On the issue of translation.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by PS2NSO, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. PS2NSO

    I checked the translation status of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese, but the main vehicles, weapons and equipment were not translated.
    In fact, every vehicle, every weapon and equipment has a Chinese name, why not translate them?
    For example, "Sunderer", the Chinese name is "决裂者".
    HEAVY_ASSAULT = 重型突击兵
    Liberator = 解放者
    Vanguard = 先驱
    Magrider = 电磁骑士
    Prowler = 徘徊者
    I hope that the translation can be complete and don't give up halfway.
    Reference translation file:zh_cn_data.rar - Google 云端硬盘
  2. CHINI

    Well, maybe they should let the community translate that stuff... you shouldn't use the translation, as most descriptions are old (obsolete) by now. Just playing in english fairs better at the moment