OP weapon list

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leivve, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. chrisbeebops

    This thread is going places. :rolleyes:
  2. sindz

    Well thats just not true, while I don't want to go into number war in this thread as its been done countless other times, ill say one thing

    Reload: 2.755 / 3.55

    Reload: 3.28 /3.655

    I fail to see how they are the same, but I gets its forumside in a nutshell - want a gun nerfed = lie your face off/fabricate what ever numbers you want.
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  3. IamnotAmazing

    no I read the whole thing, sorry I should have clarified

    His definition of op is wrong, in the case of the halberd the other one's are up, that doens't make the halber op, just say the saron/enforcer/vulcan are up
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  4. Leivve

    Thanks to everyone for not dissolving this into a "Your stupid learn to play NOOB" thread. Feedback from both sides is important.

    yeah forgot that, I don't often use my turret very often, because I don't like the playstyle of sitting still, I can't stand the thought of "holding still" maybe i play to much TF2 before I played Planetside.

    My point exactly

    Oh yeah, I think every pistol has it's place, my friend LOVES his emperor but full acknowledges that it's very nich when surrounded by other weapons available to the TR. I still bow before the honorable TX1 but I find the commissioner is a better all around weapon, but if you told me I had to go secondary weapons only I would take the repeater because I can drop other LA before they even look down sights.
  5. miraculousmouse

    What about the cycler trv, gr22, torq, cyclone, armistice, blitz, gd7f and some others that beat it in one or more of the following : reload speed, dps/ttk, and MUCH better hipfire accuracy/strafing and better attachment?
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  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Dude... no bullet drop. Do you have any idea how OP that faction trait is compared to larger magazines or high damage per shot weapons?

    Also, it wasn't the Orion that was over-performing my huge margins, it was actually the SVA-88. But dude... nerf the Orion!
  7. miraculousmouse

    How is no bullet drop op on the orion? Maybe u could make a case for the eidolon but cmon dude, the orion hits like a pillow at ranges where no bullet drop matters.

    DVA88 ive found has a higher skill ceiling, maybe the players who kill you with it to the point of frustration (how id feel when i only played nc) are just really good shots?
  8. DrPapaPenguin

    That's not exactly a viable definition, it may be the best option because everything else available is plain horrible. Like the Halberd for TR Prowler - there is no point to use anything else (read - Vulcan) because it (read - Vulcan) is simply a sub-par weapon (read - nerfed to ****).
  9. Mxiter

    At least "no bullet drop" trait havn't strong drawbacks. ;)
  10. Axehilt

    I agree that his definition of OP is wrong, but it's worth pointing out that Oracle of Death shows these VKPHs:
    • 12.5 Saron
    • 12.4 Enforcer
    • 12.1 Halberd (but this is averaged across the factions, and there was actually significant variance in each faction's VKPH with the weapon)
    • 7.9 Vulcan (though for your TR players, keep in mind the TR Halberd only scored 9.6, so it's not a huge upgrade over the Vulcan -- but obviously it's one of the better choices if you're going to sit anchored and bombard the battlefield from range.)
    These are the VKPHs specifically for Sep 15 but the relation between the weapons doesn't significantly change by day if you go there and look at the graphs.
  11. cruczi

    Add Basilisk to that list. Saron/Enforcer/Vulcan are dedicated AV options, and while technically Halberd is too, it's effective enough against infantry to compete with (or rather outcompete) the Basilisk for a general purpose role. For whatever reason you'd use Basilisk on an MBT, Halberd is just better.
  12. Yeahy

    I've died a bunch of times when switching to my medkit lagged.
  13. Silus

    I am shocked and appalled that the Gauss SAW or Jackhammer have yet to be mentioned.
  14. reydelchicken

    It's not the only option, the beamer, manticore, rebel, magshot, repeater, emperor and underboss are all good alternatives to the commissioner, especially since they're more accurate when hipfiring, and you can spam them more, which can make them better in some situations.
    Empire specific secondaries are also good options that fit that role, except the vulcan, which isn't too useful on a prowler, and instead works better on a harrasser.
    Medkits are also a good option if you mostly fight against infantry, however C4 being as strong as it is; it's not a bad thing... compared to the effort it takes for a tank to kill you (even as LA), having some sort of utility that can consistently kill vehicles is a good thing.
    Rocket velocity is a bigger deal than it seems, it'll make it easier to hit targets that are far away or moving fast, a very apparent example of this are ESFs, they're significantly easier to hit, to the point you can be somewhat consistent. Despite the enemy's ability to fire suppress to save themselves, most of the time you can finish them off with some shots from your LMG or your secondary.
    I agree with this one, the other options aren't really that strong or useful. I think buffing the vektor so that it has no damage dropoff, and buffing the spur (indirectly), by making the bottom area of the lib cockpit transparent while the gun is equipped would be good, so that more people use those guns instead of the tank buster.

    In the end, if you're talking about weapons are are good enough at what they do, that there's no real reason to use anything else are:
    • PPA: Almost nobody uses kobalt, or other ES AI weapons (despite the fact that they are also quite OP), simply because PPA is so easy to use.
    • Galaxy Bulldog: I'd say this one should simply go, considering just how many HA rockets, c4 bricks, or AP shots it takes to destory a galaxy, it doesn't really make sense for them to have this kind of gun on them. Also, when have you ever seen anyone using a drake? In my opinion, the gals should have the option to use the default valkrie guns on the sides, or alternatively the walker.
    • Fury on flash: Much better than any of the other guns available to the flash, specifically the basilisk and kobalt. I think the flash would benefit greatly from a stable turret.
    • Medkits: Not a weapon, but they are far better than regen kits, to the point there's no real reason to use regens. Those should get a good buff, even making them heal at the rate of the medic's self heal, but heal 2000 hp, instead of what they currently do. So basically when you're done healing using a regen kit it'll keep healing you for twice of your HP, allowing you to survive a bit more while the effect of the kit is active.
  15. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Why those aren't the two things that are actually OP for NC.
  16. Shanther

    Forumside is OP. Redditside is balaced.
  17. cruczi

    There's an argument to be made in favor of Kobalt on a cloak flash. It has far better range than Fury which allows for longer distance surprise attacks, thus less risk to the user. It's so accurate and deadly at range that you can score kills on targets up to 100 meters away in relatively short time, and they won't have any way to answer to you unless they have a sniper ready to pick you off. Overall, Kobalt is better than Fury against infantry, so if you know you're going to be fighting only against infantry and have the opportunity to keep your distance, there's little reason to pick Fury.
  18. K0NFL1QT

    There was that one time I took 40 at once and overdosed...
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  19. DatVanuMan

    Things that each faction has that are OP:

    Surprisingly, the Canister has been VERY annoying lately, so I'm appalled to say that it is to be included.
    Brawler. Better known as THE Shotgun on a shotgun!

    Nearly all our ARs.
    Flare and Polaris (Seriously, these two are my favorite VS LMGs:3).
    Magrider (Of course).

    Hate me if you will, but my list is true!
  20. Leivve

    Because if you put a godsaw in a situation outside of a straight fight he's most likely boned, and the jackhammer, despite how many tables it makes me flip, it is still a shotgun.