Operation: Make Faster Game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by codeForge, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Padapong

    A Benchmark Level comes pretty close.

    May i ask why you chose Physix ( GPU Support: Nvidia only; CPU Support: fairly slow; ) over Havok (CPU Support: purely optimized; GPU/OpenCL Support: maybe got cancelled; )?
  2. SpcFarlen

    PhysX is just added eye candy, it doesnt actually do most (if any) of the physics calculations like projectile travel/drop, vehicle movement or anything like that. It adds fancy particle effects, or other things depending on how its implemented, but its always just eye candy. Something extra to add on top of the the core system to give games a bit more immersion. Explosion goes off, PhysX adds some dirt particles to make it looks like its spreading dirt from where it went off.

    Im fairly certain that SOE is actually using an in-house physics engine and nothing thrid party, as SOE has been trying to minimize cost to themselves and get Forgelight to a point where it will do well in EQ Next.
  3. Giggily

    Perhaps the section in the latest hotfix notes where projectile rendering is listed as one of the fixes? :rolleyes:
  4. DeadliestMoon

    I agree with them doing awesome work, in fact I've never doubted them once. But speak for yourself.
  5. tacticalretreat

    So is there a chance for the "ultra-low" settings for people who are willing to forfeit some "look and feel of the game" for decent framerate? Like the render distance below 1000, which you for some reason forbidden, or even lower poly count meshes etc?
  6. Fishy

    One question I still have -
    What is the minimum expected improvement in terms of FPS ?
    I know it is difficult to answer because it depends on the HW, and the graphics setting the user selects, and also because this is an "improve as we go" feature. But still, what is the minimum expected improvement in % of FPS for a common setup such as -

    Intel I5-3750K
    GeForce GTX 670

    Another way to answer this is to say - "We expect an average of 30 FPS for any setup that meets the minimum HW requirements with low gfx settings, and average 40 FPS for settings such as [example here] on meduim gfx settings, etc etc"
    Not looking for a commitment just to get an idea where are we aiming at.

  7. Master

    Please tell me that I can still hide in certain bushes / shrubs. Everything else seems great but this statement has me worried since this type of plant life is the only true form of "soft cover" that this game has.
  8. Tejota

    Hi Mr. Tech Director PS2.

    Smed said also that on APRIL 2013:


    One of your devs said that on FEBRUARY 2013:

    How much difficult is to implement large field of view in this graphic engine without watching objects clip at the screen edges or textures staying low resolution ??

    Will be eyefinity/surround supported in this game like Smed said a year ago??

    Thanks in advanced.
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  9. RaTzo

    I don't mean to be a jerk, but I suppose it doesn't matter what I mean to do people will decide to call me a jerk if they don't like what I say anyway, BUT other than including some details about what you would like to do how is this post any different than the Nov 21st, 2012 "quick note on optimization"?

    When will any of this be in the game? You didn't even put general targets... when we all saw that post back in November we were EXCITED because a lot of us really needed even 5 or 10 more frames just to make the game playable. The days, weeks, and months rolled on and we gradually gave up hope. Now almost a year later we get another note about optimization.

    Last time we all told our friends, hey they are working on optimization and taking it seriously! You're going to be able to play the game soon! Before I say that to anyone this time I want to see some of this stuff IN the game, not just in a forum post.

    These all sound (at least to me) like great ideas with lots of potential! I truly hope all of them, and more, work and the game plays as soothly as it needs to in order to attract tons of players.

    Do well guys, just please put it in the game not just in a forum post.
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  10. Llaf

    Excellent to finally hear some news on this subject, and in a big way that made it worth the wait. Thanks for keeping us informed!
  11. BloodEagle.

    Ryan, I have a question for you.

    I love PS2, and played it since beta, but stopped playing about the end of March for one reason. I built a new computer which is something I tend to do every couple of years, but this time I added a four monitor setup with it. The three bottom monitors are all linked together with Nvidia surround, and the fourth is at the top that I use for viewing websites, monitoring our TeamSpeak server, etc.

    When I went to play PS2 in 5790x1080, the UI was so zoomed in that I was unable to play. I did quite a bit of searching to figure out ways to fix it, but the only one which worked was 3rd party and deemed unacceptable by SoE. I continued to play for a bit, confining myself to only my lower center screen running the game at 1920x1080, with two large black squares of shut off monitors on either side, but after playing so many games with three screens, it quickly became boring and frustrating.

    Since that time, I have posted in numerous threads, bugged Smed, Higby, and the PS2 team many, many, MANY times on Twitter about it, and have yet to see or hear anything to the fact that those of us that choose to game with triple screens will ever be acknowledged, or if it will ever be supported or optimized.

    Now, after that long winded introduction, my question?

    Will Nvidia Surround and ATI Eyefinity EVER be supported for those using three screens? Will it happen during all of this optimization?

    Thank you in advance for an answer, as I would love to come back and continue giving SoE my money.

    Thank you,
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  12. [HH]Mered4

    Well, SOE, you finally listened. You made a text wall explaining the detail that most of us don't understand. FREAKING FANTASTIC. I loved it!

    You are now one step closer to being excellent community communicators. :p
    There. You deserve that. pat yourself on the back.

    Before you get a big head, here is some constructive criticism:


    Own up to your mistake: you were to busy throwing out monetization techniques and awkward balance fixes (and some nice pistols) to fix the actual performance issues. You said it yourself: ya'll did the easy patchjob fixes that didn't eat manpower, instead of going after the core issues......like a UI that eats 20 FPS.

    So. Let's move on from here with a spring in our step and caution in our minds......because we all know how much SOE can screw amazing stuff up.

    PS Bring the updates SOE! I am eagerly awaiting them.....
  13. Sovereign533

    Thank you very much for the time you spend making this thread in stead of making the code we all love. :)
    Sounds amazing!
  14. t31os

    Awesome sauce! :)
  15. Rahk

    Well, if they are that big of a performance impact, can we just go and remove all enemy doritos? Let spots show up on map, and let people use their actual eyeballs to see enemies instead of just spotting and shooting below the dorito? Makes it possible to hide at night, and a performance boost to boot.
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  16. Scan

    This is actually one of the best suggestions I have read.

    But somehow I think the majority won't like this.

    Furtermore, Infiltrators would become very hard to pinpoint at range.
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  17. Arkenbrien

    ... Isn't this suppost to be the case? ... you know being infiltrators... with invisibility cloaks... far away...



  18. Fenrys

    Will that mean less network bandwidth is required?
    So if somebody in my house starts watching YouTube, the players around me will stop spontaneously breaking out into show-tunes singing "Let's do the timewarp again!"
  19. Kacho Seiyo Arino

    Didn't know the Infiltrator was designed to not be seen even with their cloak off.
  20. Larington

    Ok, so I was running around Kwahtee Amp station after the patch hit for an alert and there was a lot of debris from vehicle explosions that hadn't been cleaned up (Also grenades), it wasn't THAT big a fight because prime-time hasn't really started on the server and I hit a glorious 2FPS.

    Is there any chance we could just have vehicles/aircraft vapourise (AKA not spawning these extra physics objects on vehicle destruction) for the time being until the first set of optimisations are put out? Thanks.

    In the meantime I'm going to look into updating my graphics drivers again.