lightning after a couple minutes.
    Sorry about that short rant.
  7. RabidIBM

    @Ceasar_REDMIST Hell no, they were ours first! We builders have to work for them, and give careful consideration to when to use them, and actually make it to the target alive to deploy it. Get off our backs. It's the outfit "right click to win" OS that is the problem.
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  8. SteelMantis

    An easy fix would be to limit the amount an outfit can carry to one, then there would be at least 15 minutes between each outfit's OS.
  9. baconsniper

    There is nothing fun about the storms or orbital strikes.
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  10. JustGotSuspended

    there's nothing fun about everything that's been added so far. Bugs, lazy revamps, explosions, cancer, horrible servers.....

    I just wanna play sum planetside
  11. baconsniper

    You really have to question those making these decisions, is it the same people that thought the Arena was a good idea?? And after everyone agrees it's bad they refuse to do Anything about it.
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  12. Shiaari

    Back after a long hiatus.

    I don't find anything off putting about the orbital strikes or the storms. I don't get killed by them often at all and don't find it difficult to get clear of them. I am a little flummoxed as to the consternation they cause. I think it adds a lot of flavor, personally.
  13. JibbaJabba

    What I would like.

    1. Make it hit harder. Give it an inner an outer radius. Anything in the inner radius dies. Sundies, indoor infantry, anything. The outer radius acts like it does today. Make The whole thing 33% bigger in diameter.

    2. Make it only fire when the orbital cannon is passing overhead.


  14. Scatterblak

    I'm hating them, but it's more due to the playerbase than anything else. Since the advent of the lattice, the entire goal of PS2 has been to slowly retire the continent-wide strategic element, and focus on the hamburger hill style of 'run/kill/die/spawn/rinse/repeat'. Force-funneling people into contrived battles might make for bigger fights, but the side-effect is that battles are basically tactical - there's not much strategic thought anymore (because there doesn't have to be), and orbital strikes are inherently a strategic weapon. Short answer: players don't care if they wipe out 10 of their teammates, if they also kill a few enemies. When you combine this approach with the ability to spam OS's at will, it's just like bringing a grenade to a knife fight. They are spectacular, though, and even though they're annoying as hell, I think we all see the potential, if they were used properly. I'd like to see significant penalties for TK's, for instance, incentivizing players to carefully consider just where they're dropping the OS (and reducing the chance that they'll drop it right into the heart of the fight where both factions are going toe-to-toe, where the fun is). Or, maybe OS's could function as EMP-type attacks, where vehicles and terms are damaged and shields are instantly dropped for a moment, etc.

    I'm with you, re: OS's crushing fun fights. I think with some minor fine-tuning, they could start adding to the fight, as opposed to just screwing it up.

    Don't get me started with the damned space boats.
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