Number of players who spawned from your sundy.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by customer548, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. customer548


    Is the a way to see the total number of people who spawned from your sundy during / after a battle ?

    Thank you.
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  2. DooDooBreff

    im pretty sure there is not.

    but you know youre doing it right if the sounds of 7 xp rolling in starts to get annoying
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  3. Diggles

    note the number of AMS ribbons you have before battle begins and then count how many you got after. I forget how many spawns gives you 1 ribbon, but it should say that in the medals/ribbons area
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  4. customer548

    Ah nice. Thank you, Diggles.
  5. Shiaari

    It'd be a nice stat to track, though. Launch a suggestion thread about it.
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  6. FunkFest

    I would dig seeing this stat, there have been a few times I would have liked to know.
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  7. Sulsa

    Actually, that's a cool idea: show stats for support in player numbers that you helped.
    - Spawned at AMS
    - # of revives
    - # of people that used ammo packs

    Good idea OP
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