Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by codeForge, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Andy79

    hope we get a OMFG PS2 benchmark soon (just think about all those techwebsites promoting your game for free by including PS2)
  2. Edfishy

    I can actually participate in large battles for the first time thanks to OMFG1, so I cannot wait for OMFG2 to see if maybe we can knock the performance up another notch (mostly on the CPU side of things it seems).

    Thank you everyone involved!
  3. CptFirelord

    Just looking at your play time and experience with each class. You're totally in a position to call people out for l2p :rolleyes:
  4. Copasetic

    First, hats off to everyone at SOE, this has been one of the smoothest big patches yet. For once I didn't notice any obvious bugs and considering everything that was changed that's pretty amazing.

    A bit of general feedback:
    • The ability and ammo meters on the centralized HUD are too big and in your face.
    • The health and shield meters are too "fancy" and too thin. Solid bars may not look as nice in a screenshot but they're much easier to process in your peripheral vision.
    • Maybe it's just my imagination, but it seems like the sound of impacts on your character are quieter than they were before. They could be turned up a notch to make them stand out, it was throwing me off the whole time.
    • Sometimes when zooming in on a player their animations would go completely wonky for a second, like suddenly they were dead on the ground and then kept walking like nothing happened. Only happened a couple of times so I can't guess as to why
    Hard to say how much my performance improved because I did a clean install and lost my settings, but it feels a lot smoother even when the FPS counter shows only 40 or so.

    But that centralized HUD, man you guys gotta do something there. I think this time it's more than just 'takes some getting used to', the old one was just easier to read.
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  5. Gunsmoke003

    Agreed. In addition, it's twice as hard to read the names of players since the font got changed. I'd strongly recommend rolling back to the old font as it was very easy to read, and looked fine. Why was it changed?
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  6. MrMurdok


    Seriously though, you nailed it, Forge.
  7. Darkwulf

    You should'nt take anything on the forums seriously.

    1v1 full loot + 1000 certs?
  8. SpaceKing

    Everything good!

    New hud will take getting used to, and I do miss the killfeed icons...
  9. Hunterion

    AT LAST!

    Congrats to all you guys for this incredible effort!

    Can anyone confirm if the 3-day XP boost is now awarded to those who logged in the PTS as mentioned? I'm currently at work and can't patch/play yet.
  10. Stubek

    This now looks like cheap piece of playstation trash shooter. Please give back UI or at least give me option to revert it to way it was. Also player names look like something out of BF1942. Additionally now there is lag in player rendering, it weird, goes like no one no one and then bam 50 players infront... at least in big battles.
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  11. BoomBoom4You

    *Pounds fist on table*

  12. RomulusX

    Before this patch came out it was recommended to change the USEROPTIONS.INI file for best results. Should this be switched back to normal now? Or should the adjustments be kept the same as before?
  13. Ttariel

    SO is it just me or is the sprint slower now ?
  14. Lucidius134

    45 SMOOTH FPS, got in a dalton lib and crapped on some noobs. Vehicle HUD/GUI didn't drop my FPS to unplayable levels (or at all seemingly).

    feels soo goooooooood
  15. BloodMonarch

    Before the patch I was already getting pretty decent framerates.....minimum 40fps even in the biggest battles, this patch has made it even better!!!....absolutely awesome job SOE!!

    I estimate an approx. 10fps increase, but on top of that the smoothing makes it look like an even bigger increase. Prior to the update even when getting 60fps there were some instances when stuttering would occur...I would notice it most when a vehicle was moving close to me, across my vision. All stuttering is now gone. I also like the more fluid animations...once again...Great Job!!!
  16. BloodMonarch

    The UI has been optimised as it was causing some performance issues.
  17. evansra

    Just wanted to say well done guys! Played for a few hours tonight and it was flawless, no bugs no crashes no nothing... well except carnage of course :)
  18. Gortha

    MY FPS are locked to 60 FPS all time. But my SCreen runs with 120 Hz. Why is this? Icjh can not find the option to lock max frames and i got V-Sync off....

    Anyone else?
  19. MuldoonX9 Developer

    There's an option near v-sync called smoothing. That's what you're looking for.
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  20. Stubek

    Will we at least get option to build our own bases, seeing the game is now based on Minecraft engine