On Alerts and Continent Locking

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AzureKnight, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. AzureKnight

    When continent connections are made and continent locking is introduced, how exactly are they going to the Large Base Alerts? things like Capture the biolabs and tech plants is what I mean. You continent lock Indar and you already have 3 biolabs, two tech plants, and three amp stations. This makes any faction who has that continent pretty much sure fire to win as taking over one of these contested bases regularly can take an hour. Factor in the fact that by the time you can get back to a continent, chances are very slim for the other two factions to pull a victory.

    And what happens if an alerts pops up that says "capture all biolabs on Indar" but that continent can't be accessed due to it being locked?

    I'm just curious what's going to happen with the alerts when those two systems are in place.