NS Sniper Preview via Bill Yeatts' Twitter

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AnuErebus, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. TheMish

    I think ESF's suffer SIGNIFICANTLY more from flak guns, and lock ons than infantry bullets, or dumb fire rockets.

    Especially when we're talking about making repeated hits on an aircraft with a sniper rifle.

    I think all aircraft should be buffed significantly in armor, but I doubt we'll ever get that.
  2. eldarfalcongravtank

    it could be a thing though since higby said it is supposed to be "anti-light armor" which includes flashes, harassers and ESFs as light armor (whereas sunderers, lightnings, MBTs and liberators are heavy armor). nobody is saying the sniper should one-shot fullhealth ESFs but allowing it to finish off heavily smoking fighters (~ sub-10-15% health) at mediumish range could be a realistic scenario
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  3. Hatesphere

    most aircraft already have enough armor to take a considerable amount of hits from flack and break off to land and repair. I think its pretty fine as is.
  4. Nintyuk

    Well actually I just remembered I posted this a while back:
    This idea in rifle form could work.
  5. Syphers

    Battle rifles ain't bad at all but you have to play Heavy so
  6. Nintyuk

    Engineer, Battle rifle + Unlimited ammo box= Perpetual solo sniping.
    Medic, Back line fire support and fall back healing.

    Not just Heavy.
  7. Revel

    I love this quote.

    Yet its perfectly fine for aircraft and vehicles to shell from hundreds of meters away into bases mindlessly.
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  8. Joexer

    If this AV battle rifle gets put in game... I want a battle rifle buff. srsly.

    also stop calling it an AMR thats tr battle rifle.
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  9. ColonelChingles

    Not sure if the AMR-66 was meant to mean "Anti Materiel Rifle 66".

    For example, consider the AMC and AMP, meaning "Automatic Marksman Carbine" and "Automatic Machine Pistol" respectively.

    It's possible that "AMR" stands for "Advanced Marksman Rifle" or something of the sort. It certainly doesn't feel like an anti-materiel weapon when shooting it.
  10. sustainedfire

    Looks fine. Give it to Engineers, Heavies, and Infiltrators.

    Let people plink away at vehicles. I'm sure it will fit into the game with ease- most entries to the game have been under-powered for some time now.
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  11. Stigma

    It would be really nice to have ONE option on the infil that would actually let you do something against MAXes...

    I'm just puzzled at why they want to put this on the HA. What HA would actually use this considering that they already have rocketlaunchers that perform the same role (presumably much better, I don't expect an anti-material rifle to do great damage even to harassers and ESFs).

    For the infil at least I think it would make sense if it was essentially a slow BASR with a fairly short 1HK headshot potential due to significant damage-dropoff, and also being one of the slower, if not slowest among the BASRs. It would fill the role of letting infils do at least something in fights there MAXes are swarming - at the cost of being poor at long ranges, and less effective against soft-infantry overall - a give and take tradeoff.

    Giving it to HA at least seems just silly. As if that class wasn't already best equipped to deal with armor as-is. It would be a huge boon to infils, but I have a hard time envisioning HAs even bothering to use it considering what they already have access to in terms of weapons.

  12. omfgweeee

    From your ps2 experience didnt u learn something? All AV inf tools OHK inf. Both AV turret and RL does, so i expect this gun to OHK inf with headshot.

    By that logic, only infiltator can get this weapon without become OP because he alrdy have OHK headshot sniper and this will no change a damn thing for him vs inf.

    As for AV dmg if it dmgs only light armor - esf, flash, harraser, MAX, valkary - i dont see how it will be OP in the hand of invisible guy, if u cant kill mbt lighting and sundys with it.

    As for which slot it should take.... probably cloaking to prevent SMG infs becoming OP, cuz if u cant cloak you cant get close to enem. to kill it with smg, but for snipers if they stay on safe distace to loose cloak it eill not be much of lost.
    Tl;dr only inf must get this if u dont want sniping HA and engys because i'm 99% sure it will OHK inf with headshot.
  13. Freedom Fries

    It seems a bit redundant for engineers and heavies to get. But giving it to infiltrators would be plain stupid. Can you imagine trying to find the bugger that keeps shooting you in the rear while you're trying to fight enemy armor?
  14. Alan Kalane

    WTF I WANT!!!!
    Maybe let it hit the weak spots such as the engine and stuff... That'd be 10000% cool!
  15. moriarrr-ceres

    I'm all for more av options for infiltrator but for me it will be only a NS lancer(with a better scope and without crappy charge mechanic...); I think it's a bad idea. And why not release a NS phenix or vulcan...........
  16. Sulsa

    I would rather have no Anti-Matter-Real-NS-Whatevs gun than have one that doesn't OHK infantry, can only shoot 100M etc.

    I would also like RLs to kill on a direct hit (including Lancers and Phoenix), all tank primaries to OHK on a direct hit as well as some other nerf rollbacks that were implemented to handhold newbs who stand still, in the open, in a war zone.

    This whole idea of putting something in game for 'oooooooh neat!' value and then hamstringing it is lame. I get the logic, I really do, but it's still lame.

    But I will still play and love unconditionally :D
  17. Cinnamon

    I wonder how many people would expect this to be a one body shot kill awp that you can use on infiltrator without even decloaking. Arf.
  18. Auzor

    Phoenix is not OHK.
    AV grenade is not OHK.
    Striker is laughably far from OHK.
    Lancer, even max charge, is not OHK.

    Shall we count max weapons too? Ravens, Comets, Pounders, Fractures, Vortexes?

    (AV-turret inf damage should be nerfed; and I would completely accept a rebalancing where RL do less splash/lower range splash/no longer OHK)

    I most certainly do not expect this weapon to OHK infantry with a headshot.

    A phoenix missile hits a harasser. It deals 750 dmg, *(1+2.2)*(1-0.39)= 1464 dmg, of the 2500 health. (58.6% of total harasser health).

    We give our shiny AV toy a headshot modifier of 1.5 (making it deal more damage for headshotting maxes, but making extra sure it won't headshot infantry. ).
    Meaning our lovely new toy, should deal at max 650 dmg.

    Lets suppose we go for a more modest -150% resistance for the harasser (same as tri-charge vortex).
    We want one hit to deal 20% of harasser damage.
    2500/2.5/(1-0.39)*0.2=328 infantry damage.

    So really, OHK are completely avoidable by playing with resistance modifiers, and with the headshot multipliers.

    For reference: an annihilator hits a harasser:
    1000*1.7*(1-0.39)=1037. About 40% of harasser health.
    Is 20% too high then? That depends on the rest of the stats..
  19. Tetholin

    Because there isn't enough long range AV options to abuse.

    Cracking idea SOE.
  20. HadesR

    Only the stupid ones.

    It shouldn't even OHK with a HS ..

    Lets keep some separation between AV weapon and AI ones .. Make loadout choices count