Oh look, new camo!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by eldarfalcongravtank, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. eldarfalcongravtank

    looking forward to clicking this..


    and i ask myself
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  2. Maljas23

    Ok, I feel that this is over doing it...
  3. Furrydaus

    This IS ridiculous mate. There are quite a number of lame and boring camo's in the Store now.... :eek:
  4. LordMondando

    Am starting to think, comes a point where this is a waste of my Vram.
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  5. deggy

    The shiny ones (Shard and Halftone) are cool.

    The purple ones are meh.
  6. Hicksimus

    Waaayyyy back when they said revenue would be generated with camo I thought "hey, that could be cool" somehow they have frigged this simple concept up and 90% of it is 1) not camo unless the game suddenly becomes Tron and 2) so ugly it needs its own photosensitive seizure warning.
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  7. kadney

    So vanu can finally use purple camo, like intended, instead of black?
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  8. PurpleOtter

    I'm waiting for the full on lumifiber camo's where you glow like a 1950's radioactive industrial accident.
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  9. Poorform

    Did you somehow miss NC Infiltrator?
  10. TomaHawk

    Damn near ALL camos suck. In a category of items that should have at least some decent ones.
  11. PurpleOtter

    Only when they manage to get around the corner before I can target them....:p
  12. uhlan

    Most of the new camos are really horrible...

    ...and yet, people BUY THEM!

    Eh, what else ya gonna do with your spare SC...
  13. WyrdHarper

    I want a filter for Not Player Studio. I don't want to have to look through 50 identical camos to find the environmental ones I actually want.
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  14. Commissar38

    I really hope the VS get more purple camo. It really helps you guys blend in to the numerous purple landscapes.
    "Hey did you see that VS infiltrator?"
    "You mean the bright purple thing on the hill?"
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  15. Brandmon

    Gotta have them thousand shades of Blue/Purple/Red.
  16. Zorro

    So many camouflage patterns are nearly identical; there is no point in having something aesthetically only slightly different. It is made all the more horrific when one realizes that the Player Studio volunteers have no choice; everything they make has to be one of three colors.
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  17. FieldMarshall

    Cant they just make a completely black camo with no pattern already? Bam! best camo ever, super popular!
    Comes in matte and shiny versions.

    Or empire specific color camo with no pattern. Red/Yellow/Purple.

    I would pay several thousand SC for those.
    I dont think Grey Scales is popular because people really like scales on their armor...
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  18. Cirevam

    They're not even different shades of color most of the time. It's the same oversaturated colors for every single camo, except for a few like Splatter which actually have two different shades of faction color if I'm remembering it right. I guess they're supposed to match the giant blocks of faction color on our newly-textured vehicles. If that's the case, SOE please give orange camo to NC, because apparently orange is one of our new faction colors. Seriously, look at our Galaxies and Harassers.

    I got Shard for my vehicles the other day and it's so great. My sundy looks like a giant mirrored brick and the Vanguard looks pretty sweet too as it has large sections without any color. Chrome tank.
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