OP weapon list

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leivve, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Goretzu

    Banshee - probably (it is just too good at range and close up against infantry and MAXs) hence the 15 aKPU to the AH & PPA's 10 aKPU.

    Pounder - maybe (it is a bit good at AI work perhaps).
  2. TheScavenger101

    Every counter to everything is "op". That's why everyone is more or less frustrated, no matter if they're in shoes, tanks or planes.
  3. dezusa

    SoE's quality control staff. now THATs an OP weapon.

    NS-15m, probably the fastest weap that I ever auraxium'd.
    controllable recoil, I dont even need to aim for headshots, just mindlessly aiming for body shots and they drop dead :eek:
  4. Flag

    Sandals confirmed OP.
  5. Kociboss

    I agree with you OP.

    Only halberd. Only commie. Only Deci. Preferebly 0.75 ads weapons.

    That's the meta.
  6. patrykK1028

    no bullet drop? XD, Orion is cqc weapon.
    Also Orion is LMG, not AR. I could say T1 Cycler is op because it has more rpm than Pulsar and 10 more rounds
    Orion same accuaracy as AR? Have you ever played Orion and ANY AR?
    Also, 0.75 ADS isnt benefit when you are talking about Shield
  7. Moz

    Well, lets take alook at the OP suggestions:

    Commi - Its the pistol i have most kills with however i now ONLY use the Rebel as it is simply more versatile, if i am playing infil with a long range main I take desperado and if i play stalker i play xbow. So yeah, Commi really isnt that good appart from looking cool.

    Halberd - I run on on an all round tank, if i want AV the Enforcer is better.

    C4 - ??? I dont even...... if you get C4 on your tank..... guess what..... YOU made a mistake!

    Decimator - Is worse than the shrike post splash patch. The shrike gives, better velocity, quicker reload, an extra rocket and above all more DPS.

    Tank Buster - Meh...... its not even that good.

    And things you failed to metion:


    The two most abused items in the game..... period!
  8. gibstorm

    So basically everything that blows up your tank is OP??
  9. MaCritz

    I don't have a Commissioner and I don't intend to get one anytime soon.. And yes, I'm Vanu 4 lyf... Am I the only Vanu here who appreciates the Beamer's 17 rounds which is so forgiving if you miss shots here and there?? The commi? Yeah, miss a couple and it will PUNISH you...

    Again, this is why I think the Beamer is the most underrated pistol in the game because everybody loves a big revolver that sounds powerful but is utterly useless for players with bad aim... So there is a valid reason NOT to run with it..

    The beamer is such a fantastic last ditch weapon cause you can spam it and it will likely do its job reasonably well.. If you want a lil more kick, you could always go for the manticore which costs only 250 certs.. It's basically free...

    I'm not being biased here, I really think the Beamer suits me better than the Commi..
  10. Noktaj

    Well, some people do love the Underboss though, and in CQC it's probably better the the commissioner due to higher RoF. Commissioner is a love or hate weapon. I do agree though, if you are VS that's really not much choice other than Commissioner or Underboss.

    halberd is great, but is it OP? I don't think so. Speaking from Vanuside, the Saron HRB might pull less of a punch but it's super-accurate and you can snipe tanks for far away while dodging their incoming fire.

    C4 is only good in the measure you are good in using it. Plus, sometimes is the only way to deal with those pesky MAXlollers camping a spawnpoint (and sometimes it isn't enough). I, for instance, love C4 but i don't always run with it on my LA, it depends on the fight. So, once again, i don't agree with your point.

    I DO agree with this tough. Tank buster can mow down a tank one clip. Insane.

    In my personal list of OP weapons I'll add:

    BANSHEE because EVERY TR mosquito run with a Banshee (never seen any other primary on a mosquito, except for those farming directives) simply because it can tear apart both infantry and armor in seconds and you really don't need anything else on your ESF.
  11. KnightCole

    Banshee? PPA? Those things are like holy **** insta death...and dont seem to have any spread...when they fire I drop like instantly, not even any chance to really move...idk if its really OP, but goddamn is it annoyingly powerful.
  12. Arkenbrien

    The PPA has nothing on the Beamer. You just point that thing at an enemy and they commit suicide.
  13. Leivve

    I might shout "****" when I randomly blow up from C4, but I would never say it needs a nerf.
  14. Genetic

    Me and a few outfit mates were talking about the Banshee the other day and we were supprised how few complaints we see about it and is massive OP'ness in our opinion but now looking through this thread im pleasantly surprised its not just us that thinks it.

    Rocket Launchers Vs infantry is still a massive bug bear , the arguement of *yea but how often to you get rocketed* is full of crap

    Pounder Max just seems to be anti-everything at any range
  15. Tyrant103

    This including, Ravens, Vortexes and Fractures.
  16. Surmise

    lol this form and it's users, again i was comparing two different classes and two different weapon types from which AR's should be straight up better, especially accuracy and RPM wise but it's not the case if you see the stats also i was comparing two different classes from which both are used for attacking and one of them is HA which has shield bonus /extra hp if activated so if you don't get it, HA get's free hp and better default weapon that has faster strafing speed more ammo, same reload, same TTK/RPM, no bullet drop, less horizontal recoil which is predictable __=__ i.e. predictable because bullets go to middle first not to the left or right.
    The only thing T1 Cycler has over Orion is slightly better starting hipfire which is 2 Orion gets 2.25 which is lol.

    T1 Cycler AR vs LMG VS54 Orion is the best argument that shows that Orion is the most overpowered infantry weapon in the game and that is placed on a default shock trooper class which has most hp the heavy assault.

    Really anyone who doesn't get this is either ignorant, doesn't understand how infantry gunfights go or just deluded.
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    M40 Fury does too much damage to armor still. Thats right. I said it. Cert into it, put two on top of a Sunderer and watch the Armor melt. Yes, its hilarious, but its not right. Last night we killed a couple Blockade Armor Sunderers easily with a Harasser Fury. Lulz were had.

    PPA is stupid powerful. Spammy, and dont even have to hit anywhere near the enemy to get good splash damage with its RoF.

    Orion is borderline. Remove the .75 ADS and its probably ok. Its too much for a HA to not even have to pop his shield because of the ADAD dance. Its hand down undeniably the best CqC LMG by a wide margin. I dont even take an NC LMG to a CqC fight, but I wouldnt dream of anything else as VS.

    OP doesnt always mean game-breaking. Its usually means 'so good why would you choose anything else'.

    I dont even know what to say about Sunderers. I do know they shouldnt be charging out of bases with two Bulldogs to face armor without fear. They are too good at tanking damage and dishing it out for what they cost to pull. They should be tough but need protection from tanks, not be able to easily dispatch a tank and continue about their merry business. OP? I guess not. Too good at what they can do? Yeah, probably.
  18. Surmise

    You are scratching your head because you don't understand the obvious and it's pretty much killing you since you start cursing me lol.

    I'm comparing VS lmg to TR AR because the HA is supposed to have worse weapons than Medic because they get free shield that nets free easy hp and most of them LMGs across all factions are worse weapons in terms of TTK/RPM, handling/accuracy and hipfire than it's range equivalents Assault Rifles that Medic has, and i'm repeating again, Medic HAS NO shield but aoe heal that doesn't help in the slightest in shootouts, just if you are in cover i.e. not shooting and it has Inferior default weapon to LMG whics which is used on a class that has more HP and more ammo... It should be best all around AR to the 'close quarters' LMG that is also default i.e. everyone gets it for free just that it's better than default AR in all important stats plus you can use that weapon with a class that potentially has more HP.

    If you don't get this, i have no comments then, all will be said then already.
  19. NC_agent00kevin

    I dont even use Libs much these days, but do drive Lightnings a lot. I think Tankbuster is ok because they have to get into a position where my Python AP can hit them ad it only takes 3 shots to make it 'splode.
  20. Surmise

    I said almost the same, i think you missed that word on purpose just so you can delude your self into thinking you found some flaw in my argument and to 'write fabricate what ever numbers you want', i sense anger but let's leave it at ignorance.
    Also implying that theres difference in 0.1milliseconds advantage in long reload to AR, and implying that 10more bullets and 1 Orion gets just for that almost 0.5 sec difference in short reload is justified lol.

    If you don't get what almost means, just look at hipfire, standing is 2 for T1 Cycler and for Orion is 2.25 which is LMG lol, 0.25 is extremely slight.

    Funny though only 'classic' forumsiders that i see on that list upvote all you write but they don't understand anything, they just like what they read and that is how it goes on this forum, people like what they see but they won't admit something is better/worse than something because they just like how they see it.