"Oblivious Players"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrankTHEKoolaid, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Devrailis

    I've gotten to the point now where I usually choose to shoot first and explain later.

    The way I see it, I can play coy with my trigger and watch someone kill 3/4 guys.

    Or I can kill that guy right off the bat at the cost of a TK or 2.

    Guess which one results in an actual net benefit to my faction?

    (Hint, it's not the scenario where the other guy gets a skill streak)
  2. Noxx(ia)

    god I hope i'm not one of these people in the video...
  3. Maxor

    Aw damn only thing I missed in the monkey business vid was the curtain changing color.
  4. DrankTHEKoolaid

    I didn't even count the passes correctly:p
  5. Commissar38

    Godddddd.... HATE when that happens. Almost always a damn Infil or LA with a SMG or a suicide Engie.

    I'm usually pretty good at spotting those guys (I look at their silhouettes and armor style, not what color they're wearing.) It's tricky with the Infils because they all look so similar.
  6. DragonV2

    and im always the guy that notices flankers to then get killed by the people charging right at me... guess im a little too observant
  7. Zan_Aus

    Comedy gold.

    I do that prox mine thing on my Infiltrator non stop, I literally spend almost all my resources on prox mines. I'm cackling wildly at my monitor every time I run all the way up the Crown and dump 2 mines amongst a whole gaggle of players then go to work with my SMG. My record for 1 mine was 10 kills.

    At night as well you just pop your cloak in small 2s bursts as you run around inside their milling mass of players. Most people never spot you and the few people who see you lose track of you amongst their buddies. You usually just die eventually to random spaz fire. Sometimes on a really good run you actually run out of ammo and have to leave to get more.
  8. Kardis

    I noticed my avatar getting shot in the back while I just backed away from repairing a turret in this vid. I specifically remember cursing my teammates for being so oblivious.
  9. vastaitku

    I always get really paranoid about somebody flanking us when the fighting has been at a stalemate for a while, with both sides just lobbing rockets at and sniping each other. Then when I start circling our position to allay my fears I often find that somebody IS flanking us. I feel bad for fighting them, since they're clearly my people. They're just on the wrong team.
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  10. Solo Phoenix

    It really is amazing how many people drop pod onto The Crown, and immediately scope in to begin sniping, not even bothering to check the area around them. They seem to think they're the only person in the world that has ever had such a brilliant idea.

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  11. Devrailis

    You've done NC proud.

    Also liking for the music. Demz are some sick beats. :cool:
  12. Solo Phoenix

    I'm so glad that we in the NC haven't forgotten good culture in these trying times.
    In all honesty, scraping barnacles off of The Crown has become one of my favourite activities, and is what made me fall in love with the Light Assault. I can't count how many times I've found TR and VS happily co-existing up on the top simply because no-one has had the sense to look behind them.