NUC Professional Gaming Outfit

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by zoidbergenstein, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Genserik

    Someone called us MLG NUCbeards a week ago in the server during ops, that made our day. That is our new favorite nickname!!!
  2. PureSalad

    Suprised you guys aren't bored of the game yet. When's a MLG Event happening?
  3. Slavek

    Me? Quit? And leave PREY hanging to dry in the eternal air war on Zaps? Never. When a Zaps air squad flies, my lib/mossie will fly proudly with PREY to counter the Xeno threat.
  4. TicTacRock

    Eternal air war...

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  5. rguitar87

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  6. Slavek

    Forever and ever and . . . ever. Because nanites
  7. Dr. Coathanger

    Yeah we were there for that, it then devolved into weapon puns. Oh god that was glorious yell chat,
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  8. Badname6587

    You guys need Hammerboss in your outfit.
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  9. ColdCheezePizza

    Scoob's Twitch live cast FTW
  10. SkillSet

    Ten seconds from base cap during alert, [SET] stacked on point, squad member yell's "[NUCbeards!]"
    "WTF just happened?!" We look forward to seeing the [NUC] crew, because we always learn something. Looking forward to the next one. All the best, Skill
  11. Sarmane

    "You Only Live Twice" by Happy Penguin Studios AKA Natural Causes presents NUC air adventures.

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  12. EGuardian1

    Biggest laugh I've had in days. :D
  13. why spend my cash?

    Whoop Dee Doo fancy video editing with music.
    Wow I am so impressed with the use of C4,hehehe.
  14. Accuser

    War Reports happen every week. I'd recommend watching the last one from Dragosanjir's perspective, if you're interested: (match starts at 1:00:00)

    As for when actual MLG competition starts? Soon™
    Till then, we're Living To Win
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  15. Glamourshots

    NUC has respectfully declined as they are gearing up for the larger MLG scrims and did not want to cause any turmoil within their ranks when it came to selecting only 12 members for the PAL tournament.
  16. Posse

    You can ask who in NUC wants to play and just select the 12 guys randomly among them, and there wouldn't be any reason for turmoil.

    i understand why no one knows me, it makes me sad :(

    would you like to get in a lib or esf and do the duel thingy against me brother????? me and my 14 hours and br29 against a br100 yay or nay??????? pm me if u ever stop being a little ***** and want to do it.
  18. Shanther

  19. Shanther

  20. Genserik

    Go home everyone, too much alcoholic eggnog.