OK, the harasser is way to hard kill.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. chilly154

    Get rid of the rocket launcher on it or nerf the thing. Harasser can beat a tank my god. I'm sick of seeing level 90s' or 80s' on the thing. You can tell it really needs a nerf. A lot people knows that the harasser is a farm vehicle. It really needs a nerf. get rid of the armor on the thing or the rocket launcher, or you can just nerf the thing.
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  2. Teegeeack

    Damn those level 80s and 90s.
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  3. Necron

    The harasser IS getting nerfed; it just hasn't gone live yet. They are making the ES weapons less effective at longer ranges and nerfing comp armour IIRC.
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  4. Teegeeack

    Not good enough. Instead give harassers a self-destruct feature which automatically activates if it gets within 500 metres of an enemy unit.
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  5. vulcan78

    TR Harasser + Vulcan with BR 80-90 + behind the wheel is really no fun at all, its not even a competition. You can say goodbye to your MBT in under 6 seconds, ditto a Lightning, ESF and Liberator. It only adds insult to injury to see "spree kill" videos of these guys running over groups of infantry near Sunderers with virtual impunity as anti-tank mines don't seem to detonate fast enough. I am willing to bet that the Vulcan Harasser was the decisive factor in the TR nearly winning the entire 6 week WDS pre-season; I mean lets just look at the stats:

    Harasser kills per given time period:

    VS PPA: 3k
    NC Enforcer: 2.5k
    TR Vulcan: 18k (eighteen thousand, no clerical error here)

    Yes I think the Harasser overall is just slightly on the OP side, but when you add blatantly OP weapons to this package it becomes one of those things where you have to pause and ask out loud "what the hell where they thinking?". It is game-breaking. It is stupid. It isn't fun for anyone other than the operator/gunner and maybe the platoon they belong to. I honestly don't even think the faction overall enjoys it as there is less of a feeling of legitimacy behind their victories, knowing that a lot of weapon imbalance is in play. You ask most of the higher ranking, skilled and intelligent TR and they will tell you, yes Vulcan Harasser needs to go, Striker needs to go, Marauder and Fracture need a balance pass etc. It's only the immature majority that will say no imbalance exists and that they see no problem with their faction winning the entire WDS pre-season, that that's not indicative of weapon imbalance.

    Flame on.

    (Yes ZOE is OP, and no it didn't change the outcome of WDS pre-season did it? Lets make a deal, you can have ZOE and "no bullet drop" and we get faction specific iterations of the Vulcan, Marauder, Striker and Fracture, and greater MBT primary projectile speed oh and the same DPS/ROF/total damage per small-arm magazine, deal?)
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  6. Pootisman

    Sounds good. Do the same with ZOEs!!
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  7. Kurohagane

    the PPA is an AI weapon, and Vulcan is an AV weapon (however that actually makes it that much funnier that an AV weapon gets more individual kills) and judging by the kill count, that is the Enforcer modified i'd guess? You should compare the AV weapons if you're gonna compare the vulcan at all, however i still imagine the vulcan has the most kills (although this is just a blind shot so don't quote me on that)
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  8. gigastar

    Harasser turbo is also getting nerfed.
    Harasser C4 resistance is going away. All of it.
    Composite armor will only reduce damage from infantry small arms from now on.
    Tank mines are getting buffed in a way that means Harassers will no longer be able to outrun the blast.
    Harasser rumble seat repair rate is getting nerfed.
    Harasser resistance to MBT AP primary weapons is being reduced.
    And the Harassers ESAV weapons are getting nerfed.

    And i still feel as if ive missed something on the list.
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  9. TheFamilyGhost

    Let's make the game so easy, that every time the bad guy shows up, he just automatically dies.

    Would you guys be satisfied then?
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  10. HadesR

    If nerf it to hard else else will MLG pr0's pad their KD ?
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  11. Liquid23

    only if the game also made said bad guy look at his dead body for a full 5 minutes so he has time to see me run out of the spawn and t-bag his corpse
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  12. Vaphell

    I have a better idea: let's make this game even more about the pro master race farming lowly peons 24/7 using the cheese of the week, it will do wonders to player retention.
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  13. deggy

    This thread is new and original, and is definitely needed.

    There's no way SOE knows how people feel about Harassers.
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  14. Robes

    Aiming is pretty hard.
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  15. Hatesphere

    Doesn't the harasser with vulcan already do that?
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  16. Consumer

    Biggest problem I have with it is the backseat repairing. Surprise, right? The problem is it is that it doesn't appear to have been a feature by design. That might not seem like an problem because you might think that's an interesting little detail that makes the vehicle special, which it would be if the Harasser was consciously designed around that detail. But the fact that they decided not to fix it and are still deciding to slow down the repair rate rather than remove it entirely shows a confusion with what the Harasser was meant to be, both to the developers and players.

    There is a fundamental flaw with keeping unforeseen interactions in something you create. Would the designers have chosen to make the Harasser as hardy as it is and can be if they also wanted backseat repairing? Now, different people are most likely in charge of dealing with what the Harasser is and what its backseat is intended for--concerning themselves necessarily over player opinion and reaction as well as game balance.

    I think many people can attest that it's already quite the challenge for an experienced 2/2 MBT crew to take on an experienced 2/3 Harasser crew to begin with, some for empire-specific reasons. But the option for Harassers to more easily escape all the while repairing health adds to the stack, not to mention its advantage should the Harasser crew want to go return with full health to take on a possibly vulnerable tank, whether it is retreating to safety or in the middle of repairing.
  17. IronPhalloi

    a ggggghost!

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  18. vulcan78

    No actually of all the Harasser weapons, only those that had the highest kills were compared, irrespective of design purpose; and the Saron had less kills overall! To be honest the Saron is just about worthless on a Harasser, it isn't as strong as the MBT variant (which itself was nerfed two GU's in a row while the Vulcan was simultaneously buffed? Again SOE and their infinite wisdom) and usually requires 3 direct rounds, half a clip, to kill infantry! Meanwhile the Vulcan can literally mow down 6-7 infantry (5-7 rounds to kill, 50 round magazine) before having to reload. Forget about engaging a Lightning with a Harasser Saron, let alone an MBT or another Harasser!

    If they don't seriously nerf the Vulcan then the other faction specific weapons need a significant buff. Harasser Saron should be doing MORE damage than MBT variant, say 600 dmg per round instead of 350 and or have a larger magazine, say 9 rounds. PPA should have a higher fire rate and more damage, especially against vehicles.

    I mean, correct me if I am wrong but doesn't each round of the Harasser Vulcan incur 200 damage? So you have what, a 10k damage magazine that can be delivered in 6-7 seconds? Saron does 350 x 6? WTF?!

    Speaking of weapon imbalance, last night I dumb-fired 6 Nemesis missiles at a stationary Vanguard, 4 of which hit the side, two hitting the front as the operator belatedly tried to get out of dodge, and it didn't even catch on fire and the operator didn't even active the shield. It literally took me a minute or so to do this, (roughly 10 seconds to fire and reload the Nemesis) Meanwhile, as of only a few weeks ago, I distinctly remember getting nailed by just two successive 5 round Striker salvo's from two different TR heavies and going from 100% health to zero in a Magrider. I was blown to smithereens in roughly 10-15 seconds. Where is the balance here? I feel the Lancer also needs a buff to put it on the same footing as the Striker, I still don't even have it in my inventory, in my opinion it is ineffective unless used among a squad of other Lancers. All it does is tell any competent armor operator "hey, if you continue to sit here for another 40 seconds or so you will be toast", meanwhile the Striker says "your a$$ is mine! Don't bother with the evasive maneuvers!".

    I could get into the small-arms but I don't want to over-extend this or derail the thread.
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  19. HooWoo

    What do you mean they're 'to hard kill'?

    Did you mean that they're too hard to kill?

    very constructive post pls no remove kthx
  20. Kukuguy

    Here is how you counter a harraser:

    Pull a harraser yourself and chase it till it dies.