OMG Higby looks at the VS MAX stats and admits to them!

Discussion in 'MAX' started by treeHamster, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Cinnamon

    So you would expect people who don't have any certs or experience playing MAX flooding to the kit suddenly causing a large spike in average k/d ratio?
  2. Dvine

    Get teh **** out with your BS.

    How many times you got mowed down by a VS Max in an infantry or tank battle before GU9? The one and only viable role for a VS Max was AA, thats it.

    Here is my previous explanation to another intellectual genius like you:

    He forgot to add the reason for high K/D ratio on the VS Maxes, its very easy to understand if you think about it. Majority of the VS maxes were pulled for 2xBurster AA and were seldom used for anything else as they sucked hard. Since infantry doesnt render outside 300m VS AA maxes had little to no concern about dying, and thats where the high KD is coming from.

    Next to noone used VS Maxes for anything outside AA, Highby should have mentioned that little detail before he practically insulted 3rd of his audience that he gets his salary from. I know he doesnt like the ******** about charge up weapons, but come on man take a few steps back and don't make the mistake of "I know better what the users want than the users" it always ends up in tears.
  3. Cinnamon

    This is just wrong. VS Max always had very competetive AI weapons compared to TR, much better AV until fractures, same armour upgrades. The times that I saw a VS who certed his AI MAX and knew how to play it they were absolutely deadly.
  4. Xasapis

    I would expect that an assault that used to have 10 maxes and now has 25 to have a bigger impact than the 10% damage increase or the ADAD movement does.
  5. freeze

    no, don't you be talking nonsense here... it's all the OP ZOE... because that's what we only use
  6. Cinnamon

    So the fact that VS pulled fewer MAX than other empires before ZOE meant that the average k/d accross all players was lower than other empires. And ZOE increased k/d by 1 for all VS infantry using regular kits because others pulling MAX suits raised the overall impact of their side? I call bs.
  7. Xasapis

    He was obviously trolling. Any veteran developers knows by now that players would flock to anything that gives them an edge or an easier time and even invent ways to use stuff to gain that edge that the developers never anticipated or planned for. There are some few individuals that are drawn by the challenge, but most people will pick the easy road.

    Saying that players don't use something unless it's not op is, well, rubbish. Give the players a weapon that is twice as good as what is currently available (aka op) with the caveat that it turns you into a clown and you'll be fighting an army of clowns tomorrow.
  8. IronWarrior

    TR and NC pulled enough AA maxes as anyone else but our K/D's wasn't as high as K/D 2.8 and even with Lock-Down on TR our K/D's didn't jump to K/D 3.4 like the Zoe Max.

    So your argument is invalid and with no data to back it up.

    I also reported your post for breaking forum TOS. :)
  9. IronWarrior

  10. TeknoBug

    That part I'm a little confused with, he did say that VS MAXes were the least used before ZOE which was right, but I don't remember them having the highest KDR. Unfortunately the google docs page is empty now but there was a page with MAX stats some time ago and I'm pretty sure NC MAXes were above the other two before.
  11. Shinrah

    It´s insulting! He mentions VS MAX´s had a 2,8 K/D. However, he does not mention the K/D of TR and NC.
    Also, he says only very few VS played the MAX. This makes it safe to assume mainly dedicated MAX players pulled out the VS MAX. VS are also having the lowest pop, that means we have alot more to shoot at, hence why most stats show average VS/NC EXP is slightly higher than the TR´s. I would assume this can easily justify a deviation in K/D even if the unit itself is subpar. Not to mention the whole description ****up with Blueshift & Cosmos.

    That the K/D went up while at the same time the amount of players with MAX´s increased shows it was indeed too strong. I have no problem conceding that point. But SOE failed the VS during the last months. First the Magrider was overnerfed, then we had 2 weapon releases that were so UP that they required day one buffs to at least get some people to try them.

    How can he go about and talk about VS only using stuff if it`s OP mhh? VS couldn´t be arsed using useless toys just because Higby thought they were totally awesome(Lancer/Vortex), when infact our existing weaponry was superior.

    But sure, way to go if you want to further alienate a faction that is already in the decline. Not every lost VS player rerolls TR or NC, most simply quit the game.
  12. Sharpe

    I see this alot... "Higby is NC" "Favors his faction" etc...

    Do you people really not understand? I refuse to believe ANYONE, even on gaming forums can be this thick?
    Your little world, is not the normal world. Game developers hardly play their own game (at least for fun), Higby and other devs don't care about your precious VS, TR or NC. They care about their product making money. They care about their customers buying their product, spending money on their product. (and that's not a bad thing - something has to be good for people to spend money on it - most of the times)
    What you see with every dev picking a side, and wearing T-shirts with their faction and appearing to be faction loyal in videos and interviews is just PR (do you really not understand this?)
    So pretty much ANY action you see a company take is with profit in mind. It's not about your petty perceived bias.
    They will take actions that will make Planetside 2 a more profitable game in the long term. And keeping the game balanced and fun for everyone involved - so that in the end more people spending money is their goal.
    They really don't give a **** about you personally or your factional bias. It's only in the twisted little world of forum posters that this happens.

    If the minority of posters here who claim their faction needed an OP MAX to mantain population or it's not worth playing, it's not because Higby hates YOU or the VS, it's because it would probably hurt sales in the long run. (and you're probably not the type of player this, or any game needs anyway)

    -post not directed at the quoted person
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  13. Bavieca

    I think that was exactly the point higby was making about hte kdr stuff when he said specifically that the number of maxes fielded was the change he expected is really impacting the game. Until the other two factions start laying on more and more explosives to deal with it, they are just going to have to QQ. BTW, the so called nerf is just a normalization of the acceleration in side strafing. This is actually a good thing for outfit maxes since their pocket engies will be able to stay safely behind them.
  14. Dvine

    Sigh.. .I suppose I shall explain it to you as I would explain it to a child...

    VS Maxes were only effective in AA, in every other regard they were worthless, therefore VS only pulled it for AA. Since AA Maxes have longer lifespawns because the infantry render distance makes them nigh invisible for aircraft they died less.

    On the other hand TR/NC Maxes vere viable for AA and Infantry (sometimes AV) fights people used them more. Since TR/NC Maxes werent always standing on airpads/spawnpoints fighting almost exclusively Aircraft like VS, they got shot by infantry/rocket launchered/rammed/tankshelled/C4-d/and so on and so on. With more things to get killed by in non-AA situations NC/TR maxes died more per hour, than the AA focused VS maxes.

    More uses=more death.

    If Highby wants to tell the whole picture, then he would put out "Damage Done by Max" broken down to AI/AA/AV then you would see a picture that is worth arguing over.

    And as for you reporting me violating the TOS just because you cant muster a reasonable counterargument to what I said: I hope thats the high point of your week buddy! I get a warning maybe a few days ban and laugh, you just have to live with your dumpy kindergarten grade problem solving hiding behind the skirt of adults (in this case forum mods). Talk about a shallow victory..
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  15. Izriul

    Why now, after months of arguments from some of PS2's best players AND developers stating that K/D doesn't matter, are you using this as an "argument"

    What's more important? K/D or score?

    Considering certs is the food to this game, I'm going to go with score.

    NC max had a MUCH higher score.

    The difference between K/D for all the max's though, was not "much higher" they were pretty much the same. I don't have the numbers anymore since the doc site seems to be down, but let's say one had 2.60 and another had 2.67 - is that MUCH higher to you? It's ridiculous how close most (as in, every infantry weapon, max, vehicle) is, and people are quick to jump on this attribute that is deemed worthless one day, for it to be the most important thing the next, because "a developer said so". A developer that's known to be biased, known to hold some sort of grudge, and above all else - only human.

    Me? I like to think for myself, not be told what to think.
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  16. Vorxil

    Now I'd like to see these stats Higby is drawing conclusions from including their reasoning to deduce that no other factor other than the ZOE itself was causing it to be better. All wrapped up in formal theses, citations and lingo. You know, for proofreading.
  17. IronWarrior

    Are you honestly trying to tell everyone that the only reason VS Maxes had a higher K/D was because they only did AA duty?

    I guess TR and NC never pulled AA Maxes too. Hear that TR and NC? We never pulled AA Maxes and my AA Max with dual Bursters with extended magazines doesn't exist according to Dvine.

    Your argument is yet again invalid, you have zero data to back this up and you wasting mine and everyones time with your wild and outrageous speculation.
  18. Dvine

    Score is not good either unless you go and normalize it by deducting the XP boosts. The true measure would be AA/AI/AV damage done by Max per faction.
  19. TeknoBug

    VS MAXes were viable in both AI and AV, however the majority of VS players bought Blueshifts instead of Cosmos because of the description mixup, at the time the Blueshift was really Bluesh*t which resulted in many VS players not bothering with their MAX. Now that the accuracy for the Blueshift and Cosmos has been swapped, I see more VS pulling Blueshift MAXes even long before ZOE was added (and I even purchased the Blueshifts as well after having used dual Cosmos since late November), and now the Cosmos accuracy is garbage and only 1 out of 10+ shots seems to land even at ~10m range. The Comet before the AV MAX changes was pretty good and again after the damage buff post-change.

    I only use ZOE with my dual Comet MAX setup because it seems to increase the velocity of the orb travel and the damage increase is a bonus, I prefer having charge for my dual Burster and dual Blueshift setups for getting away from trouble.
  20. Vanus Aran

    All you whiners bore me to tears.

    ZOE is without a doubt the most flexible Max-ability.

    And because most whiners cant handle it when they cant find a way to kill someone without a single risk, they call it overpowered.
    If the whole ZOE-nerfcrap turns me "AGAIN" into a slow and predictable target but now with much less damage-resistance, you can be sure that you will never have to whine about ZOE again cause then the people using it will be even less as people who used Maxes before!
    I still see people using Charge and its doing its job properly. In times when ZOE is making noobs cry like never before, VS Maxes still use Charge. " Must be noobs, right? "
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