NSO Suggestions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by neostatic2009, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. neostatic2009

    -) Add Robot Voice Pack as Default.

    Unsure Why We don't have a Synthetic Voice Pack already. VS has one that you can buy. But we don't start out with one even though we're not organic. (So why do we have organic voices?)

    -) Add ESF and MBT vehicles.

    Enough said.

    -)Hover Vehicle Buff

    Needs the ability for Auraxium Directives.

    -)Add Max Directives

    -)Add faction specific Rocket Launcher

    -)Add Faction Specific Construction Buildings for ANT construction (or take away ANT's and Construction altogether).

    -)Add Custom Repair Tool for ENGI (We're freakin robots, give us a cooler looking repair tool)

    -)Add Custom Healing Tool for Medic (We're freaking GETH, give us a SCARY looking needle or something)

    -)Delete all default vehicles and gives us our own unique looking variants.

    Galaxy? We don't need'm. Valks? Ptuih gives us something else. Harasser, sundies, flashes, Libs etc? Delete'm all. We want something only we get.

    We need more suicide options like the MAX has.


    The explosion has issues going through a persons body. ENGI's don't die on the ENGI turret. Blast radius needs increased by 2 to 3 meters. I think it's default 1m range, needs a range of 3, Then taper it off at 4 and 5 meters respective. Also, increase damage done to construction buildings for suicide.
  2. neostatic2009

    -MEDIC abilities: Delete the Shield and Healing AURA abilities.

    Add Medic DPS buff aura (Increases Light weapon damage by 10%)

    Add Medic DEF buff deploy able. (Increases MAX shield and HP by 20%) - Replaces the deployable shield recharge. AKA we don't want to compete with F2P medics over shield ribbons. We want other XP methods.