Nerf the VS. I was previously VS, but I made an NC and TR character to see what their factions were like. AND THEY WERE RIGHT!!! VS are completely and utterly OP. They have ridiculous weapon accuracy and their guns kill in like 3 shots. Also, they don't have any recoil or cone of fire. Somehow I didn't notice that when I played VS. Also, the Lasher is completely overpowered. It shouldn't be able to have any splash. Make it direct damage only please. Also, no bullet drop needs to go. Its unfair that VS guns have the best damage rate of fire and have no bullet drop. When I play TR and NC my guns shake to much and I can't hit anything. Also the magrider needs to have strafing removed. It makes it too hard to hit. Its unfair right how since all the devs play VS and its the noob faction. I'm MLG but the VS are OP that's why my stats aren't good.
Obvious troll. Like, really ******* obvious. It's so trolly I feel as if it overflows to not being trolly at all. But, let us do this anyway : 0. You make the mistake of differentiating CoF, accuracy, recoil, etc. These terms, for the most part, are interchangeable and/or complementary in making a larger, more detailed explanation of some part of a gun's stats. 1. We do not have low accuracy, we have some of the highest horizontal recoil. Fact. 2. NC with their high damage guns are more able to kill in 3 shots. The only thing that will kill you in 3-ish shots from the VS arsenal is the Cerberus. 3. Lasher has the slowest bullet velocity of any gun. I think that is enough of a counterbalance to any OP traits. 4. If you take away bullet drop, can we have our bullet velocity improved? Y'know, since our bullets are the slowest of 3 factions. 5. VS guns typically have the worst damage-per-mag stat. 6. Magrider main cannon is the worst main cannon in every way compared to the other main cannons. Magrider is the slowest tank. Saron is passable. Buff all of these problems and we can talk about nerfing the strafe speed that has already been nerfed before. I'd say L2P or "get on my level" or even "get eme-rolled," but I don't think it matters. Woops, said it anyway.
It is sarcasm. The sad thing is that each of the things I talked about are debated in the forums every day. I did exaggerate things a bit, but the VS seems to be the FOTM to complain about. I don't really understand why, either. After playing the other two factions I don't really see a true strength of the VS. They really are middle of the road, and I think Emerald has skewed forum sides viewpoint of the VS.