OP weapon list

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leivve, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. sindz

    Lastly, dont even bother to reply, I won't read it or reply to you one more time. Its obvious you are trolling since one second 0.25 is a huge difference when its in favor, but when its against your case you simply wont state the actual number or claim its miniscule. HF and welcome to the ignore function.
  2. Surmise

    Side to side but it's first at least 10 bullets go to middle i.e. infront of the weapon not left nor right just middle, after you hold your mouse for a while it starts going left and right but that happens only if you aren't doing clicks in between, how is that hard to understand for you and sindz and others is beyond me.
  3. Flag

    How about you open that document that was linked earlier?
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  4. Shanther

    You can compare them all you want but it is a silly thing to do. You don't compare Carbines to LMGs for the same reason, they are not the same weapon and they are not used the same. The same logic applies to ARs vs LMGs you use them different, or at least you should be. All of your stats are not "specificaly ... [were] correct." You were wrong about reload speeds and COF. To be honest you shouldn't really be hip firing either of them in my opinion. Trying to use that as a basis of an argument is a rather poor idea because it is mostly a non issue.

    The Orion's recoil is 100% unpredictable, it bounces side to side. With a Grip it isn't that big of a deal, but if you take the Grip off it is vastly more noticeable. My proof of this is 13k kills with the Orion and 1.8k kills with the Betelgeuse. Trust me I have a very good idea of how the Orion handles.

    I fail to see how having a MAX as my avatar has anything to do with my knowledge of how the Orion works. I just happen to like the picture more then the other ones. If you don't believe me you can look at my stats that are in my sig or if you are really lazy you can go here.

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  5. Surmise

    Yes i missed 1 stat and the difference was in 0.5 acc in Cof, on a weapon that has 4.0 on 0.75 speed, that seems balanced too? The saw has 0.55 on 0.5 ADS speed that is bearable too? Don't you see that even 4.0 is very accurate for that speed.

    But yes my only suggestion is to reduce RPM since it's not VS trait but TR's, Orion has everything going fo it even most significant stat the DPS, it needs to go.

    MINUS 30 or 35 RPM would be a good start to make it 720 or 715, but another thing that Orion has going for it is 125 dmg tier past 10meteres that don't even half of AR's in the game have, most of them are on 115 especially if 700+ rpm.
  6. Surmise

    You are wrong, when you start shooting Orion or pretty much any Automatic weapon in this game, at least first 4-5 bullets go to middle every time, exception may be 800 RPM + tiers, but even if you burst your shots on that tier you are going to remain pretty accurate unless cof hits hard after 20+bullets. It's true that on Orion it's more noticeable but vastly?

    not at all, you can pretty reliably hit most targets up to 30metres without foregrip if you can control vertical and shoot in short bursts, simple stuff if you can't do that you are pretty much icompetent at basics.

    Your stats to me, show that you are very average infantry player, abysmal HS rates, very bad kpmin, average accuracies of 25 and 26 and your kdr is even worse for that KPMIN nothing close to good or competent for me, just average for this game's players.

    When I use Orion without bursts, just full auto shot medium range, im going to have ata least 28 accuracy which is pretty solid for full spray, but acc can be padded if you go for close quarters only so it's not really any real skill showing, it's all about being explosive in aiming and bursting that's all.
  7. Fortress

    I would take:

    A) 698 RPM, 2.0/2.0 H. Recoil, 0.5 ADS, and 50 rounds + heat mechanic (other stats unchanged).


    B) 698 RPM, 0.35 stand move ADS, 2.0/2.0 H. Recoil, 0.5 ADS, and 40 rounds + heat mechanic.


    B) 698 RPM, 0.3 stand move ADS, 2.0/2.0 H. Recoil, 0.5 ADS, and 40 rounds.

    With all other stats unchanged. Basically, trade away the .75 and the TR bits for a topping of Vanu.
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  8. NoctD

    C-4 : Handheld toss and blow up tactical nuke!
    BASR : Silly low risk cowards that headshot you with these.
  9. Shanther

    COF and Recoil pattern having nothing to do with one another. If you burst fire an Orion at a wall from 10m or so, maybe a touch more, you are going to notice the gun make a V shapped pattern. It isn't massive with a grip but if you take the grip off it is much more noticeable. It bounces side to side when you shoot. The first shot will always go where you want the rest wont always go to the middle. You are in no way going to "reliably hit most targets up to 30m" if you don't have a foregrip on the Orion, no way in hell. You will hit them but not with any sort of real accruacy.

    Heh. 2.5 KD, with 26% Accuracy and 20% HSR, with a KPM of 0.9 are better then the vast majority oif people in this game buddy. Not godly by any means, I don't claim as such, but they are far from "nothing close to good or competent." For someone trying to talk so much crap you sure as hell are hiding your stats.
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  10. Eyeklops

    Whatever stew.
  11. Hatesphere

    all ten of them right in the middle eh? how far are you even testing this from?

  12. Surmise

    Test it for yourself, for most accurate test use HSNV since it has best aligned crossair but it works on all other, especially 3.4x or 4.0x first second, all of those 12 bullets go middle, not even one goes too far to left that you would miss or to far to right that you would miss. Don't play fun play serious

    im looking at something in between 89 and 91, figure for yourself.
  13. Surmise

    Sorry i'm from Eeast Europe I dont speak USA.
  14. Hatesphere

    sorry, life is for serious business, you still haven't answered my question. what range?
  15. Surmise

    I'm hiding for sure, go DAstats and list all those stats i said are important scroll up and try to guess which one of them very few is me. But make sure to list inf only statistics .

    Since you seem like a such fun simpleton to whom i have to really explain everything in order to pass, im going to do it once again, i said you were very average for your playtime i.e. your experience level. Sorry if that's too complex or deep. If you started playing from 1 or 2 month ago and most of the game would be new to you i would say those stats would be of a decent player but sitll not good. high Kpmin hs rates and consistency with 30+ acc says much of player's aim and mechanical skill.
  16. Eyeklops

    Yes, a guessing game is about as fun as all the fact checking I have to do on any stats you post because: You're incorrect so often.
  17. Shanther

    This is oddly non specific.
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  18. Hatesphere

    he wouldn't even give me a ball park range to test. i can safely stop caring.
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  19. Shanther

    God Posseee must be a terrible player then since I have better accuracy and HSR then he does.
  20. cruczi

    No, that's not how it works. There is no bias to horizontal recoil pattern. The bias is on overall recoil direction.

    Right biased ,left biased, no bias - it makes no difference apart from what your preference happens to be, though most find the lack of recoil bias the easiest to approach. Each bias (and no bias) can be compensated for by pulling in the correct direction. Horizontal recoil itself (random left-right jitter) cannot be compensated for, no matter what the overall direction bias is.
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