[Suggestion] NS Double Barreled Shotgun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Iridar51, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. Lucidius134

    oh wow i didn't even see the black hand lol. I thought it was just some commisioner reskin name lol. Revolver overload
  2. ZZYZX

    Why not?

    The Devs already killed part of the game by caving in to the crybabies, and giving the NC's once faction-specific weapon styles (shotgun) to EVERYONE, thereby effectively making all of NC infantry "common pool" with nothing truly unique.

    May as well just let everyone have everything. This game is dying anyway.
  3. Snoipeh96

  4. Jawarisin

    no maor shotgun
  5. Strottinglemon

    Make that an ES double-barrel. We need more faction diversity, not less.
  6. Goldmonk

    Well duh. "Alright gang! Line up for your daily shot of FREEDOM!"
  7. Ballto21

    What are guided missiles
    What are shotgun maxes (fastest max ttk in game)
    What are tank overshields
    What are fastest ttk esf noseguns
    What are 200 dpb weapons (op as hell if you can aim, luckily the nc cant)
    What are anti infantry gunnes with an effective range of a marauder but a OHK potential of a tank shell
    What are....you see where im going with this. The NC is the most developed faction at the moment and has some of the most interesting toys. Many of your weapons are very very good, unlike the 2-3 per category for vs and 3-4 for TR (buff zenith to be jaguar pls)
  8. pnkdth

    So, a shotgun which deals massive damage? No, thanks. We've already been there, and it sucked. Now LAs have Icarus JJs too...

    Also, wasn't it enough that NC lost their faction trait to NS with both side arms and their ES HA weapon(Baron AKA NS Jackhammer)?
  9. MarkAntony

    1. If you are talking ravens I'll give you that. If oyur talking phoenixes and saying they are OP then your are delusional.
    2. By a very small margin and they suffer in a magnitude of ways for it.
    3. Answer: Completely useless since it can't even prop up the worst performing tank up to par.
    4. I don't have enough flight time to talk much about it but in my experience the flying is more important than the weapon.
    5. roflol. balanced out by RPM.
    6. haven't tried the cannister since it was useless for 2 years. if it is OP now it needs to be brought in line.
    7. no I really don't. I could name 6 things in every faction just like you just did....
  10. Ballto21

    not everything i listed is op or godlike, but they are unique which is what the guy i replied to complained about
  11. Lucidius134

    I want the double barrel shotgun to not be crap so dont' make it NC specific b/c it will be god awful.

    I'm half joking but i also don't want it to suck b/c 1 group gets it
    You'd need to come up w/ 2 other shotgun types for the other 2 factions also.

    What if you had a double barrel energy shotgun. You could hold and charge it up for .2-.4 seconds up to 2 times and then reload the batteries?

    IDK I'm not sure that that would work well for the gun design and IDK what the damage threshholds should be.
  12. TheKhopesh

    I'm still wondering why the VS got essentially the Desperado Ranged, yet TR got the cotton ball burp gun and NC got the flour puff blowdryer.

    And both are easy fixes.

    For the T4 AMP:
    -Reduce bloom per shot by 25% (both hipfire and ADS)
    -Add 7 rounds per mag and keep the same # of reloads (so up ammo from 21/105 to 28/140)
    -Up fire rate from 937 RPM to 949 RPM*
    *This ups the TTK from it's current of 0.576 seconds to a TTK of 0.569 seconds. Compared to the free TR starter Repeater (which would still have a niche, as it has higher alpha damage) TTK of 0.568 seconds. So 1 m/s slower on the TTK, but that's not a hugely noticeable difference between the two.

    For the NC08 Mag-Scatter:
    -Add one round per mag and keep the same # of reloads (so up ammo from 4/24 to 5/30).
    -Change current ADS CoF and pellet spread (w/ choke attached to the NC08) to normal hipfire stats.
    -Replace current ADS CoF and pellet spread (w/ choke attached to the NC08) with Jackhammer standing still CoF and pellet spread.
    -Up fire rate from 120 RPM to 132 RPM (10% increase) and coincidentally this will put it 1 RPM below the new upcoming NS Blackhand.

    And TADA!
    All the pistols are now well suited to their intended environment, with specific niches, strengths, weaknesses, and are all more or less decent side grades instead of only the Spiker being decent.

    (Now while I haven't auraxed the Spiker or the AMP, I have auraxed the Desperado -which is a fair comparison to the Spiker now. And I've also auraxed the Magscatter.
    Though I do own the AMP, Spiker, and Magscat.
    That said, only the Spiker feels like it's any good in their current forms.)

    Here are some spot-on reviews of the three.

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