What i mean is, are nighttime not a little too bright? For me it's just like daytime, with a few cool visual effects. I think it should affect the gameplay more. I don't have anything more to say, please discuss. BTW the title was just a joke.
take a look at those videos from beta and then tell me you are joking aggain. I WANT BETA NIGHTS BACK!!!!!
No no you are misunderstanding me, i said the title was a joke, because i wrote O M F G, i said so because i don't want to sound whiny. Thats my fault. Yes i also want the beta nights back (i also played the early beta)
The lighting of the gas giant and the habitable looking moon is wrong. Look at the gas giant and its habitable looking moon(visible at 5:32 in hunder's video). They are being illuminated from the same light source that is somewhere on their far side. But look at the other moon that is more similar to Earth's moon. It is obviously being illuminated by some source that is on its near-side (likely auraxis' sun)....this source does nothing to illuminate the gas giant or habitable moon. That is completely OP. Nerf it now.
Nights are way too bright to be tactically useful. We're noticing this because it's winter and days are short and dark. In summer during daylight playing those of us who live in a room with (gasp) windows will have a hard time playing. I see the reasoning behind making nights bright, but I would like to see them darker. Not necessarily on a time schedule, maybe a bomb, item or ability that when used at night temporarily makes the night much darker in the affected zone. Would be a great thing for organized platoons who want to use flashlights/NV.
I want torches to be useful. And also, it is a sad state of affairs when you have point out that the title "NERF THE MOON" is a joke.
I want alpha nighttime back, where it was so dark you couldn't see anything except lights, would make the flashlight useful. Also if possible make spotting distance extreamly short unless you have NV/Flashlight equiped at night. Probably should fix it so that NV does not work in the daytime either, cause right now there is no point in thermal, NV is just better than it.
I meant that there was no reason to get NV scopes anymore and flashlights are just as if not more useless. Stop trying to troll.
Whenever this topic is brought up, the devs say "we tested various light levels and this is what people liked the most". And at the same time everybody is clamoring MAKE NIGHT DARKER. I think SOE should try making night darker. Or better yet, give the moon phases and make it variable.
People will just turn up the gamma and see like daytime, screwing over everyone who doesn't. If you really want a darker night all you have to do is turn it down, but there's no way to force everyone else to see what you're seeing.
YES. I loved infiltrating at night during beta. It was nice to actually have to plan and set up somewhere where I could see the enemy players illuminated by the bases lights but where they could not see me. On a tangential note: I think SOE should really implement a test server or even a test client where they can change a few settings without enraging the core audience. Players could join any faction at any time but gain no certs or exp for kills or support. Every week players could vote on what would be tested in upcoming builds and and give feedback on the changes preferably as a text box that appears before logout so we don't get a ton of people who didn't test trying to skew the results in their factions favor. I think this would go a long way to bringing a bit more unity between the devs and the audience.
Really? I can't see anything at night unless it's shooting... I have to turn my room lights off and put the blinds down... I could just turn up the brightness, but I like to play the way it's intended. The cover of darkness means nothing though, as long as 3d spotting is in the game... ;p