Official Lancer Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. SinerAthin

    Let's not forget the COF.

    Or that it does zero damage to infantry, when the Pheonix is a infantry-sniping-beast.
  2. Drax

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  3. Zarth

    Yes I saw this in the other topic.
  4. Doodles89

    I think by now it should be obvious the 3 launchers
    Striker brings back good old annihilator day rocket spam with more vehicle damage
    Phoenix allows anti-everything sniping (except for non-hovering air)
    Lancer... has... well... it's not better than the default in anyway...
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  5. Doodles89

    The lancer needs to be much closer to the Saron. It needs to be more accurate, it's a freaking LASER with an ADS accuracy worse than the default launchers... and DPS less than the other 2 by something like 30%.
  6. VKhaun

    Why do people say you're exposed? I have no issues moving while charging the shot. Not that hard to start charging and move out from cover at 2 charges, then line up and fire.
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  7. Brickwalker

    I dont get that either..
  8. Zarth

    People think it's a lock on projectile or something when it's not. It's a laser that charges. There is a bug where you can switch from scope to non scope. not sure if that was fixed in the 36mb patch they gave out this afternoon. Who knows.
  9. Sov21

    The CoF buffs are nice...but what we really need is better damage and a single projectile not 3
  10. Gumbo

    It needs to be able to hold its charge. First time I used it i crouched behind a tree and charged it then it shot itself into the tree.

    What's the point of charging it if you can't hold it?
  11. Ensconce

    To follow up on my original post here I want to add some pro's and con's from my perspective.

    Very fast projectile speed
    Two full charges per "clip"
    good-ish accuracy (Also a con I guess, I expected more)

    Total pro's: 3

    Big "Here I am marker" above the heavy assaults head after firing a single round.
    Low-Average damage.
    Very long recharge time, made even more awful when you have to reload every second charged shot.
    Poor scope considering it is suppose to have very good accuracy.
    Bugged in a number of ways, mentioned earlier in the thread (The inability to ADS while charging bugs me, I also seem to not be able to reach higher charged if I start in ADS and let go on my RMB prematurely before charge 3).
    Very difficult to hit aircraft with - I class this as a con as I believe it was suppose to be somewhat good with this.
    Vulnerable whilst charging - Even while in cover you still completely defenseless should you be rushed.
    Can not one hit kill infantry when fully charged (Waste of ammo anyway to me, but there are a few occasions where it would of been useful).
    No splash damage.
    Extremely poor damage against libs (I figured this deserved it's own con as it's lib damage is just laughable).
    Can't hold it's charge.

    Total con's: 11 (10 excluding hopefully to be patched bugs)

    The more I use it, the more I regret buying it, I am having trouble finding any niche for it that a lock on launcher or a dumbfire launcher can't do better in any situation - You can "Peek a boo" with dumbfire launcher you know, probably better than you can with this as there isn't a "Shoot here" trail, I don't see why this launcher had to suffer so badly. Sure, you can fire from a long distance but you better hope your target stays wide out in the open for those whole x amount of seconds.

    And this morning I was so excited to see they were added in, they looked pretty good in many of the videos but in game? No, just no.

    Just saw it is getting an accuracy update however this was probably by far on the bottom of the totem pole of my list of issues with the launcher.
  12. Spookydodger

    In the preview video they specifically said it wasn't made for sniping infantry.

    As for 2/10 (1/5th, or 20% of damage) that is about par for the course with a decimator, the strongest pre-ESRL launchers. They don't want to make it obviously more damage AND faster travel time, I would imagine.
  13. Spookydodger

    You're supposed to time the release. It's basically like a man-portable Saron HRB.
  14. Joram

    Someone is sniping people with the Phoenix, better nerf the infantry damage of the Lancer
  15. Braken

    There are a few thing that practically NEED to happen for the Lancer to be at least decent.

    1. Make the fully charged shot 1 beam, not 3 in a triangle pattern. This makes it almost impossible to deal full damage at a distance, which was supposed to be the POINT of the gun...

    2. Allow one to hold the charge for as long as they like. As many have said, this gun NEEDS coordination for it to do any good, and the current firing mechanic does not make that possible.

    3. Allow us to change between hipfire and ADS while charging the weapon.

    Once these are done, then we can potentially work on its damage and charge speed.
  16. HappyT

    There is no other way to put it but the lancer sucks. I might as well stick to S1, decimator or av turret that do alot more damage then lancer. at least I know with S1 (default launcher) small risk small reward but with lancer it's big risk small reward. it could be effective with a squad of people using it to take out enemy armor but still I don't recommend it for lone wolf play.
  17. Spookydodger

    BUG: If you only have 1 or 2 charges available in the clip, and you hold down the trigger, it waits to the full 3 charge level and fires. It still only does the damage of the remaining charges, but waits the full length of time to fire.
  18. Tanelorn

    Huge realism issue if any weapon that can put a hole in armor cant put a big hole in a person. The mild inaccuracy should be the balancer to prevent sniping of troops.

    Also, all the talk of "its not better than our lockons" is specifically due to SOEs decision to sell us 5x different launchers instead of going the PS1 route and only having faction specific launchers. In PS1 there was the Deci and the ESRL. You used what you had and there wasnt a better alternative.
  19. Shockwave44

    They want feedback? How about, why does higby still have a job there? I thought he was the dev team leader? I have never seen so many things go wrong that are so simple. He just can't get anything right.
  20. Nyscha

    I laughed hard I had a miracle in game a reaver was hovering quite slow so I charged the lancer up and fired and hit! For once all the orbs hit a target and I barely scratched him and then he proceeded to pod spam me to death in 1 second.

    This rocket launcher is pure terrible, I have better accuracy shooting ESFs down with my dalton and lib flying at full speed than the lancer and my dalton can actually 1 hit kill ESFs!
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