Options when target is out of range

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by waystin2, Apr 3, 2023.

  1. waystin2

    It seems that aircraft and vehicles have learned to attack outside of range of launchers with and without lock-on capability. This includes the Skyguard and the Burster as well. Rather than ask for a buff or nerf on something I thought why not ask for a tool that allows infantry to attack successfully. I have always felt you need to have the danger of damage when you are dishing it out. Otherwise there is no sense in playing a game with other people. You can get that sort of action in a single player game. So what are some creative solutions to out of range targets that are able to hit targets with impunity? Obviously the first is up an aircraft yourself. Sometimes this will work, sometimes not. Depends on how many enemy aircraft here are. So let's find some ideas that work.