Okay, Blueshifts are kinda absurd

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grumblefern, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. ATRA_Wampa-One

    So now that the PPA was nerfed into complete uselessness it's time to nerf more VS things.

    Blueshifts are fine.

    Compare them with Mattlocks and either Heavy Cyclers / Onslaughts and there isn't much difference performance wise.
  2. TheKhopesh

    TR Mercies do 125 @ 10m and 125 @ 65m.

    NC are the only ones who don't get a zero damage loss max weapon.
    We also don't get ranged weapons.
    We have a supposedly ranged shotgun that's realistically no more reliable at range than any other shotgun when it comes to real combat situations.

    And if you stick slugs on said "ranged" shotguns, they take 8-10 rounds from each arm to hopefully hit the target enough to drop him.
    (Sadly, this means you burn one mag per arm of your 6 mags per arm for one kill at 30m.)

    NC really do need a ranged max arm.
    Max AI weapons are extremely similar in stats to carbine stats (though the rates of fire are lower for obvious balance reasons).

    So some 30 round 167 @ 10m and 167 @ 65m Mercenary derived max arms (with lower RPM of course) would be an NC equivalent to what Mercies/Blueshifts are.
  3. vanu123

    It's to help make up for ZOE. (Blueshifts are fine as is and shouldn't be touched, stop complaining and if they are that much of a problem grab C4, rockets, tank mines, etc.
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  4. ATRA_Wampa-One

    It's sad that when it comes to trolling the other teams, mass pulling ZOE maxes are the height of trolling beating out even stalker infiltrator ops for GOKU.
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  5. Cest7

    Ya and they are even better when combined with ZOE...

    er wait...
  6. Bearlover

    In a battle of 96+, you can be high or drunk or even BOTH, to go on kill streaks with the VS max, killing 6-7 people on average without even reloading yet. Whereas the veteran fps player who's playing as an NC max and actually trying will get 3-4 kills on average using all his ammo. Just being realistic here.
  7. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I must suck at drunk ops then because I can only go on 6-7 kill streaks when sober when playing my VS Max.

    Of course, the maybe 10 times I've pulled one in the last 2 months I've done 2 30 kill streaks and 4 15 kill streaks... but I wasn't even using blueshifts exclusively.
  8. Keldarris

    How about we reduce the VS/TR weapon ranges to 20m, increase their reload timers by twice, and half the damage at anything over 10m? And see how often they complain about ****** weapons, and how often they are killed by light assaults with C4....

    Since they dont seem to complain about the NC's 'superior' weapon ranges compared to their 'niche weapons'. Nor are they complaining about the long reload times of NC weapons; they must want that for their weapons to, right?

    Further, how often do we see the TR and VS complain about not doing damage let alone killing someone at 20m? Never! So they must want it.

    And they never complain their weapons take longer to reload than the NC. So they must secretly desire their MAX weapons to take as long as the NC's.

    Please Devs, re-tool the TR and VS weapons like the NC's. They clearly don't have a problem with having weapons like the NC....
  9. Xasapis

    You know what's hilarious? That Comets were like Falcons before they receive that nerf that separated the shots because they were too good against infantry. Then SOE made Falcons a carbon copy of the old Comets, because reasons.

    Also, good luck hitting aircraft with any first generation AV MAX weapon. Better go play some lottery, your chances are better. Unless of course the pilot was asleep.
    Well, this is a really old debate about what fits the MAX better. The equivalent of two shotguns or one carbine?
  10. Flag

    Meh blueshifts.

    I'll stick to the nebulas, thank you very much.

    ... or I would if I ever used the thing.
  11. Goretzu

    Well nothing within a 0.3 second difference @ 0-8m.

    Although even there with room holding the sheer percentage of the time NC AI MAXs spends reloading (and therefore doing nothing) does still make them not comparable....... although not really in the manner you're suggesting.

    They are the best at door camping though, but again the big plus with non-NC MAXs is you can do the same job out of direct C4 range.
  12. Schwak

    Your sig makes me physically ill.
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  13. Xasapis

    Why? He only plays MAX.
  14. Paragon Exile

    He's like Hammerboss! (except not bad)
  15. Ragnarox

    Can I have your shield (max, tanks), jackhammer, canister, shotguns for maxes? I would proudly give you ZOE, PPA, Phaseshift, magburner.
  16. Flag

  17. HammerbossNC

    Another scrub jelly of the Boss,most kills with NCM3 ravens all servers.
    Hue hue hue Mr.Scythe Troll you are pathetic,you can't shoot your way out of a paper bag.
  18. Flag

    Bragging about Raven kills... Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. At least you would have to somewhat aim with Falcons.
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  19. LibertyRevolution

    Never did understand why they nerfed my Mercy but not my blueshifts, they are like the same guns..
  20. ATRA_Wampa-One
