So I was playing today and I spawned somewhere to pull a Mosquito. I look at the map and see something rather odd, so I make my way over to check what's going on. I see this. A friendly Scythe. Is this a bug? I seem to recall in Planetside 1 you could hack enemy vehicles + take enemy weapons, but I must be living under a rock if they added that into Planetside 2
Vehicle hacking was going to be a thing, but it never materialized. This could be a graphical glitch, but if so, it's one I've not seen. (I've seen prowlers flying like Mossies, same with flashes... and i've seen subterranean vanguards - heck, my flash still has a NC log on it's dashboard, regardless of what faction i'm playing.) It's possible that enemy / friendly team colors got changed to the same thing, which i've seen happen a number of times.
its not normal, its either: 1. nice editing (bravo!) 2. exploit/bug (when someone logs off you can get in their vehicle, i assumed it was faction locked but who knows?) 3. hacking. (nuff said)
I believe it was speculated earlier but was never implemented. As for your picture, i'm not really sure what wizardry that is.
i have seen a long time ago on YouTube a TR fling a scythe he showed us the inside of the scythe and 3th person while flying it the inside was colored red the outside had a camo with some red on the parts that are normally purple he said he wanted to pull a mosquito and ended up with a scythe instead, he believed it was a bug i can't find the video anymore
If you look closely, there's red paint on the Scythe. Is it just the mosquito texture bugged into the scythe? The TR texture on the scythe looks well organized.
Or the OP just changed it's faction colors so that the VS and TR both are blue, then had a friend on the VS fly a scythe there. Edit: As Nregroepis remarked the Scythe also has some TR colors, so my idea is unlikely.