When/where/how to get it? Anyone have a video of it? What's different about it? I must have missed this sometime
Either get lucky and get a promotional code from SOE, likely will be in twitch streams, or went to the last SOE live. It's just a cosmetic knife that has lumifiber on it. I'll post a picture of mine when I get home. Edit: Found a picture from google images, can post an in game image later if you want it
The items like this are dissappointingly only available to those who have the disposable income, time, and dumb luck to attend the SOE live events. Stuff like this should also be available via the in-game shop as a commemorative item (so every time someone gets killed by it, they think "I remember when that event was" not "Oh look, someone who had the sheer luck to have the option to attend". Going in person is the big issue here. Some of use live just an hour or so drive away, while others would have to spend hundreds of dollars just to fly out there. (Seriously, I've talked to some people who looked into what it would cost them to fly out there, and found that the cheapest it would be was over $700 USD just in round trip travel expenses alone. That's not even counting the entry fee or merch at the SOE event.) Then there's others still, who often just cannot attend. IE, cannot get the time off work to allow for travel, have sick relatives counting on them (I fall under both of these myself), and some people just don't have the disposable income to drop on gas, food, and entry fees just to attend a -relatively- minor event. So they should be offering these types of items as a "support the company and commemorate our events" rather than "we demand you come out to see us in person or screw you, you unwashed masses. We only care about the loaded and/or lucky folk who can attend". That's why I liked last year's PS2 Anniversary bundle. Decent price, good rewards, pretty reskinned weapons to commemorate it, and available without requiring you to dump a small fortune into stopping by in person.
You didn't HAVE to attend SOE live to get it, Higby has given out codes in various locations for them a couple of times, which is how I snagged it. Watch the Higby Pls stream on twitch, I bet he'll give away a few of them there.
+5,000,000 players for PS2 alone, 10 free copies TOPS. You should go out and buy lotto tickets if you're that lucky! (Congratulations, by the way. That is awesome you got one, and I am genuinely happy for you. )
World wide, PS2 had over 5,000,000 active separate accounts as of January 2014. If anything, I'm probably a little low on that 5 million player count after so long. (There is a 5,000 player logged in at any given time per server limit though, is that what you're thinking of?)