NS Decimator Worth Buying?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alectfenrir, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Alectfenrir

    Hi all,

    I know this has been answered numerous times before, But I just can't get a clear answer to whether I should buy the NS Decimator or not. I personally love NS weapons, and I also want it because as a goal in Planetside 2 I want The Kraken rocket launcher.

    But then again the question is, is the Decimator worth getting over the standard rocket launcher?

    Extra question: If anyone here owns the Kraken, does the miniature black hole the Kraken creates do anything? (like suck people inside?) and whats the benefit of the Kraken over the Decimator?
  2. JonboyX

    You should just carry the AA rocket launcher. The extra damage of the deci is downsided by ammo and versatility.
  3. Targanwolf

    Are you referring to the LANCER ?
  4. BlueSkies

    Without looking up the numbers (so I may be incorrect)... iirc the Deci has stronger on target damage but lower splash. So if you're good at hitting what you aim at, its better than the standard.
  5. JonboyX

    No, because that's an AV weapon (not AA).
    I'm referring to the Hawk, or your empire's equivalent.
  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    no, he's referring to the Grounder/Hawk/Nemesis anti-air launchers that can lock onto aircraft as well as dumbfire. they are very versatile as they can deal with maxes and vehicles but still be an effective deterrent against aircraft

    one year ago, the Decimator's advantage was much more pronounced as it dealt much more damage per missile. but that was (surprisingly) nerfed then and it only does a bit more damage than default launchers. meanwhile, its ammo (one less missile in reserve) and velocity disadvantage remained untouched. in my eyes, the Deci is not worth it UNLESS you're pro at one-shotting ESFs with infantry launchers, then it would be another story as it excels at this
  7. _itg

    I'd second the suggestion to get the AA launcher. I waited much too long to get mine. Aside from the actual lock-on functionality, It's easier to hit distant ground targets with it than the standard launcher (to say nothing of the decimator), thanks to the scope.
  8. \m/SLAYER\m/

    it's situational - kill enemy ESF, good against MAXes, or Flash rumble seat.. but it weak against Sunderer and maybe Galaxy too.
    well, "easiest" way to get Kraken - is unlock Decimator, because achieve auraxium with Annihilator will take eternity...
  9. LibertyRevolution

    I do not think the decimator is worth carrying how it is now, lower velocity is not worth the extra damage.

    Decimator: Velocity: 60M/s, Damage: 1,335, Ammo count 4, 5340 total damage.
    ES G2A Lockon Launcher: Velocity: 100M/s, Damage: 1000, Ammo count 5, Total damage 5000.

    I would rather have the ability to lock onto air, and have almost double the velocity, than the extra damage per rocket.
    The only think Decimator is good for is shooting maxes and low hovering ESF.

    I have decimator, annihilator, and the ES A2G launchers, and it is the ES A2G that are in my default loadouts.
  10. Ikarius77

    Default + AA launcher until you get both auraxium medals... usually, you will get plenty of Certs to expend later in the game and if you really want the Kraken you will have to buy the Deci...

    But of course... damage minus magazine and proyectile speed... don't worth 1000 certs... never.
  11. SerasVic

    they do not share the same damage resistance types so don't compare them like that
  12. Targanwolf

    For the Vanu.....what is the name of the recommended AA weapon ?
  13. eldarfalcongravtank

  14. Koldorn


    First, and probably best heavy purchase I've ever made.
    Works just as well as the default launcher against all ground targets, even arguably better as pointed out above; because it has a small scope.
    Gives new / semi new players a non-resource costing something to point at air. (Which default load-outs are severely lacking in.)
    And, it even comes in frozen fish purple; because properly accessorizing is more important to any real VS, then having a weapon that actually works.
  15. Targanwolf

    What am I not understanding ?

    I went to the VR and tried the Nemisis. It has a 5 shot capacity. The weapon description says LOCK-ON,but I saw nothing that indicated the weapon had locked on to the tank I was shooting ?
    Can someone spell it out ...the ins and outs of the Nemisis ?
  16. Tommyp2006

    Don't really think the decimator is worth using at the moment. It's got a longer reload speed, lower velocity, more drop due to low velocity, and lower splash, in exchange for enough extra direct damage to OHK an ESF. If you want a dumbfire only launcher, carry the default. The only reason I'm still using my decimator is because it's the one I'm closest to auraxiuming.

    The Nemesis only locks onto aircraft. The Hades only locks onto tanks. The Annihilator is the only one that locks onto both.
  17. Pikachu

    G2A ML was the first weapon I bought too and it was my biggest disappointment because on release these weapons were absolute sh**. The speed and turning radius were garbage.
  18. MajiinBuu

    I like the Decimator when I'm sneaking around tanks. 2 Decimators in the rear kills a lightning. 1 C4 + Decimator kills an MBT. 2 Decimator shots kills a liberator (biggest plus for me)
    But yeah I usually go with the Nemesis (G2A Launcher)
  19. Danath

    Same with the G2A
  20. LibertyRevolution

    What do you mean they don't share the same damage type?? They are all "Dumbfire Rocket Launcher" damage type.
    We are not talking about phoenix and lancer which have their own damage types...

    Do you see decimator as a damage type on that list?? No you don't..