As I pre-write this. It's less than 2 weeks until launch and no BETA access. DO YOU THINK ANYONE WILL LISTEN TO US FOR OUR INPUT BEFORE LAUNCH! WE ARE JUST TESTING FOR THEM NOTHING ELSE! The game will be intense for the first week or 2 then drop of. Why? Becuase you can play PS2 for free on its own (They should be joint like the Planetside 1 aftershock access (People could still play against expansion pack people in the same battle!) Because like they have learnt from SOE. Make promises of events and future and don't impliment them much and people flee. h1z1 is terribad now! Because from Planetside 1 we have seen all the♥♥♥♥♥♥come and go for 10+ years Because battleroyal moves and dies so fast and PS2 sucks compared to some Because you can build in PS2 and Fornite but most likely wont have near enough that aspect **STAY TUNED FOR MY VIDE SAYING WHY PS1 IS BETTER THAN PS:Arena** **STAY TUNED FOR MY VIDE SAYING WHY PS1 IS BETTER THAN PS:Arena**
Whew, the self hype is a little too real. If those vids are your signature, tone that down if you want anyone to take you remotely seriously and not think you're just another hype beast. Also, how about adding some meat to your proposed case against it? "Its bad cause its bad." doesn't really do much for that. Point out say, the fact that the netcode between PS2 and Arena will likely be the same thus people will die to lag kills that make no sense. Pop in problems. Balance issues that are likely to arise. Paid weapons with a entry fee. (Excusable in a F2P but not in a game I pay for right out of the gate) The cancer that is the "battle pass." G'luck with that channel growing though. You might need it.
I'm going to take the unheard-of and revolutionary step of seeing how the game is before I make predictions on its performance.
I'm going to give it a fair chance before passing judgement. Here's another wild possibility. It will be very popular for a few months then die off. But 1000s of new players got a taste for Planetside and will move to PS2, a game they've never played before, but love it. The PS2 ranks will swell, and the game will improve. You just never know.
planetside 1 was shutdown a long time ago,and from the way the video looks graphics wise,the graphics do suck in my oppinion,so my question is this: why are you trolling and bashing people for playing planetside 2,yes planetside 2 has its fare share of problems and yes i would support construction if it came to the ps4 version of planetside 2,for me,its not the game thats bad it what daybreak games will and will not do,for instance,i wish they had said on stream that they were going to start banning all these players and outfits that go on in planetside 2 on ps4 maliciously teamkilling and harrassing players(by harrass i mean by targeting you ingame and teamkilling you untill you quit the game for good,yes dmag,that means you),but they didnt,i love the game,the company as far as customer service on that matter mmmh not so much,anyways your criticism has been noted,though i do not do battle royal games,their just not for me,that i have to agree with you on.
My predictions are based on giving all the previous titles a fair chance before launch haha! You know there's thousands of people who arent here today to tell you this because they all quit over and over again and not coming back. Many of PS1's best and most active players have never returned to any communities since PS1. IT WAS THE DADDY AND ALWAYS WILL BE
Just watching the first video in your signature shows some insane bias towards PS1 and against PS2. I'm not sure why you're even commenting on PS:A or why you're even still here if you dislike the franchise's new direction so much?
I'm tired of Maxes and Tanks, forcing me to change class to deal with them effectively enough. Otherwise you kill 1, 2 more appear. If PSArena has none of these, I'll maybe buy it.
Fun fact : people ranting about how PS2 is a bad game is the #1 reason why my friends had doubts trying it out. I love that "oh no, the game is dying, let's speed up the process" mentality. I bet this will happen to PS:A as well, with all that "PS:A is useless" rant going on.
I'll be playing PS2 again when I get my 2,5month paid vacation this february, I buyed the PSA but doubt i'll play it.. I like the freedom of ps2 too much. I can take breaks when I want and do crazy stuff with other active players with vehicles if we want to take a break from infantry gameplay or do gal drops.. I never get bored to galaxy drops and cleaning out enemy especially if it's a outfit enemy squad/platoon.