Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. shd

    My view on the phoenix after fiddling with it for 2 days (missed the ohk fest):

    Infantry damage where it should be. You want that shot that went through 2 doors and a window to count but i can see how ohk wasn't fun for the receiving people.

    Vehicle damage great. Poor from the front, ok from the side, great from the back (perhaps 2 good but you could argue that for every weapon in the game).

    Air damage is really good but i find it justified considering how hard it is to hit anything that's moving faster then 10kph (anyone who says it's easy has been testing it on stationary targets in the vr).

    The range is annoying, especially those shots that stop 1mm in front of the target. They should make it that it travels at least 5-10m more just for those occasions.

    The drop when you cancel the camera view is a bit to big. It almost goes 90 degrees down instantly.

    I had the missiles shot down during the night quite a few times (they look like shooting stars at night) so i'd wager when they fix the rendering, shooting them down will be a viable counter.

    There's a bug when you "quickscope" it, you don't get the missile hud (only hud free screen and a default gun cross hair) and it actually reloads while you fly the missile so there's no reload after it detonates. Not easy to reproduce tho.
  2. GunsPew

    I'm having fun killing the noobs in ESF and Libs hovering at point blank. Learn to fly before you wanna shout "NERF!!!" The dmg of the phoenix is fine considering its range.

    And please, don't whine when your ESF gets 1-shotted by me, you deserve it.
  3. LanceHavenbay

    Add 50m to the range of the projectile. I keep running short of my target by INCHES.
  4. doombro

    There's a phoenix flying straight towards me? Ok, no problem! I'll just dodge it!

  5. SolidSnake

    ??? the Phoenix doesn't really have that big of a splash you whiner. Even with a direct hit you don't kill infantry now thanks to whiners like you. You can't kill aircraft with it and you can't kill infantry with half a brain in their skulls that don't stand around in the open so let's ask for more nerfs on it? lawl.

    Just get on with it, ask for the Phoenix to be completely removed from the game you know you want to.
  6. doombro

    Comprehension, bro.

    That wasn't splash damage. It registered as a direct hit. If that was splash, then you've got a rocket that deals a good 3 HE shells worth of splash damage. I was a MAX with half my health left, that's several regular men worth of health right there.

    The problem isn't the damage, it's the ridiculous hit detection they use for it that makes dodging the rocket out of the question.
    • Up x 1

    I don't think I've ever been hit by the actual missile. It flies over me by a mile, it goes it front of me by 15 feet, I "dodge" to the side... each and every single time I'm hit by a phantom explosion even though the missile never came anywhere near me. That video sums up exactly what I put up with every single time I play.

    Man, this game sure is fun...
    • Up x 1
  8. doombro

    Bump, this is a major issue that needs attention.
  9. Beartornado

    It hardly has a hitbox that big, in fact on several occassions I feel like I scraped across the top or side of my target but missed anyway.

    That kind of huge margin of error looks like a serious latency issue, or some sort of bug. Phoenix was bugged before the nerfs/buffs, its possible that now instead of not showing up it doesn't show its position properly.

    **edit** Bugginess aside, why didn't that flak max shoot it down? Flak is supposed to be the best for shooting down Phoenix rockets.
  10. Bape

    No you probably lag and got hit there is no way in hell that could have hit you unless that was another phoenix that got you. Also you already have half health phoenix takes 2 shot to kill a max.
  11. SpcFarlen

    Ya it constantly show up as being father away from the target then it really is. Probably with the "viability fix" they ended up making it render a few meters off there it actually is. So we can at least see that indeed a Phoenix was shot, but not exactly where its going.

    Because of its glitched position. Where you see it, its not. So all the damage that gets applied is a small bit of splash damage that flak causes. Meaning you have to pump a fair number of shot into it since its not enough to blow it up, apparently.

    If only we had a test server...
  12. doombro

    The hit detection for everything else in the game has always been spot-on for me for the time I've been playing it (from the last week or two of beta until now).

    I should probably mention that no other weapon has ever done this. And the phoenix seems to behave this way 100% of the time.
  13. Bape

    Must have been another phoenix strong possibility.
  14. doombro

    I strongly doubt it. That area was mostly clear at the time.

    And the chances of another phoenix coming out of nowhere and hitting me at the exact same time as the other one exploded... yeah, no.
  15. Anubis132

    Chalk this one up to client-side hit detection. On his screen, you probably hadn't even started moving yet. Dodging phoenixes is a craphoot because of this latency factor; there is no way to time it so you jump out of the way when the missile gets close.
  16. Scorponok

    nerf the pheonix splash damage and damage!! there i said it :) now TR doesnt have to...
  17. SpcFarlen

    I can also confirm, that no its not that. It does not show its correct position to anyone but the person firing. At closer ranges it is is not as noticeable, but its still there.
  18. SolidSnake

    Or, you could play TR with Striker and farm both vehicles AND aircraft, that's double the XP right there! Longer range, no need to stand still with "so-easy-even-toddlers-can-do-it" lock-on, etc.

    Just listen to this guy he's 100% right, Phoenix is fine... if you don't mind not being able to kill infantry, or aircraft, or standing still while maneuvering the rocket leaving you vulnerable to infantry fire, only having 300m range instead of the same range as the Striker, yeah if you don't mind any of those things then sure Phoenix is fine.
  19. FuriousSquirrel

    There seems to be a huge issue, when I see the phoenix flying from our guys, they look like they just go straight into the sky, and I know for a fact that they are not actually doing that, some actually track properly to where the missile is, most do not. What looks like its flying straight is just the graphic, not the physical missile object itself. So you end up being killed by phantom missiles, I'm sure its on their radar, hopefully they can figure out why the graphics go straight and not sticking to the actual missile.
  20. Kaon1311

    Maybe stop hiding behind that rock and move forward. Oh no, they can now see me and shoot back :p