.75 ADS in HA is so overrated in the forum... you're already really slow because of the overshield, it's not like the ADS speed will make a difference. Btw, the Orion is pretty much the same as before, only that its hipfire is bad now (as with every other LMG) Not really, at really close ranges you can hipfire the same since the target is so big in your screen that you won't miss, at longer ranges I didn't notice any difference. The problem with the Orion now is at those not-so-close ranges where you would usually hipfire before but now you have to ADS, ADSing at those ranges feels kind of uncomfortable to me yet, but I think that's something I just have to get used to with time.
On that note, it's pretty absurd how many VS I see with NS weapons, especially HAs with the NS LMG. It makes me wonder, why the hell would you play as VS just to use a NS weapon?
Sometimes it's just easier to stick with one kind of recoil type, so you get used to it and don't have to use different weapons that behave differently. Of course if you face somebody with equal skill with their weapon, then you're probably ****** using an NS LMG anyway.
I figured it was an accuracy thing, or failing that was because of attachments. But the faction of lazer beemz and no bullet drop...using weapons that have no lazorz and bullet drop...I dunno. Just seems strange to me.
That isn't the 75% ADS nerf. The 75% ADS nerf was to something else (I think Recoil Angle or somesuch). Unfortunately since nobody is updating the spreadsheet anymore...