On what server and faction can I find MLG quality players like myself?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrazahNede, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. DrazahNede

    I hate being surrounded by lesser players.

    no offence, there is room for everyone in this game, just not too close
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  2. Compass

    Helios, VS.
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  3. siddar

    You don't.

    If you are good enough they will find you.

    Me i'm at no risk of these people ever bothering me.
  4. Raneman

    Anyone on Mattherson. Mattherson is the only server where people are actually competent.
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  5. Konfuzfanten

    A few questions spring to mind:
    a) what are you doing in PS2? Its not a competitive FPS, there is a very good reason why SOE are "tweaking" PS2 for MLG.
    b) why are you asking for a fraction/server, when you should be asking for a clan/outfit? The general population has nothing to do with MLG or proper pro-gaming(aka getting paid real money for your gaming time), its all down your clan/outfit.
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  6. AmazingBob

    Hah, good one!
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  7. Crator

    You understand this is a MMO right? You will always be surrounded by lesser players, where ever you go. Now if you are talking about an outfit, that's different. I don't have an answer for you though.

    EDIT: You are in the league right? Shouldn't you be able to find members in an existing forum/location that you frequent already?
  8. Corporate Thug

    Really? Good to know we all suck compared to your server. I've tried many and your players are no better then the players on any other server so a little while ago I simply decided to just play all three factions on Helios/Connery as they have some amazing players who don't even use vehicles, not to say all on Mattherson do.

    For the record every server has good outfits, but I find a high concentration of good players on Connery, but it's all about what you want to do in this game. Personally I love owning squads as infantry.
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  9. Snarfy

    Go play Call of Doody, i think that will suit you more so.
  10. Tommyp2006



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  11. Wezdor

    TR and Waterson. Remember to buy the Striker and Fractures, they are true MLG skill based weapons.
  12. S0LAR15


    I've got alts on Waterson and Mattherson, there may be good players there, but there are hard to find from all the scrubs TKing and accusing you of hacking every two seconds. I'm not even joking either, the standard on the US east servers is generally lower than on Coblat for sure. I was accused of aimbotting within about 15 minutes, first time I had that happen in weeks of game time on PS2 on Cobalt. There after I got about one accusation an hour. TKing was out of control, both the noobs who just panic and shoot everything that take them by surprise, but also the other morons who are 40 m back - "yea I see you're in close with him, but who cares ill hose you both down to be sure".
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  13. chrisbeebops

    You should totally join Waterson, there are lots of MLGPROS here.

    Just make sure you join NC or TR, so we VS can kill you as many times as possible without getting weapons locked.
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  14. gigastar

    Go download the test server client.

    Populations there will be MLG friendly, no doubt.
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  15. Fumblewatt

    Save us all, ons of bcp's stream viewer is on the loose.
  16. DuckSauce

  17. huller

    Join the Miller master race ;)
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  18. TheWhiteDragon

    The problem is that since SOE has not yet provided an environment to play against other competitive players, you'll run into noobs no matter what server you join.

    However, I'd still suggest Connery. Connery has been the best about organizing its own events. I'm sure that when a competitive space is finally created, guys like the 82, 666, TRG, EXE, and VAST will all put up respectable teams.
  19. HadesR

    None .. I doubt your head would fit through the servers door ...


    -1/10 :p
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  20. Nekky

    What a joke...
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