NS-15M > NS-15M2... Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Foxirus, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Foxirus

    I checked the PTS version and the current live version.. Not a single difference between these two weapons is shown. Why is it's name being changed? What is the point?

    Another thing, Will the Platinum Versions be affected by this name change?
  2. Pelojian

    hmm have you checked to see if one of them is listed on the exceptional directive screen on PTS?

    they might be trying something like TF2 does with vintage/non-vintage tags. (basically in TF2 they do a pass, all current weapons get the vintage tag but newly crafted or random drops are non-vintage)
  3. Nody

    I wonder if they will separate the stats; having an existing NS15 and then buying the new one for directive leveling would be nice as it's one of the best LMGs in game...
  4. Goretzu

    Doesn't the new one have an unfolded stock?

    To be honest I don't mind them doing this for cosmetic purposes, they have to earn some $$$'s.
  5. TheScavenger101

    This game would never try to use concepts from TF2, this is a serious wargame....oh wait. Never mind.
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  6. Pelojian


    [team fortress 2] = [Modern hat simulator]
    [planetside 2] = ['Future' Sci-fi hat simulator]
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  7. Flag

    Obviously the modern - future makes it completely different! Duuh!
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  8. patrykK1028

    Whats NS-15M2?
  9. SerasVic

    Maybe they are count as separate weapons and so you can auraxium both?
  10. Flapatax

    Not sure if that's supposed to be a condemnation. Anyone that wants PS2 to be a "serious wargame" is an idiot.
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  11. Casterbridge

    I need to try this weapon again, everyone keeps saying this but I never found it to be that great, which is kind of odd cause I really like the NS-11A.
  12. RIctavius

    Soon to be "future knife simulator".
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  13. sindz

    HS/NV scope, grip, soft point, flash suppressor - hands down the best LMG in the game.
  14. LibertyRevolution

    It is the closest to an AR you can put on a heavy.
    You have to go for headshots, but the gun makes them so easy, the bullets actually go to the crosshair.
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  15. Fellgnome

    I wouldn't put it past them to just sell renamed guns. Can't even blame them either, 'cause you know people would still buy them too. I don't even know why people bother with gold or black weapons when you can just camo everything whatever you want.

    I guess it goes along with directives though, now people have an extra motive to farm kills with different skinned weapons that really shouldn't count as different weapons except of course...so people will buy them.
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  16. Bobman23

    Some of us do want PS2 to be more serious. None of us expect it.
  17. Cransoon

    I honestly have to disagree with this. It's great for long range, and has a good reload, but the TTK in CQC is just too terrible to justify with how often I find myself within 20 meters of an enemy (pretty sure it's the worst TTK on an LMG in the game). I know "go for headshots", but there are some situations where that's just not viable, and you have no chance of out-DPSing your enemy.

    As far as the name change, my guess is that it has something to do with the NS-15MB and NS-15MG that they're releasing. But I could very well be wrong on that.
  18. Tommyp2006

    Currently, the textures on the ns15m are bugged so that the default camo on it is black. Instead of just changing this, they're making a seperate version, so that the one with the correct default camo is the ns15m2, and they're letting everyone who has the old version keep it, and just not selling it that way anymore.

    basically, it's like how the old shank you very much decal was red regardless of faction, and when they changed it, they let people who already had it keep the old red version, while changing the store item to be faction specific.
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  19. Bankrotas

    Anchor and GD-22S are best Heavy Assault Rifles, thank you very much!
  20. Dramaticus

    confirming that if you arent some sperglord with hands literally shaking in rage because ANOTHER VS REDEPLOY then yeah the NS-15M is a headshot machine