One of the greatest flaws of Planetside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belkor, Feb 27, 2013.


    There should be NO difference. A bullet kills a veteran soldier as well as a 18 yo recruit.
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  2. AshOck

    While it is nice to know that some of you have a conscience, I think you should let it rest easy.
    It is not your certs that let you farm noobs but rather your experience(not in game XP) playing the game.

    Keep farming them with the ESF as it will teach them to listen for their sound and look at the sky
    and minimap every once in a while.
    Keep farming them with your sniper rifle as it will teach them to move around more, use cover and mind
    who is being killed around them and how.

    No tutorial will be able to teach them situational awareness. It is something that develops with experience.
  3. Zenanii

    Differance is most MMOs have "starting areas" and "lowlevel areas" or ranking systems, you are not pitted against decked out max level players from the get go. It would be like wow made one bg for all levels, LoL matched newer players against veterans with all summoner spells andrumes unlocked or World of tanks had new player in light tanks fighting Maus or heavy artillery from the get-go.
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  4. JudgeDeath

    When you have guns spewing 600-800rpm ... 1-2 bullets is too much difference for spending around 2k certs in it ?
    While doing so loosing their flak armor, ammo carriers, etc etc other options available to them in the same slot.
  5. quicKsanD

    As a BR 74, I feel bad when I kill anyone under BR 5. Ok, let me clarify that when I am in a good mood I feel bad when it happens. However you are correct OP, that is a great flaw for Planetside 2. I started playing with my main on release and no one really ever got that far ahead of me that I felt like I was being owned by overpowered players or weapons.

    Last month I created a VS and TR alt (My main is NC) and started leveling them up and it isn't easy. I even spent some station cash to give each a weapon I like. I mostly play as infantry hopping from hotspot to need reinforcements to hotspot and so on. This allows me to mostly play infantry and get into some decent battles. It really isn't easy, I use my aircraft is a point A to point B travel method, don't even try to stay in the air with all the AA and lock ons. With limited engie ability and and no upgrades in my tanks I usually go on a quick run and get a few kills. Over the last month I have gotten both alts to BR 17 and they both barely have any points into my favorite class.

    I basically feel like I have no utility when playing them, it is almost like playing half a game because you cant use any of the features effectively. Personally I believe that low BR players need some help. Like maybe double XP to BR 10, or 1000 certs to start out with give them somethings they can try out. Or maybe one free purchase from the Depot store. Another idea is to give them trials on weapons that last to BR 5 or 10. Any combination of these ideas I think would work and give both new players and Alts a fair shot on the battle field against a maxed out ESFs with flares, AA missiles, stealth, etc.

    That was the beauty of Planetside 1, sure you started at like BR 3 or 4 (after VR training) and could only afford a few things like maybe one plane or tank but it was equal to everyone else's tanks or plane.
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  6. YamiNoTenshi

    Worst thing I've done is shooting a drop pod out of the air with my mossy back when they still hot dropped the BR1 into battles, that made me feel really bad, poor guy never even got to land :(
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  7. Zan_Aus

    No one expects to be Digital Jesus on their first login but this game has a learning cliff compared to most FPSs. It is extremely new player unfriendly.

    I spent my first 3-4 days being utterly destroyed by weapons and vehicles I had no idea about. My KDR sunk to about 0.3 and I almost stopped playing before deciding I wasn't going to let it beat me. Not to mention the basics of base capture/usage etc is completely unexplained.
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  8. WalrusJones

    Ahahaha! I am just getting past this bit.
  9. Chyper

    Actually, you can send friend requests to players in the opposing factions. If they accept they will appear in your friends list. But you cant invite them to join your squad. Would be fun though.
  10. Gisgo

    Im 36 years old and i suck at shooting, I dont have the best comp and i average 35 fps during huge battles.
    Never had a problem killing people in my lowbies, never had a problem getting certs in my lowbies, never felt "hindered" by not having all the cool stuff given to me from the start.
    This game is far from being difficult or newbie unfriendly.
    In fact, its too easy, the difference between a BR 50 and a BR10 is trivial.
    If i can succeed, anyone can.
    Go play Project Reality or any "tactical" shooter and see what happens to newbies...
  11. Anchor IV

    I don't feel bad at all when I pop a BR1. They shouldn't have chosen to be a traitor or a technphile. :D

    But really the specialising in PS2 only gives so much of an advantage. I have been killed plenty of times by low BR's.
  12. vastaitku

    You said "just as easy." Are you trying to haggle now?
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  13. Isila

    OP is misleading. It's a flaw in Planetside 2, not Planetside. Planetside had a perfect cert system that awarded options, not power.

    In their attempt to be Battlefield 3: Auraxis Edition, SOE threw out everything that made Planetside good. That's why their populations are suffering mere months after release.
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  14. DirArtillerySupport

    I know for a fact that if I introduce this game to my bot killing buddies on lan night PS2 will crash and burn. Some only have time for a few hours a week to pew pew. If they chose to spend those precious few hours doing something as boring as shooting predictable computer generated soldiers or zombies who am I to argue? Personally I can't go back...those hours on lan night drag on for me like nothing I've encountered since grade school and I want these guys in this game.

    My question is why should PS2 not cater to them as well? Why is it so important that we exclude the non-believers? If we had a closed playing area where we could shoot at each other and maybe take a few flags in an arena..who are we hurting?

    You want weekend warriors making the leap into your game then putting them up against a squad of BR100 is NOT the way to get people interested. If they aren't in these controlled areas in your game then they'll just be in a closed area in some other game with no hope at all of ever experiencing PS2 and potentially becoming customers. It has to be made fun for everyone because when everyone is not included in a way that's comfortable for them then your game has a limited target audience with an uncertain future.
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  15. Kujo

    Whenever I kill a BR1 or similarly low level player, I never feel good about it. I always think something like "I hope he's liking the game" or "I hope he's not getting frustrated with it" or something similar. I want new players to stick around and I know how rough this game can be for them.

    The thing is, Planetside 2 is massive 3 way PvP combined arms war in a a persistent online world. Period. Anything else is not Planetside and if anything else were to be put into Planetside, it would only end up taking away from Planetside.

    To sum it up, as Smedley has said, in this game, players are content for each other. Giving players a closed off area to go to be safe from other players is removing content from the game.
  16. Crazy Airborne

    maybe I should send a few of the lvl 1's a message after I repeatedly farm them.

    nah, they are probably just Asian cert farmers anyways.
  17. Commissar38

    I mean part of what makes Planetside 2 so hard (the learning curve) is literally one of my favorite parts of the game. I'm BR21 and I keep learning new things about the game every time I play. Each time I get a little bit more insight into the mechanics, I get a little bit better situational awareness, and get a bit more comfortable with my weapons. Of course when you're BR1 the games gonna seem tougher than college algebra but it really is a rich and complex game that rewards people who play smart and work together. And when you look back and think "Man I was such a noob at BR10" and see how much better you're doing from putting in a little effort to learn about it it's pretty satisfying.
  18. BH Brigade

    I keep trying to get my buddies into this game, but one gets such **** frames it's unplayable (but he's using a dual core with a 60 dollar graphics card :D) and my other friend can't figure anything out, they really need a comprehensive tutorial, explaining HUD elements, how to capture bases and overload gens etc. He could take half an hour to figure it out with my guidance, but most noobs won't have a friend to ease them into the game.
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  19. BH Brigade

    Yes, but noobs need to know how to cap bases, and how to overload gens at least. Otherwise they are no use to their team other than human shields/fodder.
  20. Littleman

    Wrong. In PS1, options WERE power. Newbs couldn't afford the defacto grunt setup right out of the gate. They didn't have access to 3 implant slots, which were very powerful actually. Here, everyone has the same options, just certs improve and empower those options. It's like everyone starts off at BR40, and now we're working on advanced certs.
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