Old Colours/Models/Buildings, Why are they gone?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marsodian, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Marsodian

    So to Start, this thread is mainly going to be focused on TR (except for inanimate objects obviously) as that is who I play as although it still applies to the other factions as well.

    So, Infantry:
    Here are some Images to show you what I'm talking about: Images.
    - I think that all of these Images look far better than what we have in game at the moment. They look a bit more serious, More detailed, Better colours etc. (mainly the infantry). Also, the mosquito's in image 1 also look nicer, I'm not sure how but they do.

    - I would also love that variant of the mini-chain gun as many people do! :D

    - If you noticed it, the tower structure in a few of the images, I think it looks pretty neat.
    - In the last image you can see two Vanu soldiers on the right with no helmets, what happened to this?
    - In image 5, what is that structure? an old amp station? It looks nice and defensible if you look it has barrier cover round the sides at the top of the image which I assume people could walk behind and defend the base.

    - Here is another image of the tower and two TR soldiers: Tower.

    - Here is an image with some mossies and sunderers: Vehicles.
    - In this image again, I think the Sunderers look more serious and solid with better colours. Is this just me? I know that some of the parts of the sundy are cosmetics we are able to purchase now, however, It just looks much nicer.

    - Here is an image with an amp station: Amp.
    - So there are some structure differences here, however the most noticeable and quite nice difference is the bridge coming out of the amp station over to the walls with a vehicle gate under it. I really like this.

    Overall I feel that all of these look less cartoony and more professional (military-wise), what do all you guys think?
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  2. Jachim

    Those were before they realized that people actually like having framerate.

    The amp station is actually being updated (at least Zurvan I think?) to be more like in that photo...

    Again with the vehicles... they are way too high fidelity... they had to reduce CPU/GPU and RAM usage drastically.
  3. Aesir

    On that Sundy thing, HERE the 3D Artist that made it(very likely to be a contract work). It's the only PS2 Vehicle he did, or atleast shown in his portfolio. Though he also has some pieces of an AMP Tower.

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  4. Samuel2213

    Couldn't they add the higher fidelity models and textures in as an optional download for people that can handle it?
    Like what Sleeping Dogs did with the high-res texture pack.
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  5. KoS-1

    Guys. People need to realize, most of everything is being done for or because of PS4. We are in essence a console port now.

    SoE doesn't have the personnel nor going to put the money into two different development platforms/teams for PS2.
  6. IamDH


    I have not played Alpha but from some footage and others, the game looked a lot better. I would like the option to have those graphics
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  7. Tobax

    The amp station at least they never used as they said it was very FPS draining and so was re-designed, the rest of the stuff was pre-alpha and probably just place holders.
  8. Marsodian

    Thanks all for replying, as Samuel2213 said, I think it would be good to have the option for higher game settings. Only has to be optional.

    Tobax, if it was place holder... damn cos it's better than the stuff in-game.

    One other point is that the TR soldiers look FAR nicer partly because of the colour used (black/brown/red) as well as everything having a less cartoony feel. I just wish they could restore some of this awesome stuff, I think that the colours/hues are too pure in-game and that the game looks cartonnified. Guys get what I mean?

    It's kind of difficult to explain I'm not so good at it haha. But yes, the main thing is the colours, colour pallettes are very exxagerated and wrong looking. for instance on the TR they have loads of bright white along with plain greyish black with some colourful reds; Brown and black looked better with some dark red added on top.
  9. Marsodian

    Interesting, it deffinately looks better anyway. Could they not just have an extended model slider that goes from very little triangles to ultra triangles?
  10. Aesir

    They already have, if you go through the model files, you have 3 stages, which is actually mainly used for distances. The further out the crappier the model.

    But there are tons of unused things in the files, from a Galaxy Repair/Rearm module to Rocket Mana Turrets or Rocket Base Turrets. Even Railgun Reaver noseguns or an AutoTurret.

  11. Marsodian

    Well I know you can set the models on high, or ultra? but anyway even on max they don't look nearly as good as these old ones, maybe it's lower quality textures?
  12. Scr1nRusher

    You can thank T-ray.
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