[Suggestion] NSO Feedback

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shaymes, Jun 15, 2019.

  1. Shaymes

    i played NSO for a while as Main-Char and i feel that i get punished for that desicion.

    I have less weapons to choose from, like ther is no basic Battlerifle no regular sniper rifle no max no MBT no Faction aircraft, cant find an outfit becouse the faction hopping.

    so what an NSO need is one weapon each category thats only can have an nso character thats similar to the faction variant like a Bolt Action Sniper, a Scout Sniper , a Battle rifle, an Assoult Rifle, a pistol, etc, then we need a max with unique special abillity same for MBT and an Aircraft.

    so at the moment we pay for a realy cool Character Model but we loose a lot of weapon and vehicle arsenal the NSO weapons that are in the game missing all one thing, DPS
  2. vonRichtschuetz

    Since I mostly play LA lately, I'm not as affected by changing to NSO, but I agree, they're lacking options. What probably affects me the most is the inability to place spawn beacons.

    Also there are some bugged interactions with NSO characters.
    - Can't interact with terminals in player built bunkers.
    - Get damaged by friendly pain spires, if the owner logged off.
    - Can't fill Cortium into Refine and Refuel silos.