Operation: Make Faster Game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by codeForge, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Van Dax

    • Up x 4
  2. TFeldt

    Pure brilliance. Many thanks for the additional information.
  3. Torok

    The best Post in this game's forum Since Launch, Seriously,
    Keep it up GOOD GUYS!
  4. Mezorin

    Fantastic news. Doing a hard engine overhaul like this in the middle of an MMOFPS' life cycle isn't easy, but it will definitely make for a better game both for us AMD users and future PS4 players. Looking forward to seeing big numbers on FPS when I play the game again post OMFG
  5. Xale

    Not inherently. All more threads means is that its easier to take advantage of the full computational ability of your CPU. It means that the total throughput power of the CPU will matter more than it currently does, and this is where AMD usually keeps parity (and often stays ahead on a per-price perspective)

    Its much easier and less buggy to program for just 4 threads than 6 however, and 2-3 (the industry norm) even easier. This is why AMD's focus on "MOAR CORES" has been so problematic, and it was a problem enthusiasts predicted ages ago.

    Intel E-class processors especially will benefit just as much as AMD processors (as many are 6 cores). Any CPU with hyperthreading will also see some benefits.
  6. Kociboss

    I like that the data was synthesized in order to get into people's minds.

    Any ETA?
  7. WaiZen


    Awesome work SOE ! This is exactly what the community needed.
    • Up x 1
  8. Van Dax

    I'm sending in the airforce to deliver your upvotes

    • Up x 4
  9. anaxim

    OMFG, we love you!!!
    • Up x 1
  10. Phazaar

    All fantastic (that quote about empowering users is something I'm going to call SOE out on in future though... Warn the EQN team, eh? ;) ).

    Please fix the Striker though. Like. Yesterday would be great.
  11. EmJay

    I find this update quite funny actually. They say that they are doing it for optimization reasons for the PC but actually it leans towards the fact that they need to get the game running on the PS4. The timing for optimization sure is quite convenient for the PS4 release and the mention of AMD CPUs sure makes it even more clear for the true reasons why this is happening right now instead of 6 months ago.
    Not saying that this is a bad thing but I wonder if we would have been left waiting for longer if not forever without the PS4 release for these optimizations.
    SOE better make sure that I can transfer my characters between PC and PS4 once I get one.

    But I really do hate spinning things to sound good while leaving few key parts of the story unexplained. Thats why the world is mess and will be messed in the future.
  12. LenymoUS

    I would also like an answer/comment on this
  13. Camycamera

    ITS OVER 9000!!!!!
  14. haldolium

    Great post. However I wonder, what about loading/caching?

    Right now, PS2 grants me a warpgate chill-round of 2 minutes and 3 free deaths with every startup because stuff is not loaded and cached BEFORE I enter the battle and the loader of those things became even more problematic as it once been. That stuff should be loaded when I see those loading screens. If textures, particles and **** ain't loaded in time, fair enough. But they are all there, whats missing is the relevant stuff. Models (currently their head, often enough entire player models though), sounds and the UI are missing however. That should be dealt with too.

    It is probably because of FXAA since that method takes the entire picture into account for "smoothing" including shaders. There are other methods, but shader aliasing is always a problem for huge areas. Every texture today has normal maps and other stuff on it that creates aliasing the more extreme the angle is you look on it and the
  15. DeadliestMoon

    Did you read the Hotfix?
  16. Wezdor

    Damnit, i told you not to mention Candlejack, now we're all going to ge-
  17. MrMojay

    Is it possible to scan a persons system to see what hardware they have and optimize the game for them accordingly beyond the graphics settings?

    Great news on the performance, hope it all goes well, thanks.
  18. aoyagiaichou

    Why are some of the commas (etc.) red? Was that some grammar pursuing moderator? If so, I applaud to them.
  19. eldarfalcongravtank

    i'm vanu..and didn't understand a lot:confused: still nice to see your progress on optimizing this game though:)
  20. Goretzu

    All that is genuinely great........... however it's the crashes that are the major problem for me (admittedly since the last patch crashing is down - but only from an intolerable level to a almost tolerable level) - crashing on map opening, crashing on explosions and crashing on doing nothing.

    It genuinely causes serious problems, not only in having to repeatedly get back to where you were fighting before you crashes, but also in losing tanks, aircraft and MAX suits you pulled seconds before the latest crash (totally wasting your resources).