I dunno the new patch came out wednesday night for me (GMT) so right now - I think Nvidia is gathering feedback currently before taking action.
Nvidia 3.14.22 drivers still work well with PS2, for the Nvidia 670's or 680's anyway. I'm not sure how they work with Nvidia 7xx series. PS2 prefers you install your drivers without the other clutter like 3D vision drivers and other options and only pick display drivers to install in a custom install, never pick express install of drivers.
Same issue with GTX780ti with 334.89 driver. Audio messes up as well when screen goes black, thought for sure my PC was crashing. Alt+Tab (or ctrl+alt+delete) and going back into game temporarily fixes it. Glad it's driver related (instead of my PC dying)
I rolled back to the 332.21 as it is known as a very stable driver. You can download it here but make sure to uninstall** yours first : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/71704/en-us ** : If your using windows 7 or higher, Open the Control Panel, then click Programs and Features. Then select Nvidia driver, uninstall and remove the driver and all of it's components. and you should be set.
Running SLI GTX780 with 334.89. Whenever the black screen appears, SLI is disabled leading to quite jittery gameplay for a while.
GTX 660 and 335.23 Shadowplay stops working after this and also the game is usually not playable anymore (laggy etc.).
I'm having the same problem, my gpu starts to heat up, and she disarms 71C ° (black screen for 3 seconds) and then back normally -
I got the black screen twice today during about 90 minutes of play. I'm running version 335.23. Annoying.
Makes me wonder when SOE is gonna fix a critical bug that makes the game crash for what 2 months now?
Add me to the list... GTX670 with 335.23 driver - When zooming in/out of the map the screen will go black for 1-2 seconds then return to normal gameplay.
I've been having this issue for a little while now too, and have been recording my temps as I was fearing a heat problem. My gpu temp never goes above 60c while playing ps2 so just to clarify, this error won't cause damage to my gpu correct?
I'm hitting the same black screen issue. Unfortunately I'm on a gtx titan card and it won't take the older drivers that supposedly work... Hoping someone from SOE tests and fixes this soon. It doesn't seem to happen on any other game.