Opinions on Mattherson/Waterson Merge?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alarox, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. Devrailis

    What is this nonsense?

    Mattherson NC Master Race.
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  2. Diodeone

    You say this yet you are on here bumping this thread to merge Matherson with Waterson. If every other server is just a bad matherson wouldn't that also include Waterson? If every other server is just a bad Matherson then why are you on here asking for a merge? That statement contradicts why even anyone on Waterson would want to merge with a server with folks like you.
  3. Epic High Five

    More mans to shot, and they'll get better just like SolTech did

    I've said this like a dozen times already. I vote YES on proposition merger because I don't play this game for stupid 12v12 deathmatch crap
  4. DQCraze

    I see the point of the off prime players, it's like playing on Sunday mornings. I'm sure it's not fun when the biggest battle is 12-24. To bad they don't have dynamic pipelines that could reroute traffic to give decent pops.
  5. ExarRazor

    on one hand, a mattherson/waterson merge would bring a lot more easy kills to the mattherson group, which is good

    on the other hand, it'll throw the pop imbalances into completely screwed territory, and water down the average skill pool so much it almost wouldn't be worth playing, which is bad

    I dunno honestly, a merge could probably poplock all three continents, which would be fun. I could go either way
  6. Linedan

    I'm not white trash. I'm a Caucasian recyclable.
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  7. Paragon Exile

    I like you so much.

    I hope you never change.

  8. Linedan

    Same here, mutant freak.

  9. Epic High Five

    Can't we all just hug it out and be happy that at least we're not milsperg Elmo fascists?
  10. Herby20

    Wat? Mattherson and Waterson have near identical populations on a nightly basis.
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  11. DeadliestMoon

    Well not the entirety of NC, you cant blame all of us for PHXs fails or DVS's (before the trimming) unreliability.
  12. ViXeN

    I think most would welcome the merge. Something has to happen or more people will continue to stop playing on Waterson. Most players don't want to play on a dead server.
  13. Devrailis

    I'm against a merge.

    We already had a merger because the launch was mishandled. If we merge again and the pops still drop, what then? Merge East Coast with West? And then NA with EU when pops drop yet again?

    Server pops are low because player retention is low. Player retention is low because the game is lacking compelling mechanics to keep players playing, because game performance is causing players to give up playing, and because players feel in the dark about the direction this game is going into, leading to apathy.

    Merging the servers would be a band-aid solution that will not address why player retention is poor. We already had server mergers last year and that was clearly not enough to maintain high pop levels. I would much rather see SOE address the root causes of low pop, pop imbalance, and every other pop related server issue than chop another bunch of servers up as a quick fix.
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  14. EliteEskimo

    Try to hear me out Devrailis, and think about the following.

    1. How long will it take for them to actually add the necessary stuff (Resource Revamp/Continent locking) which will actually bring people back? If these 2 things are implemented in anything less than a satisfactory state that's going to be a massive problem. Furthermore how many people will we lose in the meantime waiting which a server merge could at least help prevent with new competition?

    2. We already only have queue's for Indar during the weekends on Primetime. There is still going to be Hossin, Wallamir, Amerish, and the battle islands to fight on even if Indar is permanently qued during Friday primetimes. Connery has a similar population of a post merge Mattherson/Waterson and I don't see them having major issues. Heck they have even took on an unofficial Brigg's merge too and handled them just fine.

    3. Saying you would rather have SOE release the mechanics and features we've asking for since the game's launch is all fine and good. However keep in mind the TR been asking for TR weapon's and abilities to become not boring and more interesting, and we're still waiting. Tanker's have been asking for tanks to become more powerful and more of an investment... We've gotten nerf after nerf and we're still waiting for a real important role outside of blowing up Sunderers. So to be perfectly honest, we'd all LIKE SOE to do the right things in a time interval that is reasonable. Will they though? Probably not based on their record.....

    4. I'd like the East Coast to be the undisputed hardmode server for Infantry/Tanks/Air and having a title like that would likely attract even more players to our server. Plus I'm not sure if you have noticed Devrailis, but outside of the Weekends on Primetime (particularly Friday's) Mattherson is a shell of its former self. I'm sure the additional bodies from Waterson could make Mattherson more lively and fun outside of the weekends, and insanely good during the weekends.

    That's just my thinking on the matter.:)
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  15. Devrailis

    I understand what you're saying. I also agree that population issues are time sensitive, and that server mergers are sometimes the only timely fix that can prevent pops from reaching a critical level where having a meaningful gameplay experience becomes impossible. If that's where the pop issues stand, then merge the servers. I'm against the principle of resorting to server merges as a fix, not against the necessity of it.

    What I find frustrating is that SOE hasn't reached out to us about why these changes that we're asking for, the important, fundamental ones, the deep mechanical changes that form the foundation of this game - NOT the meaningless stat/balance bean counter MLG nonsense adjustments that most vocal players fixate on - have not been a higher priority.

    Just look at some of the threads being posted here. It's just faction complaints about how this MBT is weaker than that MBT, or this faction's gunz are proof that 1/3 of the playerbase is being discriminated against by the game designers or the devs, or how some player is angry that someone killed him with something he personally takes offence to and wants to see nerfed ASAP. It isn't just SOE that I feel is missing the point, a huge chunk of the playerbase is too.

    Instead of a resource revamp, we talk implants. Instead of deeper vehicle mechanics, we talk new sniper rifles and pistols. Instead of more meaningful logistical choices, we're talking dual-wielding for light assaults - F.F.S.

    It's like seeing a patient with heart disease being recommend changing their wardrobe as treatment.

    And in my defence, I have not logged on in a month - check my sig. Last I was on, Mattherson pop was still tolerably high. Unfortunately, the toaster I play on is on the other side of the world right now. I just forumside to maintain my PS2 fix. Because for all my ******** about where I feel the game is, I still love PS2. I find shooters incredibly boring, coming from a 4X and TRPG background, but PS2 manages to stand above the usual dredge of shooters for me and seeing its potential being mishandled like this is just disheartening.
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  16. NinjaTurtle

    Well this thread has been going on for enough time and has generated enough interest from the community that some for of SOE response would be nice.

    Wink wink :D RadarX
  17. VSDerp

    None of the devs play on mattherson so we don't matter son!
  18. Spartan 117

    I would really like to know if this is going to happen or not. I started playing on Connery this week because Waterson is always dead & I cannot express enough how different of an experience it has been. Multiple 48+ fights on every continent all day, every day. The only time I have seen Waterson filled with that many players is on holidays.

    Having played on nothing but Waterson for the past year & not knowing how horrible the server population is until now, I'm not going back. Either they merge Waterson/Matherson, allow server transfers or my 180,000 cert character on Waterson is dead to me. If I wanted to play 12 vs 12 or 32 vs 32 there are hundreds of FPS's that fill that niche.
  19. BOOKEN

    But.... Waterson has queue's NOT during primetime. And during primetime the other 2 continents not queued have healthy pop going on. A merge would mean queue's for 2 or possibly all 3 continents. Unless SOE increases the pop restriction....

    With or without a merge HOSSIN will be full for a month or longer straight after launch. If a merge happens before or during HOSSIN launch we aren't going to be able to play. This would be ok if CTD, or other crashes didn't prevent you from playing for 2-4 hours straight. But the people who crash every 30 min will never get into HOSSIN.

    So point is Waterson already has enough queue's. With a merge and HOSSIN, it would be hell to get in.....
  20. Epic High Five

    Connery has zero retention problems and literally all that server has going for it is a consistently high population.

    Boosting Mattherson pop would be the #1 thing SOE could do to help retention. People don't play this game for delicate and mysterious tweaks, they play for gigantic f*ckoff battles and the Reaper DMR

    Mostly the Reaper DMR though

    Also, queues are a sign of a healthy server. Sorry if you guys hate seeing them but I love seeing them and there's 3 other damn continents to fight on you know, go there instead. Will I wait 30 seconds to hop onto a continent that I know is brimming with people? Why yes, yes I will.

    Will I wait 30 minutes? Sure, in the background, while I fight somewhere else.
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