OP weapon list

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leivve, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Leivve

    Now before people start commenting know I have a VERY different definition of over powered compared to other people. I don't accuse things of being "broken" very often, unless it's very blatantly oblivious it is. My view of over powered is: It's TOO good at what it does to the point that there is no/very little reason to use anything else.

    Let me know what you think below and if you would have ideas (I have no experience with dog fighting, and as a tanker/infantrymen all rockets are the same to me) let me know.

    Commissioner, Let's admit it, who doesn't have the commissioner? Only people who haven't gotten enough certs to buy one. Once you get it what loadout do you have that doesn't run it? if your vanu there is no reason not to, if you're TR only the TX1 can match it if you are running a CQC loadout/CQC defense weapon. Honestly they need to add some new side arms with the intent of competing with the Commissioner because it is a defacto must have for any character and I would 100% suggest people go out and buy it with SC so they can have it for all their characters right off the bat.

    Halberd, Like the Commissioner this is a weapon every tank/harasser should have. Now unlike the the sidearm this isn't because the weapon is too good at everything but because it fills the roll people bring it for too good. Now I LOVE my Halberd. One time I single-handedly held off a entire NC zerg with just my prowler, by playing my DAKKA is bigger then your dakka. I propped myself between two rocks for cover flanking the rocks the NC were using as cover. I would fire two shots pop out and start repairing but my top gunner would just continue firing covering me while I fixed the tank. We died only because he ran out of ammo and I couldn't out repair the 5 MAXes and countless heavys that wanted out heads.
    TL;DR The Halberd is the primer anti C4 fairy/anti tank assist weapon for MBT, and fits the hit and run style of harassers perfectly. Other specialized weapons can compete with it, but other jack of all trades guns like the default gun can't.

    C4 (specifically on LA), Now if anyone has read any of my post on the matter I don't think C4 is overpowered in the general sense and would NEVER, NEVER consider nerfing or changing it. But like i said in http://tinyurl.com/orhzmfv I do feel C4 is the only viable utility on LA. This isn't much of a problem for other classes (though I do think it still holds case). When I started playing everyone told me to rush both bricks of C4, I rushed both bricks. Now I can't even look at my NC alt's LA because it doesn't have C4 yet. The URL link leads to a thread about giving the LA a grenade launcher for a utility slot and though I don't think it HAS to be a grenade launcher I do feel the LA needs something else that can compete with C4 because it's too good in a world were your choice is C4 or med kits.

    Decimator, I don't need to touch this topic to much, Only lock-on can compete with it, would you rather have a dumbfire that does more or less damage? anyone who tries to argue, 'fire rate' or 'rocket velocity' is kidding themselves. When you fight a max you will probably only get one rocket off, so you need to make that rocket do as much damage as you can before he turns you into a stain on the wall. When you fight a tank you are going to be jumping in or out of cover, or the tank will be putting each part of you in a different hiding spot. Volocity is countered by aiming higher and rate of fire is countered by the fact you won't be able to consistently fire at max fire rate (like how RoF doesn't matter in bolt snipers).

    Tank Buster, remember how I said I don't consider things OP in the way most people do? Well this is the exception this thing... If you ever wanted to know what it's like to be the most powerful thing it the game, just get a tank buster and your choice of gun (dalton will make every tanker in the game mark your name on their personal hit list). The tank buster is your anti-tank, anti-flyer, anti-infantry, anti EVERYTHING even the fearsome skyguard cowers before the tankbuster. The only way it could be any better is if it had **** and fired lightning.
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  2. Vixxing

    TB is utter crap against infantry though... (kills a tank easier than a heavy)
  3. Prudentia

    banshee: the only Thing that ever came Close to the killing power of the banshee was the prenerf Shredder. just that you have splash. and the Option of Radar.
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  4. DrBash00

    Snowball gun, and the Flare gun needs a nerf badly....
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  5. Hatesphere

    I dropped the commissioner like a bad habit after I got my medals for it on my VS toon, funnily enough i get much better performance out of a beamer with a laser site in most situations. (its really not that hard to get into a good fire rate clicking habit to not max it out)

    wont bother to get it for my TR since repeater is much better when it comes down to a pistol for me

    NC actualy has some decent pistols as well. comish is just atractive to come people because of how it can front load damage, but that's not always useful if you cant connect 100% of the time, which happens a lot in CQC.

    I chalk this up more to most people not want to make the hard choic of an AV or an AI loadout. halberd is "good enough" against most soft targets at range, and still allows you to engage tanks. in reality the kobalt is the true anti light assault weapon, and it will level tons of infantry in the right situation. but then you have to worry about other tanks, and players dont want to have to do that.

    C4 is in a very fuzzy zone right now and I mostly agree with this statement concerning light assault and lack of good utility to fall back on instead of it.

    this one is arguable as well, if that max has support that little bit of extra damage probibly didn't mean anything. its defiantly good for playing peekaboo with tanks, since as you brought up in that situation you are usually behind hard cover tring to get a better angle long enough for its reload to not mean much, and the slightly lower ammo pool is easily made up for. its not miles above the defaults though, which will usually also effectively one shot an ESF while at the same time being easier to hit one with.

    I dont have enough experience with both sides of that weapon to fully comment, but within its effective range its TTK does feel very high from the receiving end. it doesn't get me too often though in a busy battle zone, and it seems to be finicky to line up, but when you do....
  6. Demigan

    I think that your definition of "OP" means "it performs so well that it would be foolish to take anything else" rather than "it's game-breaking".

    Also I disagree with your list on a few points.

    Commissioner: While great on paper I favor the Underboss or Desperado/Repeater (especially the Repeater, it's the only pistol weapon I take out and expect to with a battle against a Primary weapon wielder in a straight fight).
    The Commissioner doesn't seem to restore it's COF as fast as the Underboss. With the Underboss I can just fire away and get kill after kill, it's great as a last-ditch weapon and can even function as a great substitute Primary if you get the drop on someone. I really miss that in the Commissioner, often I have shots lined up that blatantly miss, or find that after firing al 6 shots I only hit once... while in the same situation with an Underboss it would have been an easy 4+ hits.
    I used to have the Commisioner on every loadout after I bought it. But after just a week I started equipping my standard pistol with silencer. After a month I decided to buy a new pistol (Desperado) and was much happier with it. A perfect last-ditch weapon if you need to get a few more hits when your primary needs to reload. Occasionally also incredible at killing infantry.

    Decimator: I use the standard dumbfires and it works perfectly. I can easily hit most hovering aircraft and sometimes even fast moving one's and don't have trouble hitting tanks no matter if they run away or not. I also love the faster reload speed and one extra missile, which I often need to use.
    You also mention lock-ons. Well I've got the AA lock-on since it came out... and I got about a bronze medal. My brother is now trying to Auraxium it, but instead of shooting aircraft he shoots tanks or he shoots infantry in the face with it. That's how he's getting kills with it, as the lock-on has too little chance of scoring the kill against aircraft. The thing has had one bug traded in for the next every update, but never have I found it a very useful weapon. Even now I can count the times I died from a G2A lock-on on my hands...
    As for ground lock-ons, I never touched them. Lower damage, a maximum range where you can lock on, lock-on time? I don't need them, I prefer a well-aimed dumbfire.
  7. patrykK1028

    Lel, Underboss is better than Comissioner.
    Halberd OP? :eek:
    Decimator? Starting RLs have reload better enough to have higher DPS and you have 1 less rocket with Decimator.
    I think you just complain about everything that kills you. Im just waiting to hear that Beamer is OP
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  8. Surmise

    As far as it concerns infantry aspect: Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54, Orion VS54 and Orion VS54.

    Just compare the stats of LMG Orion VS54 and default best all around AR for TR medic T1 Cycler, the Orion has 10more mag ammo, 0.75 ADS strafe speed and no bullet drop everything else is almost exact the same, even reload speed.

    Consider the fact that heavy has Shield and Orion that fires as fast as AR with same accuracy more ammo, same reload speed, no bullet drop and has 0.75 ADS speed and that they didn't change any of those stats yet makes you think what the developers really know about balance and numbers, and what are their thoughts on this obscurity.
  9. cruczi

    Commissioner: I don't have it, and it's not because of the certs. I like my Underboss and ES pistols, tyvm. Though I'll be sure to keep in mind this claim of OP-ness when I finally decide to buy it. I expect it

    Halberd: weeelll... Yeah, okay. OHK vs infantry, comparable AV damage to ES AV weapons, cross faction and less obvious sound effect, high alpha damage, high skill cap, excellent range. It's too strong of a combo compared to anything else available.

    C4: Especially true because of regen implants. I don't currently run C4 on any character because of directives, I want to have the medkits so I can keep fighting and get kills faster.

    Deci: can't agree with you here. Deci is the close range option. I think the default dumb fires are better weapons overall. I can hit tanks, vehicles, turrets at range - moving or stationary - much more reliably with the default ones than Decimator. I can also remember many situations where having that one extra spare rocket would've been very useful. And then you have the lock-ons that can dumb fire, obviously they have utility that Decimator doesn't, and they have arguably more user friendly sights as well (at least, many people prefer them for that reason).

    TB: no comment. :eek:
  10. IamnotAmazing

    halber's not op, they other options are just awful
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  11. cruczi

    That's his definition of overpowered. This was mentioned in the opening post's first paragraph and you managed to miss it.
  12. DatVanuMan

    Commissioner: A must-have for a Vanu man like me:p
    Halberd: NAH, Halberds aren't THAT good.
    C4: Not much of a problem; I've died more to suicides in my Magrider than to a brick of plastic.
    Decimator: HORRIBLY underpowered. It was amazing in the old days, when it was able to take a Vanguard out with 3-4 shots to the front.
    TankBuster: A weapon that the Liberator uses. OF COURSE it's OP:(
  13. Stormsinger

    At this point in the game, there is very little that I would consider to be "overpowered" ... There's good choices, and then there's choices that have been nerfed into unusability.

    For the commissioner - The only faction I prefer this Pistol on is my VS, due to a complete lack of other non-NS choices. I have every pistol for every faction, and I try to swap my loadouts on a fairly regular basis to keep from getting bored of one or the other. I like the TR repeater, and the NC have several options I enjoy using. The VS have nothing I find to be effective in anything other then ambush-vs-stationary-target circumstances.

    C4: Everyone but Infiltrators have it, this stuff has been debated endlessly - it is what it is. I personally think it's overpowered - with how many nerfs virtually all vehicles have suffered, C4 could stand to be a bit less potent. (55% of a tank's health per brick would be just fine, what is it these days on live... 60-80%? )

    Decimator: I almost never touch this thing, the reload is too long. I prefer ES flavors, or standard dumbfire. When i want to target air, I pull out a vehicle with AA, or my burster max.

    Tankbuster: The liberator already got hit with the nerf nuke - as someone who campaigned against Libs at the height of their power, i'm fine with where the TB is now. If anything, the lib could use a bit of help at the moment. (I despise the max-ammo nerf, the changes were acceptable, but forcing a re-arm every few moments is nothing but obnoxious. )

    Halberd: I never use this thing either - the only faction I prefer this thing on is my TR, and the artillery-style gameplay the Prowler encourages means I rarely need a secondary capable of matching my primary's range unless i'm going toe to toe (Which I try to avoid in that tank) Or unless I have a dedicated gunner that specifically requests it. The Saron / PPA are good enough on my VS, as is the Enforcer / Canister. (Hey, I like the canister :p )
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  14. cruczi

    How many times have you died to a medkit?
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  15. DatVanuMan

    HMMMM. If 26-13=13, and three is a number in the number 13, which means that Half-Life 3 is confirmed...
    I'd say about 2-5 times:p
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  16. asdfPanda

    Well, it may not be that a certain weapon is OP because it's too good, it may just be that all the alternatives are bad. Are good weapons OP? You think so, but can't we just buff the alternatives?

    Let's take a look at the Halberd:

    Is it too good at what it does? Arguably. But the alternatives are poor at best. The Vulcan for TR may be good in "CQC" for tanking, but really, when will you be in close quarters with a tank? A Harasser, maybe, but that's if you're running stealth and the tanker's situational awareness is poor. The Enforcer and Saron are actually competitive with the Halberd in AV duties, but the Saron needs to be buffed back to a two shot kill vs. Infantry, or it's mag size needs to be increased(two shot buff is preferable, because it might be OP vs. Vehicles if mag size is buffed).

    What I'm about to say may be unpopular, but the Basilisk isn't a great weapon. It's okay, but not great. It's COF is largely unnecessary, making it not viable for gunning down infantry at medium ranges(which the halberd can do if the gunner is accurate), and the Halberd blows it out of the water when it comes to AV duties.

    The AA as well as the other AI options are too specialized to take over the Halberd. Maybe giving AA variants a downward angle would be a start, and removing COF from AI options would be nice as well.

    Just my two cents on the Halberd.

    The Commissioner. I don't think it's OP, because the other options are still viable. Pistols are balanced across the board so that there are many options to choose from when deciding between mag size and damage. More niche weapons like the spiker(eww) may need buffing or mechanic changing, but other than that, Commissioner is strong, but there are other options so that it isn't OP in comparison.

    C4: I disagree. Taking C4 over medkits specs you against vehicles/MAX units, so even if you do take regen, you're nerfing your skirmishing abilities vs. enemy infantry. Both C4 and medkits are strong. However, I do agree that there needs to be more utility variety, for example a radar jamming tool that only LAs can place down.

    Deci/TB: Can't comment, never used them before.

    TL; DR Good weapons may be OP in comparison to the other weapons, but other weapons should be buffed so that everything is good, and not wet noodles.
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  17. NinjaTurtle

    AV Mana turret

    Everything else I believe to be pretty well balanced
  18. FateJH

    I'm not actually that interested in the Commissioner or the Underboss at all.
  19. sindz

    Shotgun MAX's.
  20. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Forumside - weapon of mass destruction
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