Five dragshots in a row at the beginning of the video - I don't care they were all sub BR12, it's still an insurmountable gunplay challenge. Most impressive. Good judgement call at ~3:30 - notice a HA with medkit in hand, means he doesn't have shields, means a bodyshot will be enough, so you didn't go for a headshot. 8:30 - know this all too well, when a HA engages you and there is NOTHING you can do, no matter how good you are, because even a close range headshot with a BASR doesn't kill through overshield most of the time. What I like about you is that even though your skills are excellent, you're still a human being - you make mistakes, miss shots. Sometimes you make lots of easy kills, sometimes you have to work for them, and you're not afraid to show any of it. Sexy rifle stance at the end! Nice little reward for those who actually watched the video to the end.
It's been a very long time since I've seen such a furious way to snipe, perhaps far too long. Also, I very much enjoy the few mistakes made in there, makes it far more... Well, I lost the word for it. I once had a friend who sniped the same way and sometimes, when looking to make montages, in an attempt to demonstrate sniping potential to its fullest, he'd fail so badly against impossible odds or bugs that he'd still post the clip so much it was hilarious. Just like at 7:00 or 11:15.
Nice video man, my mate Motherlands mains CQC sniper like you, almost 15k kills with it.
Holy Jesus, someone was telling me about you the other day! I said i didn't know who you were, but now i do. Cheers mate keep up the good work. -Kiwi 56RD
Thanks, they die all the same 3:30 was actually a HS lol and 8:30 could be a gif of why shield is OP against short range snipers. I tried to tell Higby, maybe one day it will change. There should totally be a short distance where it does full damage. I try to add that sort of stuff at the end, for that very reason lol
Yeah, I could totally make shorter videos of just perfect streaks, and everyone would think I never miss lol All I do is rush impossible odds I do try to add some bugs or fails in there too, generally at the end.
Have to watch the top of the screen sometimes lol Yeah, at least it's possible to get all headshots with other guns, and really negate most of the ability. It's just a straight counter to me. BR 1 shielded HA standing still > sickest HS of my life. I'd take around 10m full damage, and I can't see many people complaining about that.
Your videos never fail to amaze and entertain me. I had to play the opening sequence again (what did he just headshot?!). Really good call in that Freyr AMP defence, not shooting straight away when you didn't have full knowledge of the surrounding (thanks to the turret noise, but still!). I'm sure Papa Vanu was proud of that one-man army show you put on afterwards.
I get the same Issue :/ When it's from right in their face, it's quite annoying because it usuallly means I'm dead before I can get a second bullet out.
Thanks man. Yeah, had to be careful and not get every ones attention, was an instant action into certain death kind of thing lol At least it wasn't right in front of a bunch of tanks
It's definitely not balanced, and probably won't change. Yeah, just one head shot on you, and it's basically over. Doesn't even have to be that close really.
Yea, It's definitely very frustrating, but I agree I doubt it will change. I've been tossing over in my mind if I can attempt the same CQC style with a Parallax and a 6x scope. It would obviously be a lot harder than with a Ghost because of the increased zoom and the reduced fire rate, but then at least the shots against the shielded heavy would still work.
I used to do CQC with the RAMS/SR-7 7x before the short range snipers. It works for sure. Watch my olddd videos Also I made a GIF showing exactly why it's not balanced.
Seems fair to me. To counter, you should've just turned on YOUR oversh..oh, right.. xD Keep up the videos, and keep sniping the good snipe! Stay Fr0sty