Nvidia 344.65 released

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by user101, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. user101

    Nivida is as bad as SOE new drivers every week. Well see how this works.
  2. AgentStark427

    Do us a favor and dont post about it unless you have something noteworthy to say. Complaining about the existence of an update is a waste of our time.
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  3. Lewk

    *prays to the driver gods that this will fix the (GPU) bound hitching*
  4. user101

    You must be an AMD V-card person.... that gets no update...???

    Yes - the Z axis runs better in the new update and I can see the terminals now. Even the moss had all the stuff showing turned on in the in side. No hitching for me on high. Nvidia takes care of it's customers ... ! At least we get update once a month or more.
  5. AgentStark427

    No, I have a GTX 660. Dont automatically assume.

    Its just annoying when you see a thread relevant to you then "Theres a new update for nvidia. I dont know what it did but Im pissed off anyway." and then "Nvidia did a good thing. They take care of their customers."

    Cut the crap.
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  6. SGT-Bilko

    The original idea of this thread is great, if we could stay on topic with the driver that would be awesome. I would like to know if he encounters any bugs, or if it perhaps helps the game :)

    If you do, OP. Please post them here, I am quite interested.
  7. AgentStark427

    I just ran it with the new drivers. No change in performance. It's a PS2 issue. Not Nvidia.
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  8. SGT-Bilko

    Thanks for the update, it can only help.
  9. Moisted

    Nvidia GTX760m here,

    Still hitching and FPS drops every other 10 sec or so after update
  10. Zero M0nster

    nvidia gtx 760 it 3570k here NO MORE HITCHING 4 me! :))) new drivers fixed it