OMFG: Phase 1 to Test!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by codeForge, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. codeForge

    We want to get it to you guys as quickly as we can, but as we find issues we decide if we'd rather get them fixed before they get out. When it comes to issues that require larger patches, we'd rather wait and get those done. Trust me, we want you guys helping us test as much as you want to see it.

    Hold tight, we'll have it out as soon as possible, and no sooner! :)
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  2. gnometheft

    We are ready when you are! very excited.
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  3. daniel696

    No problems, the only problem is announcing things that are not going to happen, I beginning to think that you guys when see that the patch could already be release everyone became very happy and something like that happened "Wow! Let's release it now! The players will love it, I can't wait!" and then "Guys let's see if there is some bugs or things like that in the patch" and by the way, you guys have found some bugs.
    The problem is annoucing things that may not happen, please, I will give you SOE a suggestion. Don't be enthusiastic and FIRST see if there's bugs in the patch, then when you guys have 100% of shore that everything is ok, release it, announce it. Doing this kind of stuff just destroy your "word moral" with the community, have you seen a thread made by a player about this patch today ? No, why ? Because there's something coming from the past that tell them that this patch have 60% of chance from not been released.
    And just to finish this wall of text here... try not doing this kind of post when there's no 100% of shore, because this, now... is becoming disrespectiful with the community, making thounsands of players to keep logging to see if there's some patch, to keep looking the forums to see some news.

    It's becoming disrespectiful.
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  4. Gleerok

    " "Wow! Let's release it now! The players will love it, I can't wait!" and then "Guys let's see if there is some bugs or things like that in the patch" and by the way, you guys have found some bugs"

    They are doing just that, checking for bugs... how many times have we seen posts about "We are polishing stuff up" related to the optimizations and further tests? ...
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  5. Chipay

    It's a good thing they're searching for bugs, but saying 'hey this patch will be here tomorrow' and then going 'we found some bugs' is like a student handing over his homework and going 'I forgot to check my homework for spelling mistakes, can i hand it in tomorrow?'
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  6. LordMondando

    Uh... no.
  7. Chipay

    Uh... yes.
  8. Luminus

    I was hoping I could get my hands on this today.
    Going to be hard for SoE to take my attention away from PoE for a while.
  9. LordMondando

    A program like this is thousands and thousands of lines of code that work together as an giant intertwined machine. Problems in one bit, especially if its a semantic for example are INCREDIBLY hard to find, let alone fix and can often appear in completely novel ways (due to the fact it may have several dozen pieces of very complex math behind it). Not to mention there mutlithreading this even more as a big part of this so you have the fun of deadlocking and racing.

    Comparing it to anything you'd be set in school, lulz. Even not handing a Ph.d thesis on time is barely comparable as Ph.d thesis's (though the research behind them may be) are not 'team' efforts either, further complicating things as unless every change is documented it becomes even harder.

    Plus why are you the teacher in this analogy?

    Its a bad analogy. Programming is not something you can just 'WORK HARDER' at, its also a hell of a lot more complicated than your analogy makes out.
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  10. xDeGuerrex

    Thanks CodeForge for taking time to tell us what's going on.

    Totally agree with this.

    Release the patch please, like it seems you've got most of the job done. Not the whole thing ? Well, it's ok ... Anyway, you already said there will be other phases.

    It's on public test server.
    1. people are willing to log on to see the result, and maybe help to find bugs.
    2. Everybody knows it won't be perfect. Or you're damn pros devs ! (too much stuff to care about, can't be possible ;))
    3. The more helping you, the better testing results you'll have.
    4. You'll have less delays for phase 2, or live patch.

    Yesterday, one outfit mate post on our forum "i make a pause until SOE deploy their optimisation patch on live". And most think the same... Population drops ... Effects of announces not followed by facts.
  11. Chipay

    This is about the PS2 development team labeling something as finished, yet at the day they're supposed to publish it, they still find bugs (bugs to big to make it playable for us mind you)
    You'd expect it to be finished, and THEN announced to be released, even more so because it's wasn't a long term release date where they might have misjudged the amount of work to do, this was announced 2 days ago.

    So yeah, i see this situation comparable to a student who's about to hand his homework but only then realizes that there were still mistakes in it.

    Also, i put us gamers as the teacher because they are handing us their work, then we have to point out their mistakes in the hope that they fix them for the final version, much like a teacher points out the mistakes in the homework so the student won't make same mistakes on his exam/test (live servers).

    I'm not mad at any of the PS2 devs here, they're doing everything they can to make this game better as good as they can, but if you can't give a correct ETA, i'd rather you just announce that the work is finished and we're able to see the finished product on PTS SoonTM.
  12. Konstantinn

    If they really wanted to see performance skyrocket they would give option to disable all cosmetics on client (make every soldier/vehicle type look the same).

    Then again that would kill the cash cow.
  13. Liquid23

    except the ETA was stated as "in the next day or so" and as such they are still well within their given ETA... just because you arbitrarily decided that that meant 2 days doesn't make it so
  14. Chipay

    'In the next day or so' means one day or more than a day but less than 2 days, otherwise it would've been 'in a couple of days'.
    When someone says 'in a month or so' you'd expect between this month and the next month, not in 2 month and 2 weeks.
  15. Liquid23

    no it doesn't... that's just something you decided it means... when I say "in a day or so" it literally means a day or maybe more... nothing more specific nothing less... it could be done in a day or could be done in 4 days... the reason I'd say "in a day or so" is because it could possible be done in as little as a day... the phrase is vague on purpose.. also if you want to be that literal "a couple days" would mean 2 days since "a couple" literally means 2
  16. Jac70

    Just don't announce things in advance, Many times over the history of this game the devs have announced this that and the other is coming soon, only for it to be delayed and then delayed again.

    When it is being uploaded to the test server, announce it - if it isn't, don't.
  17. Chipay

    'a couple' according to the dictionary: Informal A few; several: a couple of days.
    So, no.
  18. Darkshadows120

    Has it been several days? No, it's been about 2 days. So no, they aren't breaking a promise. Now if two weeks passed without them saying anything, then that would be breaking a promise
  19. Liquid23

    you do understand why that definition if marked as informal? because a couple means 2 but people frequently misuse it when they mean a few

    lol some people
  20. R3dBeaver

    need to figure out how to access the test server...............