okfirst off fix the login

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Random-Precision, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Random-Precision

    I have to relog everytime...other games don't do this...FIX

    Bought a helmet...how do you equip the overpriced POS?

    Great your "market" leaves AAAALOT to be desired.

    Other than that I'm having a GREAT time...On Blacklight.

    * and before the kids say go back to blacklight Im already a step ahead so eat a richard*
  2. Vachek

    Can i haz yer stuff?
  3. Random-Precision

    sure man...this **** sux
    pm me
  4. Fuse

    Wow, if you're this impatient you must not have played Blacklight when it was new. PWE seriously botched the first week or two of that game. I'm sure it runs fine now that most of us gave up.
  5. Freyar

    PWE botched the first few months, and still continues to do questionable things.
  6. Random-Precision

    I did play it then. It wasn't that big a deal then. This...lolz...this is a big deal kids. Honestly I only tried it cause my buddy bought me alpha for my bday...the hardest part will be telling him I'm done. good luck with this people. I'll be back in the fast paced game that leaves no 20 minute downtime to reach an actual battle.
  7. Fuse

    Honest question: Why was it not a big deal then but is a big deal now? What's the difference, other than the fact that this launch is 100X bigger and has been 100X smoother than BLR?

    Also, it should take you 15-20 seconds to get back in the fight. Find a decent squad to roll with and learn from them.
  8. Kediec

    Might help if you chose to spawn at a location close to the fight , only time i have more than a a minute without a fight is if i choose to spawn back at the warpgate . The map makes it easy to see where the fight is .
  9. Random-Precision

    That's cool but it seems I usually drop right in the middle of a tank battle OR I'll clip a building or mountain and die when hitting the ground.
    I do hope you guys have fun with this game and I'm gonna keep my account open just in case BUT..it's senseless to buy helmets BTW. No specs on it..does one helmet protect you better than another? Nothing is shown on specs. Is it just for looks? If so that's useless because I rarely see how cool the enemy looks. A helmet that I can't yet equip that has no advantage over another for $5?
    Yes I'm butt hurt cause I fell for it lolz.
    Anyway have fun..I'll pass for now.
  10. ShriekXL

    Wait, did the kid just call you lot kids? Hohoho.
  11. Random-Precision

    I'm 40 years old so I'm hedging my bet...kiddo :)
  12. ShriekXL

    Just drop it, man. You're no older than 12, MAYBE 13.
  13. ArcaneGuardian

    Now, now. Just because he ACTS like he's 12, doesn't mean he is.

    Helmets are COSMETIC. If you're 40, shouldn't you know by now that you're supposed to RESEARCH your purchases before you buy them? I don't often just go out and buy random things. Do you? If you do, where do you live? I want to set up shop outside of your house. I've got this great towel.... It'll soak up ANYTHING.