NS doesn't stand for Nanite Systems..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NCstandsforNukaCola, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. DFDelta

    FTFY :eek:
  2. Ownasaurusrex

    Best comment of forumside history
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  3. Gambitual

    I'm not gonna say this is a neckbeard fantasy, wow what a comment/insult, or that it is creepy or anything else. Because, in all actuality, the art is really nice and well done.

    All the artist did was personify the NS vehicles. And people like to take it out of proportion.
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  4. Yeahy

    Sadly, the reaction would have been different if he/she drew nanite system men.

    By the way, you frogot all the ns weapons :D
    Gl with that.
  5. LodeTria

    I like the Lib/Galaxy the most, although the Bulldog is pretty cute.
    Will the Valkyrie get a drawing too?
  6. DatVanuMan

    Faqing anime, HASN'T AMERICA HAD ENOUGH?????
    But dang, that Liberator...
  7. Ripshaft

    As someone who's been primarily spending their time on the flash these past few months, I'd better represent the relationship between myself and my flash to be more along these lines:


    .... but whatever so long as the schoolgirl is bloodthirsty and prone to random acts of aggression I suppose that can work too.
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  8. Buttwasp

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  9. MarkAntony

    reminds me of a certain kind of sisters. They too could be "spawned" at will.
  10. No_STG

    Goodness, these are just personified vehicles. Some of you have your minds in the gutter.
  11. Nexus545

    Yay for Nikki Nanite!
  12. MrGrampybone

    I don't understand this at all. What's the point?
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  13. Ankopaz

    I can't stop smiling at how awesome this is. Please tell pureboy to make more.
  14. DrPapaPenguin

  15. Whatupwidat

    Nice art and everything....

    ...but am I the only person who thinks the - mainly Japanese it seems - propensity for anthropomorphising tanks/vehicles to a point they're basically just "sexy women" is really REALLY ******* weird?
  16. Botji

    With the ammount of time the Flash spends on its back I find it hard to belive it really is underage.

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  17. BobSanders123

    What kind of professional military allows a third party arms dealer to sell weapons and vehicles to enemy factions?
    What kind of corporation that should be aligned with the New Conglomerate corporate council, sells weapons and vehicles to the enemies?
    What kind of future loving cultist who believes the old ways and old technology are useless, purchases those kinds of things despite their hatred for them?

    It doesn't make any god damn sense.
  18. Nurath

    And forumside degenerates just that bit further into debauched darkness...

    Regarding the OP, surprised it didn't happen sooner, turbo-virgins will fap to anything, even their waifu tanks.
  19. tgipier

    The ones that gets some "envelope" during "business meetings/trips" with the NS upper management ofcourse.
  20. -Synapse-

    I've gotta admit, that turret dog was adorable.