One of the last things to fix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pondera, May 21, 2019.

  1. Pondera

    So, with DX11 and the servers getting a nice upgrade, the game is in a very good spot. Things are balanced....ish... and I can't complain too much, but there is one last thing I'd like to bring up. And I'm sure I'm going to get a ton of agreements here.

    The physics of trying to climb literally ******* anything.

    We've all been there. Trying to get up a slope when your movement suddenly stops. The angle is too steep. You go back and forth, trying to find your way up this wretched mountain and a sniper nails you with a double body shot during your struggle, thinking himself so clever. This comes into play on everything from trying to hop a windowcill, to trying to get over those hardlight barriers, to simply hopping up on a box to get a better vantage point. You hit jump, you bang your knees, you get shot because you stood still for 0.25 seconds like a moron.

    Can we see some help on this? Maybe a buff to the default jump, or some more traction or something? I'm open to ideas.
    • Up x 2
  2. icufos

    Agreed in full.

    Don't get me wrong, brilliant game. ;)

    Maybe a double jump option thing?..
  3. PlanetBound

    Use the Catlike implant. If you don't have it, check out crafting it.
  4. Crash Bandicoot

    You shouldn't have to use an implant to jump over a simple obstacle such as a hardlight barrier. I could see why someone wouldn't be able to easily move through rough terrain and mountains but simple things like low barriers, windows or even boxes should be smooth. My suggestion would be to make an animation identical to Battlefield where the movement is smooth when you climb or jump over small objects or obstacles.
  5. Crash Bandicoot

  6. OneShadowWarrior

    Agreed, the lighter the vehicle the more it should sail up hills and what is the point with full acceleration when you go up a hill and it’s like being on a skateboard and hitting a rock, dead stop. I scream all the time about the Sunderer needing 4x4 drive.
  7. Scroffel5

    I want to climb a hill with my Flash so I can get into a sniper position without having to get enhanced hill climb chassis (scrapper). IT IS A QUAD!
  8. PlanetBound

    Look underneath. It has two Torsen differentials.
  9. PlanetBound

    Choose which feature you want. Improved hill climbing, speed, or boost.
  10. Pondera

    I'm not talking about vehicle stuff. That already seems well adjusted enough. I'm just talking about infantry passability. This game seems to forget that you can lift your legs to find footholds and such. It just seems like if there's a 0.5 foot tall obstacle, or a slope a few inches too steep, you're stopped cold.
  11. Uthael

    What annoys me is that the game seems to just prevent some of your controls from working if you're on a steep enough slope.

    In a vehicle, it's like I ran out of gas.

    On foot, it's like I'm in a vehicle.

    Infantry should be able to climb all mountains, stopping only when they hit a 90° wall. Ofcourse, the steeper it is, the slower it goes. But even on a 85° slope, you should be able to move 10ft/min