[Suggestion] Obvious Faction imbalance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jubikus, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Jubikus

    Can some of the good Vanu players/platoon leaders switch to TR/NC we could use more alert wins our people are dumb.
  2. Taleroth

    I'd love to see the "black ops" idea to solve this. I want to help out NC on my server when they need it, but I don't want to juggle multiple characters or ultimately give up Vanu.
    • Up x 1
  3. Eternaloptimist

    It has been amusing to see all the 'Vanu OP' threads which basically come down to the fact that they tend to be better at teamwork, which is kind of what I thought PS2 was about. This thread at least acknowledges that fact.

    But why? is it something to do with the social dynamic? I've heard people say that certain types of individual are attracted to each faction e.g. kids to one, individualists to another and co-operators to the third. If that's the case having good leaders won't solve the problem. You'll need good followers as well.

    And no, I'm not faction biased...........I play all three roughly equally. I say roughly because if there is a good fight going for the faction I'm currently logged into then I'll stay longer