One of the greatest flaws of Planetside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belkor, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Commissar38

    You're right. I mean that's what could be so disconcerting for a new player is say his squad is attacking a Tech Plant. They're not gonna know to hit the Gens and SCU's first or hell, they wouldn't even know where they are in the facility. When I was BR1-10 I didn't know why that lady kept telling me the "SCU is compromised." I was fortunate enough to be in an outfit where all that got explained to me in short order.

    I dunno maybe a solution is to have a VR tutorial where some of the finer points of base capping is at least discussed.
  2. 01101010

    In-game awareness and environment familiarity > BR.
  3. BH Brigade

    Same here, I felt like a complete dumb *** asking my outfit, but they were really nice about it, and once they told me about it, I figured out how simple it is.
  4. Skullface360

    YES there are things not fully explained well in the game for new players but that said I found 90% of things in this game to be easy to learn and figure out.
  5. KnightCole

    Lolz, my trick now is when I make a new toon, hop in a tank, camp around the spawn points in AMP stations and do little things to snag kills and xp here and there until I atleast have a scope on my gun. Then, slap NWA1 and then maybe adventure out. Its not impossible to get places at LV1, but you gotta be really careful. Maybe travel with a platoon or squad and res/revive, repair...I know I swap alot to fix terminals when I see them hit, tanks, MAX suits, medic people.....its all xp and xp is certs, certs is upgrades, upgrades is victory, doesnt matter how you get them.

    Really, when you think about the upgrades, none of them are really so amazing that you cant win. The Vanguard shield? Its only a few seconds, will stop like 1 shot. NWA? clear up at lvl5 its only 125hp, its only like 1 shot. Before then, I think its more a placebo effect. At first it seems like you just cant win, but after a day or so, you learn the game, you figure it out, you gain certs, you start to do well. My 1st day on this game, TR HA, I was like 6/20...the next day, I got unlocks, began to really pick it up and by like day 3, had a K/D gap of like 124 more kills then deaths. It only went up past that.
  6. Isila

    At BR1 you had enough certs to get Rexo and Medium Assault. Via the training mission XP and the XP you got from equipping/using/looking at every weapon/item/vehicle/base equipment in the game, you could get to BR5 (nearly BR6) without ever leaving Sanctuary. That would give you enough certs to pick up Heavy Assault, AV, Medic, or Engineer if you desired.

    You could not do as many things at one time as a BR20/25 player, and you would have to rely more on your empire-mates, but you were just as combat-effective. You would be absolutely as effective at field combat as they were (via AV and MA), and very competitive in base combat (The Sweeper was only slightly worse than the HA weapons at most ranges, and the MA rifles were superior to the HA weapons for courtyard combat with the possible exception of the MCG). You do have a point about implants, but again you would have been VERY close to getting your first implant once you finished training, which meant that vets only had two implant slots on you, and most of the implants were situational or of limited real combat benefit unless you were in a fast response outfit doing small operations (Audio Amp, for example, loses its value as the fight gets larger and larger and it becomes more obvious where enemies are).
  7. Belkor

    If you truly believe a BR 100 has no significant cert advantage over a BR1, I impose this challenge to you:

    "What do you suggest new players do against a BR 60 pilot with a fully decked out ESF? Camp AA turret? What if there are no AA turrets around? Not to mention how little fun it is being forced to camp a turret."

    From this example alone, is it really a surprise so many new players quickly left Planetside attributing to the current population issues?
  8. Belkor

    Very well said, especially this line: "I basically feel like I have no utility when playing them, it is almost like playing half a game because you cant use any of the features effectively."

    A timed, fully certed shield will stop 2 shots which is significant considering these tanks die in 7 volleys. The shield makes a difference between life and death.

    Vanguard shield level 1: 3000 dmg absorbed, drains in 5 seconds, fully recharges in 60 seconds.
    Level2: 4000 dmg absorbed, drains in 6 seconds, fully recharges in 55 seconds.
    Level 3: 5000 dmg absorbed, drains in 7 seconds, fully recharges in 50 seconds.
    Level 4: 6000 dmg absorbed, drains in 8 seconds, fully recharges in 45 seconds.

    Also see:

    "What do you suggest new players do against a BR 60 pilot with a fully decked out ESF? Camp AA turret? What if there are no AA turrets around? Not to mention how little fun it is being forced to camp a turret."
  9. Belkor

    Any final comments?
  10. Garantine

    Hey now, that's heresy. Smedley himself said that nobody is leaving, they are just clumped up on the wrong servers. His word is gospel.

    On the subject, I completely agree that there is a severe discrepancy between low level players and players of BR 40 and beyond. The certs are significant, if they weren't, people wouldn't bother spending them to gain the advantage that they provide, but they should be otherwise what is the point in developing my character if he never really progresses?
  11. Compact

    I don't feel bad about killing < BR 10's, I just convince myself they're FOTMers in case of TR or someone's alt in case of VS.

    Herp derping aside, as far as vehicles go, new players are at a disadvantage. In infantry fights the differences between certed and non-certed players is not big. Quite often them newbies probably have an advantage over me; I run an engineer with utility belt most of the time and have no advantage over anyone in a straight up firefight.

    That said, I think it should be made clear somewhere in the tutorial or, I dunno, somewhere, that newbies are on more even ground playing as infantry.
  12. Garantine

    They aren't though. They might be on more even ground playing AGAINST infantry, but when vehicles are taken into account, that becomes rather moot.
  13. Terran537

    You can put enemies into your friends list, but you have to type in /friend add (name here) instead of the hold Q + select "Add Friend" option.
  14. Compact

    Is there something you can cert into as infantry that would really make a difference against vehicles anyway, apart from annihilator or other AV weapons, which, if you're a newbie and most likely playing solo as you're getting used to the game, are really no advantage at all? I don't count flak jacket either.

    But issa good point anyway, maybe the bottom line advice is start with infantry fights. Luckily most fights are infantry fights anyway.
  15. Garantine

    How is having a lock-on rocket as opposed to a dumbfire not an advantage especially against aircraft? How about C4, tank mines, etc? Are those of no value to a new player? The last time I saw an all infantry battle was in a bio-lab by the way. That is the only place that you find infantry only fights.
    • Up x 1
  16. DreadPirate

    I'm sure once we're all mostly working towards getting the new stuff they've introduced, they'll just give new players all the stuff we worked so hard to get, for free.
  17. memetik

    What about something like a mini-continent where new players fights until they reach BR X (3,5,10 ?)

    pros : newbies fight against each others with no interference from the vets. they'll get familiar with the game without feeling crushed by super-heroes

    cons : that "zone" could be a desert at some point and get you stuck with no advancement.

    well, maybe the VR training zone will be a little like that...
  18. madman278

    The issue is that in any game of skill + leveling where players are thrown together in a free for all the veteran players will always come out on top (95% time). That is a given, a newbie Quake player vs someone who has put in 100+ hours and knows the map intimately? They have less of a chance than Mr Planetside Noobie, same for any game. So the real question is how to design a game which creates roles for noobies and veterans alike.

    Planetside does this though the use of groups and platoons. It doesn't matter how good your ESF is if ur facing a group of 5 ESF and 3 of them are level 30+.. you will be shot down and who knows maybe Mr Noobie will do final blow and get himself some points. Now if your just hunting down lone level 1s then yes the odds are quite in your favor but again if they play defensively and fly with buddies they will have a much better odds of surviving. Planetside isn't so much about individual skill when it comes to infantry combat just being part of a zerg will get you certs.. Individual skill plays more of a factor in vehicle combat esp in ESP and that's what i usually play. As long as Planetside offers what no other FPS offers it will stick around.. some people enjoy the large scale combat some don't..
  19. Compact

    Are we looking to strip any and all advantages from players who have played the game longer than the newcomer? I'm not sure anymore. Having rocket launchers of any kind to use against vehicles of any kind is useless for newbies - and I stand that newcomers will play solo when getting their baby steps - because alone they won't be able to do anything against vehicles whether those vehicles are driven by another newbie or if they're certed up the ****. They're better of having the dumbfire they can use against infantry too.

    You can find infantry only fights nearly anywhere, or when they get big enough, fights where it's infantry vs infantry and vehicles vs vehicles. I know I can, I know you could too if you wanted to, and I don't mean biolabs only. We don't count though because the newbie probably cannot.

    Anyway, I need take my leave now. My last words: if there were to be a say, 1K SC giveaway for new players, my suggestion for them would be to play LA and get a shotgun with that SC. LA because it's something (most) other FPSs don't have, shotgun because with the LA+shotgun combo teh newbie can 1) get to easier than other infantry and 2) be useful (and 3) don't really even need to know how to aim) in the places where it matters: cap points, generator rooms, satellite base cap points, ... plus it's a ton of fun to play and you can mostly ignore vehicles if not being camped, and even in those cases you can troll like a pro without any certs.
  20. Tonkatron

    Hey there,

    Welcome to games. Oftentimes people that play more, work harder to strive in-game, usually come out with better options or better equipment.

    Strangely though, this game has that function, but not NEARLY as bad as other games.

    Cool, you have Nanoweave 5? I have Nano you can take 2 more bullets than me? SINGLE BULLETS. Anyone have any idea how quickly you can shoot two bullets, or just how miniscule that difference is?

    I have my vanguard decked out. You don't. I have played considerably more than you. You might want to re-think your tactics, if only based on the fact i've played more than me more combat experience. Does it mean I will own you everytime? Not at all, and how often is it 1v1 anyway?

    Stop whining.